I'm not sure if I'm the only one excited by the World Tamagotchi Tour that was announced a couple months ago. Japan & France have both made announcements for their own schedules, as well as releasing Stickers for the World Tour with limited download codes.

Unofficially, "World Tour" was said to pop up (or at least named) in San Diego Comic Con & at a Launch Party in New York. No announcements for a World Tour have been announced through the official Tamagotchi Uni site nor on any social media site.
I'm worried that there won't ever be any event in the United States, or at least, that there will be events, but just unannounced through any official means and for no way to collect the stickers.
As of right now, it costs around $50 (more/less) per sticker for any of these downloadable codes, with no other foreseeable way to get than to order overseas. Please, correct me if I have any of my information wrong. I'm very excited for the Tamagotchi World Tour to hit the United States and to be able to possibly take part in and have a chance to collect these stickers, as well.
Does anyone have anymore information on the World Tour or what are your thoughts on the event?
Tamagotchi World Tour Announcement (Tamagotchi Official Website - News: United States)