Tamagotchi two, toot toot!


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Lol that's cool spiffy I spent most time working on EDITing the qoute  :D   good luck with your tams spiffy!
Hehe, thanks.


Lol, yes, I guess the 'suspense' posts (or in other words, those with big blanks) would be hard to edit, lol.



And thank you. :) Good luck for my Oceangotchi, I want to live to see an adult on it, hehehe.


I also want my Takoten to evolve. It should soon. I'm getting bored waiting on it, lol. :)

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Line of ~#¬~€#3/&/8 

My oceangotchi...


...My oceangotchi


*bursts into tears*


...........My oceangotchi... died.


He was a 5 or 6 year old Otototchi. He was cute. he was well looked after. he was always protected from his enemies. He was always sweet, but ever since last night I ahd a black dream of him dying, death has chased him and ***** killed him (**** stands for a puff of smoke).


So now, R.I.P. little one... You took a lot of time, and... you died. Enjoy yourself in TamagotchiHeaven...


Memorial of Otototchi


If you wish to send Otototchi condolences, you can simply post here. Otototchi will be happier. I will too. :D Time to raise another Planktontchi. *sigh* I never took my eye off him. They must have bomb timers within them, lol


*is trying to feel better :) :) :) *
Don't be too hard on yourself, Spiffy. Things like that just happen. I'm sorry to hear that it died

At least the Oecangotchi didn't get taken away by a mean old cafeteria supervisor, like my Keitai did :(

Don't be too hard on yourself, Spiffy. Things like that just happen. I'm sorry to hear that it died At least the Oecangotchi didn't get taken away by a mean old cafeteria supervisor, like my Keitai did :)
Argh!!! How can someone take away a lovely Keitai? I hoped they gave it back. :D


I like to keep my Tamas away from school for that reason, and I wouldn't like it if someone confiscated my Tamagotchis, especially as the Oceangotchi isn't mine.


As for the ocean, I was trying really hard for an adult, I really wanted to try adn get one. Every time I start up a tamagotchi for a first time, I like it to become an adult before passing away/going onto next gen, lol.


So far, two TamaGotchis haven't followed that principle:


X Yuki Penguin (OK, its not a Tamagotchi)

X Oceangotchi (Otototchi)

Urghly urgles.

My angel evolved, I guess you can guess that I got the character I didn't want: Pukuten...


Puking-ten. :mametchi:


I hate that angel character more than I thought. I sound so mean, lol.

Her face is huge... It is like a huge pancake on the screen, so huge her halo is all squashed. She flies with small little beady eyes, making her face look huger, and then she goes with her eyes closed, like she's about to die. :wacko: Her wings are minuscule, her arms tiny, her legs thin, and she i wearing a dress?


Anyway, I made my point, Pukuten is freaky... Kinda Pukingten.

When she eats, her mouth opens wide (to occupy her face), and you can see every individual teeth, scary.

It looks like Godzilla with wings!!! When the bat came, her face was too big to fit on the screen so you only saw part of her forehead and her halo.


Her highest AP is 60. I can't believe I got her. She is supposedly the best character from Takoten. Ugh, she's ugly. I left the dropped on two or three, and I praised when wasnt necessary, so her happiness would go down. I also ignored the AP so it dropped to 48, but I still got that stupid thing. ;)


Sometimes the Angelgotchi that appears on the tamaTalk logo is Pukuten. Her face is huger than that on the screen. xC

Well, I did expect myself to get what I didnt want. In future, I will ignore always. xC


Never again to look after Obaketch, you always get Maruten anyway. *whistles crossly*


I had forgotten to mention, but my Yuki Penguin had got a bit bigger this morning. Sometimes he doesn't always fit on the screen and his bum disappears. he looks a lot like yesterday's, but you can see he is slightly more developed. :mametchi:


Each penguin is cuter and nicer than the last. :wacko: I almsot wish they were real so I could squeeze it. ^.^


I think you can pause them by goin into clock mode too.


