Tamagotchi V.6 growth... uh... problem?


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Sep 22, 2009
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So, I restarted my v6 and got a girl, and so I decided I wanted to aim for a Memetchi. The Tama I had before it was a Violetchi, which, according to Tamastargirl's growth chart:


is the result of OK care. Which is fine, Violetchi is cute. Anyway, with my new Tama (( whom I named Nanami )) I knew I'd ultimately have to take better care of her than I did with Violetchi, which I did. I took extremely good care of her, to the point where I figured I'd end up with a Mimitchi.

So she evolved, into a Hitodetchi and then into a Chamametchi ((which, according to the chart, is the result of good care )) and then, when adult evolution day came, she finally evolved into a...


Masktchi is the result of horrible care, and I know I took better care of this one than I did with the Violetchi. What? D:

I'm assuming that there are occasional random evolutions, and this was one of those cases. But just to be sure, is there something I needed to do to avoid this?

you could unscrew the back unscrew the screws inthe corner than use a pen to push a little button thats says debug and you can choose the character you want :p

^ It's a V6...

Hmm... This case has been seen everywhere. Did it get sick numerous times?

well i think that maybe you took awesomeness care of it when it was a baby and teen

but when it was about to grow up you kinda slacked off...

PS i dont want to be rude, im just trying to help.


TamaGripzBurritos :(

I would do the debug thing... Too bad it's not on the Music Star.

Oh well, I don't know if there are any special foods to change your Tama. There could be a code, I think it was posted here before; I'm unsure.

Better luck next time. [i sound like a game over message.]

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