Read first (Key)~
Matt is black
Hungary is red
Jeressa is Orange
Savy is pink
Kiki is this dark green color
And Paul is blue (I believe he is this shade of blue)
**drives up in car**
"Oh Wow! So, this is the TC House. I wonder what the inside looks like."
**opens door and gets out of car**
"Thanks Paul for the ride here. Hungary are you coming?"
"Yes Dear I'm getting out now."
"Sweet, do you need any help with that luggage?"
"Yes, Please."
**picks up luggage** "Ok bye Paul Drive the car back home... Wait Paul! No going out and drinking like last time when we got back the house was empty. Whoever you let in stole ALL our furniture and I don't want that to happen again."
"Yes Matt. I won't do that then" **Drives away**
"Poor Paul. He is a really bad judge of character."
"Don't feel bad for him he got all our furniture stolen. TO be honest I'm not sure he didn't just sell it."
"I told you Paul wouldn't do that."
"Hun, I caught him going through your Jewlery."
**Jeressa interupts our conversation** "Oh there you are we havy been waiting for you!"
**Savy chimes in** "Yes come inside play animal crossing with us!"
"Ok cool. Umm Jeressa Where is our room?"
"Oh I hope it is something nice What type of furniture is inside."
"Please make it nice Jeressa, If not I will hear about it all night tonight. Pleeeeeaaaaase!"
**Long pause from Jeressa** "here is the inside"** Opens the door**
The House has a dark red carpet running on the floor through the Hallway. On it you can clearly see Wheel Chair marks that stand out like a soar thumb. On the walls there is Pasta drawings. In a couple places the molding closest to the floor has little holes in it that appear to be a place where mice live.
"EWW!" Hungary screams. **waking Kiki who is sleeping on the couch with lemonade on the table next to her**
"Hello, My name is Kiki. My name used to be EMF but you know... The yes dance..."
"OMG you know it too. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!"
**elbows hungary** "Not now."
"Oh Sorry."
"Anyways Jeressa our room is nice right?"
"...... Sure?...."
"Sorry We ran out of rooms last time so you don't have a room.. Well you have a place to sleep but it isn't a room."
"Oh Gawd, What is it, Jeressa, that we are sleeping in!"
"Well it is kinda a umm...."
"Jeressa! What is it!" Matt and Hungary say at the same time.
"Jynx! you owe me a coke!"
"It is kinda a..... Closet. Don't worry it is a walk in closet and it is big enough to sleep in but It is a closet and you can tell. It smells of moth balls."

"Calm down it is not her fault Matt."
"Fine. Take us to this mythical closet."
**Jeressa Opens the door to reveal this HUGE closet the size of a Gymnasium. Most of the walls are covered in clothes but it is HUGE! Although it reeks of moth balls**
"Jeressa is it safe to live in here?"
"Probably Not.."
"Can we please have a different room"
"We do have one more room but... you won't want to sleep there"
"Hahaha why not Nothing can scare me out"
"It was Iggy's room a long time ago he used to do rather... bad things in there like Rituals and stuff... It is supposed to be haunted..."
"Ghosts Schmosts! Let me sleep there."
**Jeressa opens the door and the bed is levatating**
"See told you" **Turns around No one is there but she sees a smoke trail. She follows the trail to see me hiding under the couch with Hungary trying to pull me out**
"Ghostsss........... Not getting out from this under this couch"
**Jeressa whispers to hungary Loud enough for me to hear** "You should get him out of there the underside of the couch is haunted too"
**Matt Screams and somehow manages to get himself stuck on the shandaleer**
"China! I choose you use Wok attack on matt!"
**Matt falls off the shandaleer. Only to be dragged to his room**
Edit: I know this is long but I have not been here before and I needed to set me up in the story BTW my room stays that darn closet. Edit again: sorry this is my first RP I did not know I wasn't supposed to control other people I wont do it again.