**TamaTown PROBLEMS - DISCUSSION** (Now closed)


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A friend of mine is having the same problem, (The big arrow pointing to the rafting game and zero English.) and was asking me what was wrong with it. I tried it too, it was actually kind of funny, or it would be, if the site hasn't been down for months already. I went on another site called "Is It Down Right Now", it pings the servers of websites (That you can type in.) and tells you what the response time is, and well, if it's down or not. I got this:


(JPG quality, I was using Snapbucket on my phone. :p )

Even this site doesn't know how long it's been down for. Maybe we're seeing some weird testing or something, I hope they don't just leave it like this.

It sucks for me, then!!! All I have is V5, V6, Tama-Go, and NONE of those Tamatowns work! < :(

Tamatown for the tamgo is only in Portuguese when i go to the website and I cant click on english or anything and the Portuguese site only allows you to play One game and there is no login anything what do I do?

Bandai finally replied back to me. Here:


We understand your distress and are indeed partnering with web designers as Tamatown continues to go through maintenance. No word yet on what or when results may show. Please stay posted to www.bandai.com for official news.

Thank you,

Bandai America

Customer Service

-----Original Message-----

From: uhttpd@baiphp-web02.bandai.tv [mailto:uhttpd@baiphp-web02.bandai.tv] On Behalf Of jennyxxfasho@yahoo.com

Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 7:40 PM

To: Bandai Customer Service; webmaster

Subject: Bandai.com Contact Form: TamaTown done forever?!

Subject: TamaTown done forever?!

Category: Comments regarding our web sites

This is a Complaint


Hello, I am just outraged with your companies service in keeping TamaTown down! You guys are not fixing it! I am a hard core Tamagotchi lover, and I am just furious because of your companies "Attempts" to fix this problem! It has been so long since I've gone on TamaTown, and I miss it dearly! Is your company fixing this or not?

Email Address: jennyxxfasho@yahoo.com

First Name: Jennifer

Country: United States

Heard about us by: Word of mouth

Computer operating system: winxphome32

Computer operating system version number:

Internet browser: safari

Well, at least that's something. :)

I guess we'll all just have to patiently wait.

I went to the Tama-Go product page on Bandai's website the other day and I clicked the link to go to TamaTown (the URL is https://new.tamatown.com ). However, even though the language choices are English, Spanish, and Porteguese, only Porteguese is selectable. Is it supposed to be like that or have they not fully implemented the other two languages yet?

EDIT: I see this has already been discussed. Sorry. It's that "first post anxiety" type thing when we don't know what's going on and we forget to read everything else first.

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Hey everyone, I just joined so please bear with me if i'm saying something that has already been said.

Anyway, I just got my first TamaGo, and it took me forever to find a link to Tamatown that was actually Tamatown and not some site in Portuguese with one rafting game available. I found this website; https://www.tamatown.com/ and when you click on it all it says is OK. Like literally just OK.

I think Bandai just gave up and is like OK BYE.

Hey everyone, I just joined so please bear with me if i'm saying something that has already been said.

Anyway, I just got my first TamaGo, and it took me forever to find a link to Tamatown that was actually Tamatown and not some site in Portuguese with one rafting game available. I found this website; https://www.tamatown.com/ and when you click on it all it says is OK. Like literally just OK.

I think Bandai just gave up and is like OK BYE.
Welcome to TamaTalk!

People have tried contacting Bandai about the issues with the website and they have said that they are working on fixing it. It seems that the only progress that has been made with TamaTown is that one mini-game in Portuguese. But hey, progress is progress! :p

I'm more then a little disappointed I never got to experience TamaTown. I found my Tama-Go in a local store last week for $8.00 and got 4 additional figures for $1.00 each, all still in their respective packaging. It was definitely a steal, just a shame to find out that some of the features are no longer available due to the site being down...

Does anyone know about the Music Town online access? They had many copies of still-packaged music town Tamas but I wasn't sure if I would run into the same problem with those as well.

