Here's something I'm happy to hear!I emailed Bandai about Tamatown and They said that there isnt a specific time or date the site would be back up and to retry our visits.They also said the usual clear your cache of you're on IE

.I'll copy and paste it in the morning.Never mind here it is!
System response and access time may vary due to internet traffic, system performance and other factors.
If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, then any time you see glitches the likely cause is caching as the system may be visiting the site from a previous and timed-out session. If so, please clear the cache of temporary files etc.
Now refresh the page, and revisit at a later point in time. From time to time, servers also go under routine maintenance but we could not give you a specified point in time to retry your visit.
Thank you,
Customer Service
Bandai America
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 1:26 PM
To: Bandai Customer Service; webmaster
Subject: Contact Form: Tamagotchi Tama-Go Tama Town
SUBJECT: Tamagotchi Tama-Go Tama Town
CATEGORY: Comments regarding our web sites
This is a Question
I've been having trouble logging into the Tamagotchi Tama-Go Tama Town.I was wondering when the site would be back up and running.
Email Address:
First Name: Nicole
Country: United States
Heard about us by: Word of mouth
Computer Operating System: macosx
Computer Operationg System Version Number: 10.6.8
Internet Browser: safari