Teachers! mainly female topic mature boys allowed


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huh? Our school has passes where u can use the bathroom 2 times a day, that doesnt count if u use it during lunch or when chaning in the locker rooms. I dont think ANYONE goes to the bathroom more than 4 times during school.... I dont even have to use the ones at school...

I tend to use them as little as possible for 3 reasons:

~unorganized queing

~quite often they stink

~most have broken locks so you can get bursting on


I made this topic as at the minute Im sacred that back at school i might leak :(

Don't most if not all schools have an open policy on the bathroom? All through school, we were always allowed to go when ever we wanted to. I even have one of my old hall passes for that. :lol:
Then you can go between classes for those schools where you change rooms and get that 5 minutes between classes.
Our teachers allow you to go when they feel the time is apporiate.


Our classes are 2 min's apart and mostly on different levels inn the building so we have no time.


So we wait till the teacher tells us we can or at lunch :blink:

I tend to use them as little as possible for 3 reasons:~unorganized queing

~quite often they stink

~most have broken locks so you can get bursting on


I made this topic as at the minute Im sacred that back at school i might leak :lol:
Ours are ok but people write really nasty stuff on the wall tat is disturbing...

Our teachers allow you to go when they feel the time is apporiate.~~

Our classes are 2 min's apart and mostly on different levels inn the building so we have no time.


So we wait till the teacher tells us we can or at lunch
Same here basically

My teacher allows us to go anytime we want, except when she's teaching. But if its you gotta go reeeeeal bad and you're about to soil yourself, she let's you go.

At my school(Primay/Elementry), the teachers let the primary 1's, 2's and 3's out when they need, but in primary 4, 5, 6 and 7, you HAVE to go at playtime/lunchtime, but I think it's un-fair. We have this thing called 'Activity points' in primary 7, and if you ask to go to the toilet, then you lose one(unless it's 'cause of your period), it's un-fair, as these points help you go on trips and get to do fun things away from school. Sometimes, we get to go, like when we're ready for gym and you're waiting for the rest of the class to get ready, or if you're red and BURSTING.

In 5th grade you have to put the peace sign up on your fingers if you have to go during class and you have to use 'potty sticks' which are popsicle sticks with your names on them AND you have to use a pass key to get into the building cuz the 5th grade rooms are out in the portables.

School starts tommorow. D=

And yeah, I think both genders should be able to go to the bathroom whenever they feel like it. In my school, you are not aloud to go to the bathroom untill recess or lunch, or after your done your work. I find that rather unfair; I'm scared that one of these days I'm gonna have my monthly and leak. D=

Maybe my teacher this year will be nice enough to let you go whenever? =|

Nothing annoys me more than a teacher saying "You should've gone after lunch" when you ask them to go to the bathroom. It makes me feel like kicking them right in the head. Another one of the excuses I hate is "There's already so and so amount of people at the bathroom. You can wait until one of them gets out" That annoys me because, I didn't have to go during lunch, I really have to go and I don't really care how many people are at the bathroom already.

And it also depends on the teacher. Every teacher has their own rules and using the restroom. Some teachers have a signout sheet or just let you go whenever you want, and some teachers you have to ask to go, and some teachers are strict and will only let you go at a certain time. I mean, the teachers can go whenever they want. And also, the teachers tell us not to talk to eachother while walking down the hall, meanwhile they're bumping in to other teachers and start lecturing each other. And they don't even do it quietly. I really think the teachers should put themselves in the students' shoes sometimes.

And now, to wrap this loooong entry up, yes, I think girls and guys should be able to go the bathroom whenever they have to, as long as they really have to go and are not going just so they can meet their friends and start fooling around.

