TC House 2!


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Doomer grabs the Ikemen Mametchi basketball, and says, "Himespetchi will come and get us all if we don't stop using him as a basketball. We must hide the Ikemen basketball before a raging Himespetchi wreaks havoc."

(ok for some reason my post got deleted so I'm going to re post it with a "kid friendly" type way >_>) so she came out of her room after being in there on tumblr for who knows how long and noticed the ikeman mametchi and started laughing at how he looks like a basketball and said while laughing "hey ikeman mametchi basket ball? omg Jeressa and some other people remember Pedo Ikemen Italy? ; )))))) xD"

Teri heard what Savy said, and replied "OMG I remember that! xD"

Blue sits in the corner and watches while eating a cookie. "Yum...cookie," she mumbles into the wall.

hey look guys im making a post

ealla welkd en, thru cler 4 men et evriwun end welked out k bbz

Dazzmina pulled out Ikemen Mametchi and shoved him in Himespetchi's face. Himespetchi immediately started a screaming fit and Dazzmina knocked her unconscious with a bunch of Tama-Gos. When Himespetchi woke up, Dazzmina was bouncing Ikemen Mametchi on the floor. Himespetchi screamed and tried to steal the Ikemen Mametchi Basketball. Dazzmina bounced it out of the way, glad she was good at basketball. They immediately started a very noisy and violent game of basketball, Dazzmina trying to get the "ball" away from Himespetchi. Promptly, Dazzmina scored in the goal and some random person blew the whistle meaning the match had ended. Himespetchi burst into floods of tears and ran away screaming. Dazzmina smiled and stabbed Ikemen Mametchi.

"This is a TC House 2 Role Play," EMF says coldly, glaring at Dazzmina. "Not a kill Ikemen Mametchi Role Play."

She knocked Dazz unconcious with her entire Tamagotchi collection and snatched the Ikemen Mametchi basketball. She magically revives him and comforts Himespetchi. Then she turned to Dazz again and narrowed her eyes ominously. Then, in a slow, quiet voice, she said, "I'll give you a taste of your own medicine."


EMF sent Ikemen Mametchi and Himespetchi to capture a bunch of dolphins. Then she and Ikemen Mametchi and Himespetchi got the sharpest knives and stabbed the dolphins with all their might, smiling as they watched the blood come out. Then EMF started bouncing the dolphins around like basketballs. Ikemen Mametchi and Himespetchi joined in the fun, scoring baskets and bouncing the dolphins all over Dazz.

**sneezes** Where am I? Oh, TC House.....

I wake up, goes to Doomer and puts a fork down his pants. Then, I join Kiki with bouncing bloody dolphin basketballs on Dazzmina.

"Welcome to the game, Pixie!" says EMF, tossing a bloody dolphin basketball to Ikemen Mametchi, who eats it for supper. "See Dazz? Now you know how I feel about you harming my sweetie-pie!" she says, looking down at the unconcious Dazz on the ground with dolphin organs smushed all over her clothes.

Dazzmina got up and changed into a purple t-shirt and purple trousers. Then she secretly crept outside and grabbed the stabbed dolphins. She magically revived them and put them back in the sea. Then she went to EMF and said to her: "This is only a roleplay. Do you honestly think I'll get more upset with your dolphin post then I will with my own profile picture?"

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"Oh, sure, have a cookie!" Blue chirps cheerfully, pretending not to notice the....dolphin....stuff...behind her. She hands cookies to Matt and Doomer, and shouts, "COOKIES FTW!!!"

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