Software engineer and dedicated tamagotchi fan Luc Rubio is working to reconstruct all versions of TamaTown and make them available on the website linked above. I found this from Tama-Palace on Tumblr, here's a link to their comprehensive post on this: https://tamapalace.tumblr.com/post/172004493601/
Rubio is detailing his progress on this project on his GitHub page: https://github.com/loociano/tamatown
This is really exciting news! I made a status update a few months back asking, "I recently discovered that even though Club Penguin has been removed by Disney, many people are hosting rewritten versions of it on private servers. Is there any reason that somebody hasn't done this with any of the versions of TamaTown, especially the TamaGo one? I miss those so much!" I'm so happy that this is actually being done. What are your thoughts?