TamaMatty's Tama Log!(Take 2)


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I'm Writing This as I'm Watching a Katy Perry Performance

I couldn't think of a title for this log,too so I just typed up what I'm doing at the moment...

Anyways, I should have logged yesterday for Flora's teen evolution, but I just figured, "Since Mabel is going to evolve tomorrow, why not just write one big log on Saturday?" So here we are.

iD L

Mabel became a Sabosabotchi yesterday, just like I wanted her to! I tried to take below average care of her so I can get an interesting character, but I lost track of how many care mistakes I gave her, so her adult evolution will be a surprise, I guess...


Flora became a Obotchi yesterday. Not a Young Mametchi,like I had hoped, but she is still pretty adorable! I like the fact that when she gets happy, her hair lifts up. ^ ^~ I thought that she would evolve into her adult stage today, but she didn't. I haven't used my v3 in a while, so I didn't know that they teen stage lasted for 3 days instead of the usual 2.

(Nemo the Mametchi on my 20th Anniversery Mini is still doing well. I think he's only about a week old, since I put him on pause so much.)

No status section today. I have to get ready for my uncle to pick me and my sister up so we can go to my grandmother's house.

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Ah, Christmas time! The smell of peppermint scented candles from Bath and Body works Wafts through the air as people fight over the last toys on the shelves of Toys R Us. With all the buzz of the holidays, you'd think I would be busy doing family stuff and what not, but still I sit at home, writing logs about my pixelated, derpy looking pets who I treat as newborn children :D . I just wish the weather was colder in my little part of California. The closet things we get to snow is chilly mornings :( . Anyways, enough about me! Lets shift the spotlight to the REAL STARS OF THE SHOW!

iD L

Mabel evolved into a PuchiPutchi yesterday. She looks like a pretty mermaid! She got three of her Happy Symbols, the shaved ice, the ocarina, and the princess tiara. I think that I'm going to keep her a little longer the usual. I usually let my iD L Tamagotchis marry after getting their last Happy Symbol, but I think Mabel will stay with us a little longer. ^_^


Flora is now a Pyonkotchi! AHHH SHES SO CUTE! SHES A LIL' TUBBY CUSTARD! (like me..)

She is not a real needy Tamagotchi, as she only loses hunger and happy hearts every few hours, so she is the perfect moral support for the nightmare that is school. She should be start getting match maker visits by Thursday, so Flora won't be a bachelorette for long! (*sniff* they grow up so fast!)


Name: Mabel

Version: iDL

Gender: Girl

Species: Puchiputchi

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 28 lb

Generation : 4

Points: 855 p

Name: Flora

Version: 3

Gender: Girl

Training: 9/9

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 38 lb

Generation : 1

Points: 1521 p

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Short Update...

Hello, TamaTalk! Fist of all, I want to apologize for the lack of logs recently. My stupid computer lost wifi connection for like, two week for no reason. But I'm back finally! I'm not doing sections 'cuz I'm trying to get to bed early. Anyways, Flora on my v3 got married to a Kuchipatchi and had a baby girl named Nelly. The funny thing is, Nelly became BILL for her adult evolution. Nelly unfortunately, died this weekend. :( I'm currently raising a girl named Gigi, who evolved into Young Mametchi this morning. Mabel on my iD L married a Paintertchi, and had a baby boy named Wilson, who is currently paused as a Mametchi.

In other news, I received a Tamagotchi Friends for Chirstmas today! I have no idea how my family got their hands on it, considering it came out three years ago, but that's besides the point. The actual Tamagotchi is blue, with the front of it being white with multicolored stars. Although I understand why a lot of people weren't a big fan of the Tamagotchi Friends, I actual enjoy playing with it! I view it as an improved version of the Tama Go, with new characters and games and stuff. I'll write a proper log for the Tamagotchi Friends tomorrow. See you then! I hope you had a merry Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/any other winter holiday you celebrate/ a nice day in general!

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Another Log I Have No Title For...

Coming up with non-cringey titles for my log that relate to what I'm going to talk about is harder then it looks...

Anyways, today was a pretty eventful day for my Tamagotchis, all except for Gigi on my v3. She's still the same little Young Mametchi. ^_^

iD L

Wilson the Mametchi earned his last Happy Symbol a few hours ago, so we headed to the Date Palace. There, he met a charming little Makiko, and quickly feel in love! Wilson and her had a bouncing baby girl, whom I named Tiffany. I neglect Tiffany while she was a baby, since I had taken perfect care to the five other girls I've raised on this Tama, and they all became Kingyobotchis...

Poor Tiffany evolved into a Rolutchi, and feel asleep, sick. :(

Tamagotchi Friends

I started up the Tamagotchi Friends I received as a gift yesterday, and I'm currently raising a Neotchi named Bianca. According to this growth chart I found on Google, to get the character I want, Harptchi, I have to play tons of games to make my Tama have the Active personality, and then SEVERELY NEGLECT HER. It was extremely hard to watch my little friend suffer through out the whole day, so Harptchi's sprite the Friends better look super cute!

(No status today again :( )

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Hellooooo, TamaTalk! And Happy New Year! Sorry for not posting for long time, I've been kinda busy/lazy over the past week, but I'm back! (Finally...)

This log is pretty long, so I'll divide it into two parts.


Gigi evolved a Megatchi into a last week. I geuss I didnt take very good care of her. :/ Then, a few days ago,her battery died, and I didn't replace it, as I've decided to stop running my v3. But y'all have to wait till tomorow to see what Tamagotchi I'll be running next! >:}

Tamagotchi Friends

Bianca the Neotchi became a Decoratchi last week! Not a Harptchi like I wanted, But she was still super cute! When she turned six years old, we visited the Date Palace, where she met and married a handsome Knightchi or a Mametchi I forget. :/ They ended up having a baby...


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Okay, I was going to make the second part of THE MEGA LOG (trademark) today, but a bunch of stuff came up, and I'm really tired, so the second part is coming tomorrow for sure! I promise!

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Hello, TamaTalk! As a said, I wasn't able to post yesterday as I was super busy. But it's time for last part of THE MEGA LOG!(trademark)


So, I decided to run my v4! I'm putting the battery in right now... I hit download, and found a baby boy named Hark! He'll evolve into a toddler around 10, and a teen probably on Sunday.

Tamagotchi Friends

So, Bianca and her husband had a baby boy, who I named Danny! After an hour being a baby, he evolved into a Turtletchi, and then, two days ago, a Neotchi! Yesterday, he evolved into an adorable Righttchi!

Well, that's it for THE MEGA LOG (trademark). It was really fun trying something different, and I might think about doing something like this again! See you soon!

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This Log is Going to be Kind of Short

Hello, TamaTalk! I just started school today, so I'm really tired. Both of my Tamagotchi's have been on pause since Sunday, so I'm not doing sections. Hark evolved into a Hawainotchi (a universal teen :/), and Danny the Righttchi married a Yumemitchi, and had a baby boy named Tobias, who is currently a Mitsumarutchi.