Music City uses the same town as the TamaGo. All of the websites are down. All except one tiny section but its not for any connection to a tamagotchi. Its not English, its Portuguese. ( Likely due to the people making the site parts, being in another country)

Europe's Tamatown seems to work like it should. Its the Bandai America website having issues, diconnecting...etc.

Music City uses the same town as the TamaGo. All of the websites are down. All except one tiny section but its not for any connection to a tamagotchi. Its not English, its Portuguese. ( Likely due to the people making the site parts, being in another country)

Europe's Tamatown seems to work like it should. Its the Bandai America website having issues, diconnecting...etc.
Is it possible to access the Europe version of the site for my own use? I've tried some links provided but it always loops me back to the portuguese Tamatown on the US site.

TamaTown has been down now since MAY 2012. That is 9 months! It's just absolute B.S. that it takes that long to "fix" whatever was wrong with the website... Bandai seems totally obtuse to its customers, I think this activity now (with the rafting module up) is just to placate the bad press that they, perhaps, finially got a snoot full of - by visiting this site...

And the fact that these products (Tama-Go & Rock Star Music City) are still actively sold new on places like Amazon and eBay, are part of the problem... As new users / buyers expect to be able to use their new products on-line as advertised on the packages. There's probably something like a class action law-suit (threat) that can be brought against Bandai for false advertising or something here... But it would most likely not help the cause.

Bandai just needs to communicate opening with those making inquiries: NOW!

I hope they will fix it. <_<

FYI, if anyone wants to review backnotes on this situation, you can look at the original (now locked) TamaTalk thread below:


All the best.


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for a long time I thought it was just me experiencing problems with the tamatwon, like my account got deleted or something... but it is even more depressing to know that the website is down for everyone

I don't get why they think that they have the right to shut out one of their best products! After everything that Tamagotchi has been through they decide to first let Tamatown go down now they say they are going to "fix" this problem is ridiculous! Its like they think tamagotchi is... is... too... OLD! It's not! Yeah sure just because it's lived over 15 years it doesn't mean people can't have any fun with it anymore! One of the best things about Tamagotchi was TamaTown! I miss TamaTown so much! I say we fight! Who is with me?

P.S. A little thing for Bandai! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Tamatown has only changed to this Portuguese thing for about a month or two now. It took them about 6 months until they did ANYTHING to it. Bandai IS Lazy, but thats because they are doing other things as well, and the last tamagotchi in america (and Australia) was the Tama-Go. So Tamagotchi is not the priority at the moment. Just give them another month or so and TamaTown should be back up.

I'm not checking this thread again until March, To stop wasting time, we should lock this thread until something from TamaTown happens or an email saying somthing important, like that "Web Designer" email.

Bandai finally replied back to me. Here:


We understand your distress and are indeed partnering with web designers as Tamatown continues to go through maintenance. No word yet on what or when results may show. Please stay posted to www.bandai.com for official news.

Thank you,

Bandai America

Customer Service

-----Original Message-----

From: uhttpd@baiphp-web02.bandai.tv [mailto:uhttpd@baiphp-web02.bandai.tv] On Behalf Of jennyxxfasho@yahoo.com

Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 7:40 PM

To: Bandai Customer Service; webmaster

Subject: Bandai.com Contact Form: TamaTown done forever?!

Subject: TamaTown done forever?!

Category: Comments regarding our web sites

This is a Complaint


Hello, I am just outraged with your companies service in keeping TamaTown down! You guys are not fixing it! I am a hard core Tamagotchi lover, and I am just furious because of your companies "Attempts" to fix this problem! It has been so long since I've gone on TamaTown, and I miss it dearly! Is your company fixing this or not?

Email Address: jennyxxfasho@yahoo.com

First Name: Jennifer

Country: United States

Heard about us by: Word of mouth

Computer operating system: winxphome32

Computer operating system version number:

Internet browser: safari
That email tells me that they have hired a web expert to find the problems why we cant log in and, since its a web designer, he/she could possibly recreate TamaTown! Either the page showing at "new.tamatown.com" is a flash object just standing in while they take the site down for maintenance, or they have broken the site even more. :p

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