Nothing annoys me more than a teacher saying "You should've gone after lunch" when you ask them to go to the bathroom. It makes me feel like kicking them right in the head. Another one of the excuses I hate is "There's already so and so amount of people at the bathroom. You can wait until one of them gets out" That annoys me because, I didn't have to go during lunch, I really have to go and I don't really care how many people are at the bathroom already.
And it also depends on the teacher. Every teacher has their own rules and using the restroom. Some teachers have a signout sheet or just let you go whenever you want, and some teachers you have to ask to go, and some teachers are strict and will only let you go at a certain time. I mean, the teachers can go whenever they want. And also, the teachers tell us not to talk to eachother while walking down the hall, meanwhile they're bumping in to other teachers and start lecturing each other. And they don't even do it quietly. I really think the teachers should put themselves in the students' shoes sometimes.

And now, to wrap this loooong entry up, yes, I think girls and guys should be able to go the bathroom whenever they have to, as long as they really have to go and are not going just so they can meet their friends and start fooling around.
*points to The bolded*

I Strongly Agree with you.

I find it Very Annoying When Teachers Say "You Should have gone During Lunch"

Surprisingly, I never Went to the Bathroom Once during the School Year for Grade 8. Since I Didn't Drink much of anything (maybe a Cup of Water or Two, But thats All)

One Kid in my Class in Grade 8, He asked for the Hall Pass. "Walked to the Bathroom" And Cut Class. (That School was really Lame when it Came to Discipline(sp?). Like, A Person Could Swear Profanities At another Student, A Teacher Could be standing 2 feet away, And The Teacher Wouldn't even Do anything about it)

(I'm Staring Grade 9 on Wednesday)


In Other Words, If Guys and Girls Really have to use the Bathroom, For Reasons Un-Related To Actually having To Go to the Bathroom (Like, Just to Put Make-up on, Talk on your Cell Phone, talk and Stuff) Then They Shouldn't Be able To Go to the Bathroom, But if They have an Actual Reason to Go to the bathroom (Like,Changing Pads, emptying out His or Her Bladder, Stuff like that) Then They Should Go.


I had to pick up rubbish at school once, just for using the loo. It was "that time of the month" too!

Maybe it's because it's primary school. But why does it matter?! Some people (who I pity) have periods in primary school! It's not like we WANT to go to the bathroom, toilets at our school are gross. I mean, people sometimes throw toilet paper at the roof.

You know how sometimes you have something happen just before you get your period? Like stomach cramps and having more vaginal discharge? For me, I go to the loo A LOT. Yet I still get into trouble. I'd like to give my teacher a good kick in the pants, really, I would.

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WOW! You posted this right as I'm having my period. AHMAZING! xDWell, I know what it feels like to have a leak. You have to pull you shirt down all the time so nobody will see. I don't have ANY time to change my pad during the school day. Just 8 hours of discomfort and feeling blood pass through. UGH! The teachers don't let you go, and you only have 4 minutes to get books from your locker and run to class.
Lucky, I only have 2 minutes of passing period. My teachers will only let you have one hall pass every 2 weeks. ONE!!!!! Geez... :p :( ;)

Most teachers were understanding with me, only one that wasn't was this woman who taught Grade 9 computer class. You got 3 passes the entire semester and nothing more. If you ran out and had to go, you had to serve detention. It was rather ridiculous. Luckily how she treated others got her kicked out of school :)

At my school(Primay/Elementry), the teachers let the primary 1's, 2's and 3's out when they need, but in primary 4, 5, 6 and 7, you HAVE to go at playtime/lunchtime, but I think it's un-fair. We have this thing called 'Activity points' in primary 7, and if you ask to go to the toilet, then you lose one(unless it's 'cause of your period), it's un-fair, as these points help you go on trips and get to do fun things away from school. Sometimes, we get to go, like when we're ready for gym and you're waiting for the rest of the class to get ready, or if you're red and BURSTING.
Yeah that is really annoying :angry: It's p7s that are most likely to have it-ever heard of a five year old having theirs? And when girls have it it's not like they want to tell the freakin' teacher about it, espeically if it's a MALE teacher :D

My teachers know that girls DO have periods in school hours so they allow us to use the toilets but strongly encourage us to use them in lunch breaks and before school.

The boys are allowed to use them too quite often but mainly girls because of the larger amount of girls in our classes.