I also caught my V1s and V2s doing random animations. I love Kusatchi and Tarakotchi

You really hate puku-ten, eh? Btw, where'd you get the yuki penguin? I've been wanting one of those, but couldn't find any on eBay latley.

You really hate puku-ten, eh? Btw, where'd you get the yuki penguin? I've been wanting one of those, but couldn't find any on eBay latley.
Yes, I never really liked the Angel. I took some pictures of it eating and on its own. I tried tog et one of it happy (its eyes bulge), but I didnt succeed.


My Yuki Pengin? Mothra gave it to me as a present (in the package).


Go to her site, https://www.tamenagerie.com


Then click on her sales pages, and when you get to the fourth page, she has some Yuki Penguins for Sale. :gozarutchi: They are really cute. :ph34r:

Well, yesterday I got the matchmaker. I was offered a Hanatchi. I said no.


Today I was offered the matchmaker again, but I forgot to look to see who I had been offered, so I didn't know, so I pressed yes. I could've reset and downloaded once I'd seen who it was, but I was stupid enough not to. :ph34r: It was Paparatchi. Nothing worse than seeing Pyonkotchi kissing Paparatchi going all cross eyed - argh!


Whatsmore, I got a boy Teletchi... I want a girl... Hope its not going to be like my first V2, where I got four Puchitchis in a row before getting one Shiropuchitchi. :gozarutchi:


I still haven't named my EnTamas either...

Today my Yuki Pengin woke up as this bat guy with sunglasses on. He's cool - but i cant play with him!!! He was two drink and eating down, and I couldn't select anything for him to eat. He wouldn't lose any more happiness/thirst/hunger. He would just sit there all day long. You couldn't play games with him, couldn't turn the light on/off, couldn't feed him, couldn't give him a drink, couldn't bath him, couldn't make him study, nor care for him if he were to get ill. I can only look at his status.


I guess this is his old age. I wonder what will happen tonight when he goes to bed... Will he die?


On the otehr hand, chocosilver gave me some very nice ideas for names, so I thank her for them. :D They are reallt nice names, and I really liked them. I'd better name them some time soon.


Momiji (MO-MI-JI) 

Mutsuji (MU-TSU-JI)


Chijishi (CHI-JI-SHI)

I'll probably add -tchi to the end so they are all five syllables...

I can't decide which to choose, I dont know what they mean. Mutsuji is fish-ji. :D I like that one. And then I cant decide between Momiji(tchi) and Chjishi(tchi).


Maybe Ill save those two for another generation, and use nazokotchi (secret child). It would go well with the question marks. At least that way no complex decision. ;) And I know what their names'll be gen after that, Momijitchi and Chijishitchi. :)


They are very cool names I think. B) Now I'd better stop being lazy and look after those babies, hahaha

Decided, ready or not, the names of them shall be:


Black GUTS: Nazokotchi (na + ko + ko + (t) + chi)

EnTama Ciáo: Mutsujitchi (mu + tsu + ji + (t) + chi)


Also, when my Yuki Pengin needed bedtime, you could hear the going-to-bed music, but he didn't go to sleep.

Then at 0:00 I heard the getting-up music. I snapped the light on and looked. It was an evolving screen. Then it was the goin-back-to-bed music, and a dead penguin appeared. Old age death at the age of 12. :furawatchi: I wish they'd live longer. :( I'll restart him later on... *sigh*


The clock is very fast too, 15 minutes ahead of TV time

Well, my Pukuten died today. It got ill. It looked like a skeleton Zatchi with wings and ill. It was so ugly, I was about to take a picture but in the end I decided to cure its illness. It needed several doses, adn then I got the evolution lines and it died.


So, I rehatched it, and out came Obaketchi. It then became Maruten which I am now ignoring, I want Takote again. If I get Kodoten, Ill try and go for Ginjirotenshii, so yet again, it means ignoring. Its hard to ignore such a cute Angelgotchi.



