*The design and artwork displayed below is the sole property of graficks (Adam Swanson) from TamaTalk.com. The ideas and creative artwork are meant to be enjoyed for entertainment purposes only and do not reflect any actual product to be released from BanDai. Please do not copy or distribute this artwork without permission.*
Hey everyone!
Over the past week I've had some spare time to work on a really fun project: creating the next Tamagotchi! As stated above, the artwork displayed is only for concept and entertainment purposes and is NOT a reflection of an actual product from BanDai. Before I go any further, I want to let all TamaTalk members know that this idea was inspired from all of you. Your ideas, discussion and contrast are all a part of the concept I created - so thanks for giving me all of this creative energy. I hope you all enjoy looking (and dreaming) at the next greatest Tamagotchi! So...
This concept is based on an English format and would be available around the globe (because I know how much everyone out there really wants an updated colour-screen Tamagotchi in English!). Let me elaborate a bit on the rebranded Tamagotchi.
Tamagotchi VIBE brand
The Tamagotchi VIBE brand idea is inspired by a feature commonly found in most small, mobile devices: a vibrating alert. With advancement in technology (especially mobile phones), I thought perhaps this new Tamagotchi VIBE could incorporate a slight vibrating alert to let you know when your Tamagotchi is hungry, stick, or generally just needs attention of some sort. This, of course, would require additional battery strength. Most of you are aware that the current Japanese ID L requires 2 AAA batteries, the VIBE would require 3. The extra battery would increase the weight a little, but nothing too serious as it would allow us to enjoy this new feature.
The word VIBE is also associated with modern music and good feelings. For example, "Have you heard that new song? What a great vibe!" or "I'm sending you good vibes right now. Good luck!" The word vibe also relates to energy and motion and so I wanted to relate the VIBE to feeling good, having fun and sharing positive energy.
Tamagotchi VIBE design
The new design is focused around the VIBE brand. The inner rings design is inspired by the "pulse" energy that a vibrating or buzzing sensation creates. Think of music or a heart beat, those pulsing motions are often portrayed through energy waves of some sort. I've included higher resolution links to the concepts at the end of this post so you can see a bit more detail.
There are 7 colours available: Shiver Blue, Razor Red, Fizz Orange, UFO Green, Rave Purple, Pop Pink and Pulse Black. I thought it would be cool to release two colours that would attract very opposite genders. The Pop Pink version is designed around very feminine, girly colours. From what I've learned about two-coloured Japanese Tamagotchis (like the milky pink and blue IDs), they seem to be very popular. The Pulse Black version would be more geared to boys, it's very slick and masculine and could possibly garner a lot more attention from the male audience that Tamagotchis seems to be lacking now. Otherwise, the remainder of the other colours are fairly general and are not too feminine or masculine.
The design is also geared towards a pre-teen / teenager audience. (Of course, that's just the marketing age demographic. There are many people who are much older that play with Tamagotchis, like me!)
Tamagotchi VIBE features
There are a few new features that bring this latest Tamagotchi up to speed with currently technology.
Tamagotchi Vibe price point and availability
Because of the more advanced technology used in the VIBE compared to let's say, the TamaGO, the price point will be higher. Considering that a lot of young people have iPods, NintendoDS systems, PSP, Xbox, etc., usually these devices require games or peripherals that cost $40+ dollars (on top of the cost for the system which is usually $150+). The price point for the Tamagotchi VIBE would be around $45.99. This price does not include a USB cable or batteries (to keep the price down for the consumer and to make a profit to pay for marketing and sales strategies. I could get into this more, but the details are much too boring! LOL)
Availability for the Tamagotchi VIBE would be worldwide. It is only available in English.
As mentioned at the beginning of this post, here's a link to higher resolution photos of the artwork. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this and have been inspired as I have been inspired by you! Please feel free to comment on any of the ideas, artwork concept and anything else that you think is good, not good, could be improved, anything! I am very open to constructive criticism and would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading!
*Also, I know there was a thread created on TamaZone and TamaTalk regarding a contest that was started by BanDai and Edison Nation as a call for entries for a new toy idea. I am aware of that thread, but have not read any details regarding the ideas and thoughts shared there. All of the ideas and thoughts expressed in this post are inspired by all members of TamaTalk and Tamagotchi fans in general. If, for some reason, you believe that I have stolen your thoughts or ideas for a new version of Tamagotchi, please PM me to discuss. Once again, these ideas are a collective expression inspired by all Tamagotchi fans from around the world and take no credit for them (with the exception of the artwork).

Hey everyone!
Over the past week I've had some spare time to work on a really fun project: creating the next Tamagotchi! As stated above, the artwork displayed is only for concept and entertainment purposes and is NOT a reflection of an actual product from BanDai. Before I go any further, I want to let all TamaTalk members know that this idea was inspired from all of you. Your ideas, discussion and contrast are all a part of the concept I created - so thanks for giving me all of this creative energy. I hope you all enjoy looking (and dreaming) at the next greatest Tamagotchi! So...
