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I wish I could say that I don't constantly text, but that would be suuuuch a lie D:

I think that people text, because it seems more personal..

Like, if your in a crowded elevator, you don't have to gush to your friend about your boyfriend out loud, so the old ladies stare at you.. Text it out, more privately.

That's how I see it.

But nobody needs to text constantly, like their live depends on it.

An unlimited-texting plan is so much better, if you just neeeeed to text. xD

Without it, it's been such a money-waster for me.

Texts are fine, I just never really have an occasion to text. Some people go way overboard, though; my friend can not only text at a million miles per hour, but can do it in her pocket! And I rarely use my phone for anything. In fact, I'm sooo technologically inclined that I once tried to plug my cell phone into a USB chord to charge it. :)

My parents are strict so I don't have a phone...yet. Texting is kinda fun. But when people start spelling things wrong and with symbols and numbers that bugs me. :angry:

I barely text. At the end of a week, there's never any more than 200 messages in my inbox.

I get free texts.

I <3 to text. Can't help t.

I have exactly 300 messages in my inbox

I emptied it 4 days ago.

Dayum I need help

I text 24/7.

I'm addicted. I <3 it!

I'm texting as I write this xD

I empty my inbox which holds about 300 i think [?] every few days.

...I'd hate to lie.

I text constantly.

No kidding. My phone is always in my hand.

I empty my inbox (which holds 200) at LEAST twice daily... o_o;;


I HATE texting!!! It really ticks me off when someone who is supposed to be driving their car is texting while driving!!! I almost had someone hit me while they were texting and not paying attention to where they were going!! I think all cell phones should not have this capability. We don't need it. Cell phones should just be what they were originally made for: talking!! I'm surprised more people aren't killed because of these morons!! Get rid of texting on cell phones!!

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Okay so my phone can't text very well and I can only send 80 texts before I'm outta minutes. That's why I'm asking for an LG Banter for Christmas due to the keyboard and good texting deals. The only thing that annoys me is when my sister gets her phone out and texts at the exactly wrong time! xP It's very annoying.

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I can't be bothered texting.

Honestly, face-to-face conversations amuse me a lot more.

I haven't turned on my phone for about two weeks and it doesn't bother me.

Sometimes I forget I even have a phone. I only ever use it for emergencies.

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i mean, seriously, i'm not allowed to text, and lots of ppl sends fowards, and stuff like that. what's so great about phones and texting?
who here doesn't like texting or sees no point of it?
My first post!

anyway. i used to be like that but when i got my phone i loved to text. its just really so you dont have to talk withyour friends or are embarrassed to talk out loud with friends on the phone. atleast thats what i text for. but you also got emailing so i guess it all depends on what u like to do.

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Eh...I'm not really a big fan of Cell Phones to be honest.

And even if I did want to get a Cell phone plan or w/e...

It just wouldn't be worth it. I'd hardly use. It's not like I really

call my friends up in the first place. And if I were to text someone, I'd only really

want to text my best friend in America... :l

Which would cost much to much.


So yeah. Really not much point of it in my life.

I HATE texting!!! It really ticks me off when someone who is supposed to be driving their car is texting while driving!!! I almost had someone hit me while they were texting and not paying attention to where they were going!! I think all cell phones should not have this capability. We don't need it. Cell phones should just be what they were originally made for: talking!! I'm surprised more people aren't killed because of these morons!! Get rid of texting on cell phones!!
Not all people text while driving.. So if you were to remove texting from phones, what about the people who are sensible with texting? >.<

I find it easier to text.

My mom had to put me onto a different contract (30-day one, but still) because I was using up my old thing too quickly (500 texts plus the £15 you pay each month). So now I have unlimited texts and 350 minutes, all for just the low, low price of £15 a month! :'D And now, they're doing a reward thingy for being on T-Mobile: 3 months of free internet on my phone! Just for paying £15 a month! 'Tis a beautiful thing. <3

xD I got a little passionate there.

But like I've said before, I love texting. It's a way to talk to friends' during class without moving your mouth! 8D

^ I envy you. xD

I love texting. Like Kendal said, 'tis a wonderful way to talk to your friends during class. :) I've only got caught once.

Texting is good for emergancies, texting my mum etc. But I like texting because it keeps me in touch with my old best friend who moved down south.

And it's a good pass time.

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