TamaTown after Flash Player EOL (End of Life)


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Jun 8, 2018
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So...Some of you asked me what is going to happen to the https://alexgtama.tk and https://famita.ml TamaTown sites after Flash Player reaches its End of Life (December 31st 2020). @SilicaAndPina and I have decided that the sites will NOT be discontinued and instead they will run on the standalone version of Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Flash Projector). As some of you already know, there is a project being developed to put Adobe Flash Player back on the internet (https://ruffle.rs). So, because it is under active development and its not stable, we have decided that we should wait for a stable version to be released and then implement on our sites (although @SilicaAndPina has already implemented it separately on the V5 TamaTown just for the sake of it). Further instructions regarding the use of Flash Player Projector will be provided at the end of December. We will not allow TamaTown to die so easily. We have done so for years and we will continue! We are as excited as you are! See you soon! Stay safe!  :D

That is wonderful news.

I'm more into the Dream Town game because I adore the aesthetics of the anime and the game itself is too charming to just fade away, but I still whole-heartedly support those who'd rather support TamaTown.

Well, Flash is gonna be Thanos-snapped off the face of the internet in a few hours.

I just want to say thank you so much for granting access to these games after their official shutdowns, especially Dream Town in my case.

And I wish you the best of luck in incorporating them to Ruffle so that we can continue to enjoy them in 2021 and beyond.

to play tamatown after 2020, you can use adoobe's official "Flash Projector" here- https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html

you want the one thats simply labeled Download the Flash Player projector , this is basically a standalone version of the Adobe Flash Player that is

not reliant on any browser, and i already checked and the "killswitch" isnt present in this version.

When you open it you'll see a white square window-

: image.png

from there simply go "File -> Open" or just press CTRL + O


now just enter the url to the main swf file for whatever game- like

v5: https://famita.ml/pc/famitama_shell_patch.swf?init_site_lang=en

friends: https://famita.ml/friends/prelauncher.swf?

e-tamago: https://famita.ml/etg/pc/flash/tamago.swf

uratama: https://famita.ml/etg/urapc/flash/uratama.swf

i know this workaround kinda sucks but hey im not the one who decided to kill flash player in browsers :D

also- ruffle has 0 support for AS3 atm, which means friends is basically out- v5 sorta works, and i havent tried etamago and uratama yet-

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Thank you for contributing to the community. However, personally i would neither support using less up to date browser forks nor older versions of Flash. Sure, everyone can try out whichever alternative they desire, but the method that @SilicaAndPina and I describe is just the most viable alternative in terms of updates and no interference with browsers after 2020. That's all i have to say. Stay safe! 

So...Some of you asked me what is going to happen to the https://alexgtama.tk and https://famita.ml TamaTown sites after Flash Player reaches its End of Life (December 31st 2020). @SilicaAndPina and I have decided that the sites will NOT be discontinued and instead they will run on the standalone version of Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Flash Projector). As some of you already know, there is a project being developed to put Adobe Flash Player back on the internet (https://ruffle.rs). So, because it is under active development and its not stable, we have decided that we should wait for a stable version to be released and then implement on our sites (although @SilicaAndPina has already implemented it separately on the V5 TamaTown just for the sake of it). Further instructions regarding the use of Flash Player Projector will be provided at the end of December. We will not allow TamaTown to die so easily. We have done so for years and we will continue! We are as excited as you are! See you soon! Stay safe! :D
sorry to ask you this but can you fix exiting minigames if you can, if you can't (because of a missing swf file) its fine, its just a small annoyance.

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