This concept is based on an English format and would be available around the globe (because I know how much everyone out there really wants an updated colour-screen Tamagotchi in English!). Let me elaborate a bit on the rebranded Tamagotchi.
Tamagotchi VIBE brand
The Tamagotchi VIBE brand idea is inspired by a feature commonly found in most small, mobile devices: a vibrating alert. With advancement in technology (especially mobile phones), I thought perhaps this new Tamagotchi VIBE could incorporate a slight vibrating alert to let you know when your Tamagotchi is hungry, stick, or generally just needs attention of some sort. This, of course, would require additional battery strength. Most of you are aware that the current Japanese ID L requires 2 AAA batteries, the VIBE would require 3. The extra battery would increase the weight a little, but nothing too serious as it would allow us to enjoy this new feature.
The word VIBE is also associated with modern music and good feelings. For example, "Have you heard that new song? What a great vibe!" or "I'm sending you good vibes right now. Good luck!" The word vibe also relates to energy and motion and so I wanted to relate the VIBE to feeling good, having fun and sharing positive energy.
Tamagotchi VIBE design
The new design is focused around the VIBE brand. The inner rings design is inspired by the "pulse" energy that a vibrating or buzzing sensation creates. Think of music or a heart beat, those pulsing motions are often portrayed through energy waves of some sort. I've included higher resolution links to the concepts at the end of this post so you can see a bit more detail.
There are 7 colours available: Shiver Blue, Razor Red, Fizz Orange, UFO Green, Rave Purple, Pop Pink and Pulse Black. I thought it would be cool to release two colours that would attract very opposite genders. The Pop Pink version is designed around very feminine, girly colours. From what I've learned about two-coloured Japanese Tamagotchis (like the milky pink and blue IDs), they seem to be very popular. The Pulse Black version would be more geared to boys, it's very slick and masculine and could possibly garner a lot more attention from the male audience that Tamagotchis seems to be lacking now. Otherwise, the remainder of the other colours are fairly general and are not too feminine or masculine.
The design is also geared towards a pre-teen / teenager audience. (Of course, that's just the marketing age demographic. There are many people who are much older that play with Tamagotchis, like me!)
Tamagotchi VIBE features
There are a few new features that bring this latest Tamagotchi up to speed with currently technology.
- Vibrating alert (discussed this above)
- Updated Tama Town: features Facebook app and Twitter integration to share and receive items, gifts, messages, Gotchi Points and more with your friends. Of course, not everyone may have access to these social networks and is not a requirement to use TamaTown. Because social networking seems to be the new wave of communication, I thought it would be appropriate to incorporate this into the future of Tamagotchi.
- Unlock new items, games, characters and secret locations. Nothing too revolutionary here, just new things that keep it fresh and fun.
- USB connection: the bottom of the Tamagotchi VIBE has a small rubber flap than can be opened exposing a micro-USB port, similar to those found on most modern digital cameras. It's very discrete and almost unnoticeable. This would allow people to upload new items, backgrounds, characters, messages, etc from TamaTown.com to their VIBE. SImilar to how the IR function works with IDs and ID Ls, but without the IR-port required cell phone. Users could imply plug their VIBE into their computer, access TamaTown.com via the web, download the required software and start downloading fun things to their VIBE!
Tamagotchi Vibe price point and availability
Because of the more advanced technology used in the VIBE compared to let's say, the TamaGO, the price point will be higher. Considering that a lot of young people have iPods, NintendoDS systems, PSP, Xbox, etc., usually these devices require games or peripherals that cost $40+ dollars (on top of the cost for the system which is usually $150+). The price point for the Tamagotchi VIBE would be around $45.99. This price does not include a USB cable or batteries (to keep the price down for the consumer and to make a profit to pay for marketing and sales strategies. I could get into this more, but the details are much too boring! LOL)
Availability for the Tamagotchi VIBE would be worldwide. It is only available in English.
As mentioned at the beginning of this post, here's a link to higher resolution photos of the artwork. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this and have been inspired as I have been inspired by you! Please feel free to comment on any of the ideas, artwork concept and anything else that you think is good, not good, could be improved, anything! I am very open to constructive criticism and would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading!
*Also, I know there was a thread created on TamaZone and TamaTalk regarding a contest that was started by BanDai and Edison Nation as a call for entries for a new toy idea. I am aware of that thread, but have not read any details regarding the ideas and thoughts shared there. All of the ideas and thoughts expressed in this post are inspired by all members of TamaTalk and Tamagotchi fans in general. If, for some reason, you believe that I have stolen your thoughts or ideas for a new version of Tamagotchi, please PM me to discuss. Once again, these ideas are a collective expression inspired by all Tamagotchi fans from around the world and take no credit for them (with the exception of the artwork).