tamagotchu log lol.


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Hello everyone :D Long time no post! So I recently came back from my vacation to my home country. Which is a place somewhere in Asia. I know where it is but I do not want to speak of it. SO... GOOD NEWS! I am getting a





It costed a fine 21.00 dollars in total. It will be coming in 18-31 days which is a long wait but its worth it! I WILL be logging on it! Oh and uh... about my other tamagotchis... I tabbed up my Music Star for vacation so it wouldn't die (It's also an Onputchi now) and I THOUGHT I could be able to take care of my V5 while I was on vacation so I left it untabbed. And with all the parties and swimming and going to malls... Well it went back to the tama planet. WHICH IS SO SAD! But actually that was my first time experiencing it. So its back up and I will continue logging it until I GET MY NANO! By the way its pink. I don't know what the design is... Well its covered with cherry blossoms... anyways bye! I'll start posting tomorrow.

Hello everyone! Thank you for making my log "HOT" lol. Anyways, as I promised, I will start posting tomorrow! Okay! So about my V6, I'll keep that tabbed up... I promise you I will start it up again in the future :)So! Sometime yesterday, when my dad bought me my NEW NANO, :D I got an e-mail saying it was SHIPPED! Yay! So now its somewhere in... probably at... a japanese post office? Or on a truck, a plane... Lets say it could be ANYWHERE by now! And yes, I still have to wait a BOOORING long time, which is if you don't know, 18-31 days. Which feels like a century for me. Everyday when I get back from school, I race down to our mailbox to see if theres a letter that says its at the post office. Yes, I got something from Japan before. And there was this other time but I was in Japan.. soo... Oh wow, me, GET TO THE LOGGING POINT!

OKAY, sorry for that long and dull... paragraph. So, about my v5! I've got a MIMIFUWATCHI (control chara.), OMUTUTCHI, and a FUTABATCHI. Fed them two fried eggs and two gingerbread churches just so they could fill up they're EMPTY hearts. And then one of them pooped. I wasn't able to catch it because they just did right now and I'm still logging. And I probably should put up some pictures! But... my phone is somewhere in my luggages and I can't seem to find it. So, once I find it, I PROMISE you there will be pictures! Anyways, back to the point, my tama got sick after writing that... sentence... and of course I got them some medicine :) Thats probably all for now because I'm hungry and I need breakfast. Its 7:00 a.m. here.

Hey everyone :D guess what came in the mail today, THATS RIGHT! MY NANO!I will be making a new log for it and because this log has failed.. I still havent found my phone Dx