Being punished for going to the loo is stupid. I mean, it's not anybody's fault that they need to go. And who on Earth goes when they don't need to?

I vividly remember a 5 hour flight to Singapore. I went to the loo four times on that flight. Do you really think I WANTED to use the aeroplane loo four times? (I actually needed to go at the end of the flight, so I squished my buttocks together and waited 'till I could get out. Of course, since I was being escorted and I was with another girl, I had to wait until I got my luggage and that took forever.)

Sometimes the toilets really stink at our school. Like anybody wants to go. Some people are so unhygenic, not flushing toilets and throwing wet toilet paper up on the ceiling of the toilet block.

I've always been allowed to go to the loo from years 1-5. However now I'm in year 6 and have a different teacher, my homeroom teacher sometimes doesn't let people go. There was once a time he drew a toilet on the board and wrote the names of people down who went to the loo during class. Once I got my name on the toilet list with two ticks next to it. And it's not my fault. My English teacher (who is now acting principal because our old principal left so she no longer teaches English) let me go but she was like, "Hurry up! You're not year 1!" And she's female. Yes, female. She SHOULD understand.

If you have your period but are too embarassed to tell the teacher, write a note or get your parents to write one. Hopefully the teachers will understand.

my teacher is really nice but when it comes to the toilet i just try and ask my lsa because if after lunch she either says you should of gone at lunch or wait till home time it annoys me very much she probably lets you go 2 maybe 3 times a day but thats it

so i think every one should be able to use the loos when they want [SIZE=6pt]especially the girls hehe joking [/SIZE]

I think boys and girls should be able to use the bathroom when they need to. Even though guys don't have periods, they still have erections. If it is an emergency girls/guys ahould be able to use the bathroom if they have to, not just if they want to talkl to someone or something.

One time last year in 8th grade I was in DMC. I had drank a whole can of soda during lunch and had to pee. I asked and she said "when you finish your work", so I rushed through it not caring if my anwsers were right then asked if I could go. She gave me more crap to do. I finished that and she gave me even MORE crap! It went on and on for 3 WHOLE HOURS! I held me pee in for 3 WHOLE HOURS! I had to go so bad I started CRYING! I almost peed myself! I kept begging and begging to go but she didn't let me. I thought about just running out of the room and to the restroom but stupidly I DIDN'T do that! I hated that teacher. Her classroom, EVERYDAY, smelled like farts! I hated her so much. Finally she let me go and I ran down the hall to the bathroom and FINALLY went!

That teacher should have gotten in trouble! Making me hold soda pee inside me for 3 hours! You people who drink soda should know how fast it goes through you. I'm lucky my bladder didn't explode.


One time last year in 8th grade I was in DMC. I had drank a whole can of soda during lunch and had to pee. I asked and she said "when you finish your work", so I rushed through it not caring if my anwsers were right then asked if I could go. She gave me more crap to do. I finished that and she gave me even MORE crap! It went on and on for 3 WHOLE HOURS! I held me pee in for 3 WHOLE HOURS! I had to go so bad I started CRYING! I almost peed myself! I kept begging and begging to go but she didn't let me. I thought about just running out of the room and to the restroom but stupidly I DIDN'T do that! I hated that teacher. Her classroom, EVERYDAY, smelled like farts! I hated her so much. Finally she let me go and I ran down the hall to the bathroom and FINALLY went!
That teacher should have gotten in trouble! Making me hold soda pee inside me for 3 hours! You people who drink soda should know how fast it goes through you. I'm lucky my bladder didn't explode.

I haven't had a teacher for a few years that just wouldn't let you go. I had a science teacher last year that said right from the get-go that he would not let anyone go to the bathroom in his class. He said if you showed a up just a few minutes late because you were using the bathroom that it was okay. But once a girl really had to go and she asked at the begining of class so he let her go.


I don't have the same teacher for 3 hours like you said in your post. I'm in 8th grade now, and our class periods are about 40 minutes long. :D



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