I also rehatched my Yuki Pengin. It is currently a baby, and right at this instant it went to bed. Tomorrow morning it will be the toddler. I am only feeding it apples so as to get a different evolution branch. :furawatchi:


I want to take the top one, or if not *sigh* the one in the middle, but I want to insure I don't get the one at the end, because I have already gotten that one. :rolleyes:

Big evolution package today! Let's go in order!



I glanced at it again yesterday, and I thought I saw my braquisaurus lifting up its leg???

I looked closer, and it was a velociraptor type thing!! Nice! Still, my favourite Dinosaur was the second one I had.

Evolution of my dinosaurs:


Black face > Small TRex type thing > Braquiosaurus type thing > Velociraptor type thing



At night, I decided to look after my EnTamas. :mimitchi: I called the black one Nazokotchi, and the Ciáo Mutsujitchi. <_<

I looked after them very well, and one pood every 8 minutes (black), and the other (Ciáo) did so every 9 minutes. I also noticed that they would poo exactly on the dot of a minute. ConneCTions and ConneXion V2 and higher poo whenever, like 12:34:37, but these pood on a dot second like 7:45:00.

They also evolved on the dot. I had to have their sound off though. I played quite a few games with them, and caught some images of them pooing, so Ill put them up some time.


Then, they evolved:


Black question mark > Roundish thing with eyes (GUTS Black)

Black question mark > Sandal one suposedly. Bushy eyebrows, very ugly (Ciào)


I have to look up their names, I cant remember them right now.


Yuki Penguin

He woke up as a toddler. I am still feeding him lots of apples so tomorrow, he will evolve into a different penguin. <_<


Version 3

I needed to name him and look after him when he woke up. It was a boy Teletchi. Eventually, I called NYOKO, which is gem in Japanese because I couldn't think of anything better. I played GET with him lots of times, and I won most of the time. I noticed that winning at GET gets you all four hearts filled up, because at the beginning I just fed him meals, but no snacks, and I played (and won) GET.

Another intersting thing I observed is that when I gave it the chest (and it was turned into Ojitchi), the weight goes down (I had already noticed that), as well a the hearts, but on the baby, the weight went to 0lbs. I fed one meal, and looked at the status, expecting to see 1lbs, but it said 5lbs! Very weird! A flaw maybe?

Anyway, I really wanted a Mizumatchi or whatever they are called, but I got MohiTamatchi, the Marutchi thing with a crest on its head.


TamaGotchi Angel

This happened just now. I was cheking the status, caring for it badly, and such, and I just played a game so as to fill in the empty hearts with one. I rechecked the status, and it began to evolve, lol, with the status option still marked. I still got Taraten... I had let the AP drop yesterday, but I caught a deed and praised it, and the AP zoomed up to 50. I ignored it again, and it evolved with an AP of 31... x(

Oh well, I'll follow everly's tips, and trying not to murder Taraten, I'll ignore it and try to get Ginjirotenshii. <_<

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So wweird... My Unisaur looked liek it had gone mad. When I checked on it, it was nearly all hearts down, and it had evolved into this dinosaur that had a kinda crest on its head. I cured its illness and fed it some food, but it refused it, so I timed it out, and then it evolved back into the velociraptor (I think it was that, it may have been something slightly different, like an Iguanadon)...


Maybe next time Ill get a diplodocus or something, lol. How strange!

Time for more Passwords. :mimitchi: This is going to be my special post where I keep passwords from the arcade, so if TamaTown is ever down, or I dont have any intention in visiting TamaTown (never gives any necessary points), then I only have to print off my passwords and input them.


