I remember a time, when i woke up in the morning. Quickly logged into Tamatalk.com, and had a feeling of a race to be the first one, with the best answer to someone's tamagotchi question. It was a small pleasure to feel this sort of.. Helpful feeling.
There was even a whole summer i could practically not peel away from my PC because i wanted to help so badly.
This is now but a dream... A dream that past by like the night. What happened to Tamagotchis? Where are all the people needing help. Where are the post? The frequency of people logging on an posting new topics. Before now, your post would be pushed out of the recent topics within minutes. Now it may take a day, sometimes two.
In this year alone, everything feels like a decline.. And it makes me sad.
Tamagotchis have basically disappeared from media in North America completely. There is not a thing we can do..
I used to ask and answer questions on a daily basis about tamagotchis. Now im surprised if i can even find a topic about the versions i have.
What can we do? What would we do?
How could we increase popularity in Tamatalk and Tamagotchi once more?
I'd love to hear any of your suggestions and answers on what you may think. Because i'd love to get back to the glory days of tamagotchi once more.
There was even a whole summer i could practically not peel away from my PC because i wanted to help so badly.
This is now but a dream... A dream that past by like the night. What happened to Tamagotchis? Where are all the people needing help. Where are the post? The frequency of people logging on an posting new topics. Before now, your post would be pushed out of the recent topics within minutes. Now it may take a day, sometimes two.
In this year alone, everything feels like a decline.. And it makes me sad.
Tamagotchis have basically disappeared from media in North America completely. There is not a thing we can do..
I used to ask and answer questions on a daily basis about tamagotchis. Now im surprised if i can even find a topic about the versions i have.
What can we do? What would we do?
How could we increase popularity in Tamatalk and Tamagotchi once more?
I'd love to hear any of your suggestions and answers on what you may think. Because i'd love to get back to the glory days of tamagotchi once more.