~Tammie's V5 Log!~


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Hia Guys.

Apologies for the post about the Dating Show when I said that Kody was going to write in Brown. He's actually going to write in this Colour.

Here are the Moons with their update.

Hello. I'm Elmer. I'm a Mousetchi.

Hi. I'm Tangy. I'm a Sakuramotchi.

Hello there. I'm Kody and I'm a Mattaritchi.


Cute eh?

Ok, I'm now, also, going to write about my Pink V4. When I update about her, it'll be in This Colour.

Well, It's a Girl called Pecan who is an Otokitchi at the age of 19. She's a project to see how long I can keep a Tamagotchi alive. The record is 145 Days. I'm aiming to beat that.

She will talk in This Colour.

Say hi Pecan.

Hello Guys. I'm Pecan. Pecan Sunshine as People voted in my old Log. Well, It's nice to be in a V5 Log.

I'll type again when I can.

Hello guys! It's Pecan. I'm 20 now. Tammie had a little celebration for me. She says every 10 Days she's going to celebrate. Heh heh. Apparently I'm her longest living Tamagotchi.

That's Pecan with her update. Here's the V5's update.

All(except Pecan): Hello! We've evolved!

It's Elmer. I'm a Mamekatchi.

Tangy here! I'm a Chamametchi!

Hello! Kody's Talkin'. I'm a Bakutchi.

Awww! Gotta Go! Bye!

Hello people! It's Pecan! I'm 24 now. That's really made me happy. So, do you want to know what happened to the Moons? Couse you do.

Hello. Tammie's back!

Well, Tangy's a Love Zukintchi.

Elmer's a Kuromametchi.

Kody's a Mukugetchi.

Elmer's using the Dating show and has just married a Chantotochi.

They've evolved.

•Elmer is now a PapaKuromametchi.

•The Chantotchi(Called Casey) is now a Mememamatchi.

2 eggs!

They've hatched.

•The First Hatched is Boy. A Mimifuwatchi called Sam.

•The Second Hatched is a Girl. A Mimifuwatchi called Lilly.

They're a 10th Generation Smart Family!

I'll post when they evolve.

Yeah, I forgot to update.

Well, Sam and Lilly evolved into sweet Toddlers.

Sam became a Mousetchi.

Lilly became a Sakuramotchi.

Today, whilst I was having my Tea, They evolved again.

Sam is now a Mamekatchi.

Lilly is now a Chamametchi.

Oh, Sam! Lilly! Say Hi.

Hello, I'm Lilly. The Chamametchi. Me and my Annoying Brother, Sam, are the Smart Family.

Actually Lilly, YOU'RE the annoying one.

No, you are.

At least I'm not a Sucker!


Ha! A Teenager and you still cry! Wa Wa Wa like a Cry Baby.

SAM! Stop it! Be happy you actually have a sister! She may be younger than you but you should show respect to her. I never liked this person called Elmer in my Old Tamagotchi Log, but I never, EVER was mean to him. I'm 26 now and he's a Great Grandad now and I still don't like him but I never call him a Sucker!!


But nothing Sam, I think Pecan is right, now go to you're room.

WAAAA! *runs up stairs with a temper-tantrum*

Th..Th.. Thanks P..P...Pecan.

You're welcome sweetie.

I wonder how long Sam will be up there.

Well, I got the Moon's bonding up. It's 80% now. The Growth Charts say that they should evolve tommorow into a Mametchi and a Chantotchi. Well, Why don't we get back to what happened yesterday......

*The next Morning when bonding was up to 80%*

T...T...Tammie? P...P...Pecan? L...L...Lilly? I'm Sowwy. I wwon't be..Be MmmmMean a..a...gain.

It's ok Sam. *hugs* Hey, I made you a Chocolate Chip Cookie! *hands cookie*

It's alright Sam. I know you didn't mean it.

It's alright now Sam, you apologised and that's good. By the Way, Lilly worked hard on that cookie! It took her 3 Tries to get it right.

Thanks Lilly. That cookie's Lovely!

Thanks. I also made one for Pecan because she's 27 now but she didn't want it. I ate it instead.


Well, it turned out alright then.


I have news! Pecan, you go first.

Ok Tammie. Well, I'm 30 now and what a Joy it is! Now I have 116 days until I've beaten the record! Tammie, don't let me die.

Of course I won't. Ok, Sam! Lilly!

OK Tammie. Well, I'm a Mametchi now. A Tammie expected.

....and I'm a Chantotchi. We also have 90% Bonding! We only need 10% more now.

Ok, That's the update!

Ok, I got the Mame Family for the Moons on Gen 11 by Marrying Sam to a Chatotchi with 100% Bonding.

Then after the Mame Family I got a Blended Family on the 12 Gen.

So now I have:




They shall talk soon but here's Pecan:

Hello all. I'm 36 now. Hooray. Ok, I'm going into the Bath now so Bye!


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