Baseball Cap:





Teddy Bear (I've never had this one)










---Update Later---

Needs to Leave, more Passwords for moi later on

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Ok, this morning my Yuki Pengin woke up. He was not the character I'd had last gen - yay! Eating apples work! He was themiddle evolution. I really wanted the branch at the top, which is cuter, but oh well, he is sorta cute. He looks like a face, well, the baby character on Unisaur morelike, hahaha. :huh:


He has a clear face too, so that is cute. :)


Last night, I donated all my 5520 gotchipoints to the GotchiKing, so I have 0p (which are now 1200 from playing games approx) and the king has around 12.000 - 13.000 gotchipoints.

I had a sale yesterday, but it only lasted two shop restocks, and there was nothing interesting for sale. :( Sale wasted, gah!


Anyway, when I woke him up this morning, he became a Hinatchi. I am glad for it to have evolved, but I wanted a new V3 teen, not old V2 teens (at least it isn't as bad as a V1 teen, lol).

My Tamagotchi Angel only just evolved!

Not Ginjirotenshii, gah!!!

How much more bad care would it have needed?!?

I am getting fed up of the good characters, lol. =))


Oh yes, I got Kuriten. ;) Vote:


Should I turn its lights off and reset it?


- Yes

- No




I donated 150p to the Gotchiking (all my points again - Id bought the RC toy), and I only had 12.633 points donated, but it exclaimed:




(and I thought - 150p isnt a lot), and then it said:




So I guess it wasn't 15.000GotchiPoints you had to donate but 12.500Gotchipoints, but maybe it was a glitch/I am wrong etc...


Anyway, I suddenly saw that, and didn't have a pen:

"A PEN! A PEN! Please! MUM! Give me your PEN!" I exclaimed, placing my V3 on the newspaper looking round for a pen.

"Here you are" said Mum, handing over her Pen which she was doing the SuDoKu with.


I scribbled on the password, and went to TamaTown.


Password for King:





Password for Cape I got back (for Hinatchi):





Cool cape!


AgH! It gets so boring to have to update your log like 5 times a day! LOL!


I got the matchmaker:


V1 1: Gozarutchi x Gozarutchi = baby boy

V2 1: Flowertchi x Kusatchi (ahahah, 2 flowers) = baby boy (book closed)

V2 2: Whaletchi x Tarakotchi = baby boy (book open)

V1 2: Masktchi x Masktchi = baby boy

V2 3: Kaerutchi x Masktchi = baby boy (book open)


This proves that pressing a or b, nor whether the book is open or closed determines what gender you will get generation - it is totally random!!


Sigh, anyway, 5 boys, 2 cho jinsei girls, 1 boy V3... I'll never be able to mate them at this rate, the ones you can mate are all the same sex, gah!!!

Well, my EnTamas evolved this morning. I now have the bum (Shirupurutchi) and the Pillow one (Rakugotchi).


Before I had Getatchi and Okutchi, the sandal and the mouth. :( They are ever so cute, I love to watch Rakugotchi talk to me, and Shirupurutchi loves to waggle his bottom at me. :) Shirupurutchi looks like a chick, but look closely!!


What seems to be his wing is really the bum-line (to say it some way, lol)


I also got the teachers, the blac one has the flower - style teacher and my Ciào Memecchi (Rakugotchi) got the Intelligence teacher which on Tamagotchi DS is called "TurtlePedia" LoL!


I also got a training point on my Unisaur again, andit became a braquiosaurus again. :S

[SIZE=19pt]Guide To Yuki Penguin[/SIZE][SIZE=16pt][/SIZE]


All You Need To Know

How to Begin

When you first start to play with your Yuki Penguin, you pull out the tab. If you want to start a new game to sequel an older one, or you had to change its batteries, you must gently press the reset button that is found on the back below the left screw.

Set the Time Correctly

As you press that, the time appears. Press ENTER and use the left button to swivel through the numbers and set the hours.

Then press the right button to go onto the minutes, and with the left button swivel through and set the minutes. Make sure the time is completely correct, or that it is set up in a special way, because once you have set the time of Yuki Pengin, you cannot change it, and you do not want to miss any events. To enter the date press ENTER. Then press CLOCK to go out of clock mode.

