*Introduction*[/SIZE]Hello there! Tammie's Back.
I have here, this new Tama Adoption Centre!! Where just like a REAL Tamagotchi!
They start of Being a Toddler, Then they evolve, Marry, get Post, Earn Money and Lots More!!
I know I have had many Adoption Centres in the Past, but they have Died...
Sorry if I am a Space waster.
[SIZE=14pt]Now, [/SIZE]
~Tamas for Adoption~
The Little Toddlers

*Reserved no Name*

Favourite Food:Muffin
Description:A quiet helpful little Boy, this little fellow will love you to peices.

Favourite Food:Grapes
Description:An Active, funny little Girl. She loves to Dance and is not afraid to show of her Talent!
Only 2 Today, just a starter.
You start of with 200gp.
You earn your money by the Gotchi King. Who comes through post!
You use your Money to buy food and things for your Tama to care for it! Be sure to keep track of your money!
Every so often your Tama will get post!
Fortune Letter
♥ <--- That is the Sign for Health! Get 3/3 on it and your Tama will be Garanteed to be Healthy and not get sick!
£ <--- That is the Sign for Money! Get 3/3 on it and you may just get a visit from the Gotchi King!
^_^ <--- That is the Sign for Evoloution! Get 3/3 on it and your Tama Might evolve in the next 24-48 Hours!
On this your Tama might get the Robber. Have a Visit from the Gotchi King. Get a Love Heart. Snake or a mess.
Robber: Takes away 2 Happy Hearts and steals Gotchi Points!!
Gotchi King: Fills all Happy Hearts and gives gotchi Points!!
Heart:Fills 3 Happy Hearts!!
Mess:Takes away 3 Happy Hearts!!
Snake:Takes away 2 Happy Hearts!!
!Important Letter!
Your Tama can go to Pre-school when it is a Toddler.
Your Tama can go to School when it is a Teen.
Your Tama can get a Job when it is an Adult.
♥Caring for your Tama♥
You will need to take care of your Tama.
With Gotchi Points you can buy stuff from the Shop (coming soon)
If you ask, I can give you your Tama's stats!
All you have to do is feed it. Cure it when it's sick. Love it. Clean up it's messes and it will love you forever!
When your Tama is an Adult and it's been an Adult for 2 Days, it can get Married!!
I shall tell you when it is able to get Married. You can Either.. Marry it to another one of your Tamas that you Adopted, or you can ask me to show you some Tamas and you say whether you want it to Marry a Peticular one.
~Tammie~ :mimitchi: