Tamatown's Town of Tamas (2nd Try)


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21st October 2012:

Lily and her family went to another planet in a UFO. It was some very strange planet, and looked like a desert.

EDIT: Pictures are coming tommorow by the way.

Halloween special behind the scenes: Your wondering what costumes the Tamagotchis are going to wear, huh? Some will wear fairy and flower costumes, and Spot and Mocha costumes!

P.S: Thanks for making this Page 3, guys! :D

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Hey guys! Well, you probably know, but I am running my Tama-Go! Woo!


Currently it is..that character

:p (You know I don't know names much ;) )​

Anyway, lets move on!



This is her playing with her ducks! Haha! Do you like the 'burn' frame? Since it's Halloween soon, from now on, this will be the frame!



Being tired from all the duck dancing, I decided to send her to Kuchi's Chinese Restaurant! She ate Fried Dumplings! (Great...now im hungry...

-_- )​


Then to the park, but there was nobody there..


Continued in next post.

Great news! My V4 works! Now all 3 of my Tamagotchis work. I thought it was broken (because I dropped it). But luckily, it was just the battery! I'm running it!


Yesterday, I took a picture of it when it hatched. I paused it at night, not sure why.


Here's a picture of the cute Babytchi!


She was licking her lips when she saw the lovely jam sandwich at the shop, but we had no money for it! I promised her I would buy it later. Onto the Tama-Go!


Since she was begging me to go to the park, I took her this time and she saw Chamametchi! They had a lot of fun.



We saw a lovely remodel at the store, but then we decided to stick with our nice rare one.


Thanks for reading!


Halloween Hatch

Happy Halloween everyone! Instead of my Tama-Go, I am also joining in with my V4. I hope thats alright. Anyway, before I go trick or treating, onto the entry!


Here she is. Aw,cute! ;)


We decided to play jump rope. It was fun, but she didn't do enough jumps to win lots of GP.


We decided to go shopping, too! TamaTamatchi, at least your shop's UFO was on sale. 50,000? Seriously?


We decided to save up for a nice lolly instead. Yum!

She evolved into a toddler now. Her stats:

Hungry -

Happy - ♥ ♥ ♥

Training: |

0 YR

32 LB

Name: Leala

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Halloween Hatch!


Leala evolved into..this character. I was supposed to show her getting GP but whatever xD


Yay, I found it!


She went to meet her teacher for the first time. Although she was a little shy at first, they got to know each other well! :)


The teacher handed her a little present. What was it?....


Her first rucksack! Cute!


She was very happy!

That's it for today!