Also note that in each game, the clock is fast, and can be up to 15 minutes fast.

Yuki Penguin comes

You will have to wait a while while Yuki Penguin arrives to Earth. The sky will be blakc with little fireworks. Finally, a baby penguin will appear within an explosion, and then you are ready to care for it.

How To Care For Yuki Penguin

Once Yuki comes, you must look after him. When he comes, all his 'hearts' are empty, and he is very sad, you must fill them all up. If you neglect your penguin too much, he will die. The Yuki Penguin can die in two main ways: Neglect, and Old Age. Yuki Penguin has a maximum livespan of 12 days, and he will then die at 12:00 AM at night by default.

The Buttons

Yuki Penguin has five buttons. Whenever you press one, it makes a 'beep', even when no action is taken after pressing it. I explained which you had to press when you first started it up, but here it is different:


It's a small button. Use it to exit icons or unmark icons. I noticed that if you have an icon selected, it will not deselect itself, so you have to make sure you press ESC twice.


Use this to scroll in and out of the CLOCK. It takes five seconds to scroll onto the clock, and to exit the clock, press CLOCK again, and the Penguin will immediately appear after pressing it. I noticed Yuki can get up later/go to bed later by being in clock mode. Yuki often gets up at around 9am, and goes to bed at 9pm or 10pm. If at 9am you are in CLOCK mode, it will not wake up till you go out of clock mode. I don't know whether this could serve as a pause feature. Tomorrow I'll stay in clock mode before it awakes, and see if it loses any 'hearts'. Notice that if you do that once it is already up, it will run normally. The clock mode doesn't seem to work as a Pause function, I honestly don't think Yuki has one.


This button is slightly bigger. it is oval-shaped. Use this to select OK. It's like the Tamagotchi 'B' button. When you press it, it says OK to whatever you have selected. If you press ENTER without anything selected, it will select the first icon (drink), and if you press ENTER again, it will feed your Penguin. I thought that was quite funny.

Button Left

Pointing like this '<'. Use it to select and scroll through the icons on the left menu, or for going from the right menu to the left menu. Also to scroll through food, or status, or when playing a game, the 'hand' you want to show, also to select ON on the light and the air-conditioning.

Button Right

Pointing like this '>'. Use it to select and scroll through the icons on the right menu, or for going from the left menu to the right menu. Also to scroll through food, or status, or when playing a game, the 'hand' you want to show, also to select OFF on the light and the air-conditioning.


Foudn on the back of Yuki, makes the game restart from the beginning again. Press when penguin dies.

The Icons

You can interact and look after your penguin using each icon. :) Note, Yuki never poos, and there is no attention icon, so always be careful to be lsitenign to your Yuki Penguin, or check on it often, whenever it needs something, it will make a loud beep.


Select with left button or enter, and press enter. If your penguin needs to drink, it will drink it. If your penguin doesn't, he will say no. One drink will fill up one 'glass' in the status. If your penguin goes down two empty glasses, it will beep.


Select it with the left button, and press enter. There are six food options. They are:

  • Fish - If you eat a lot of this, you will get the evolution branch at the bottom of the growth chart, and it will stop you from eating the Apple and the Black Half Pizza.
  • Pizza Slice - I think that if you eat a lot of this, you get the lower evolution branch like the fish, and it will block out from eating Ice Cream and Chicken (not sure about this)
  • Apple - If you eat a lot of this, your penguin will take the evolution branch in the middle of the chart, and it blocks you out from eating Fish and Pizza Slice.
  • Black half Pizza - Not sure what this is, but I think that if you eat a lot of this, Yuki takes the middle evolution branch like Apple, and blocks out from eating Ice Cream and Chicken (not sure about this)
  • Ice Cream - I guess and think that when you eat a lot of this, Yuki takes the top evolution branch, and doesn't allow to eat Fish and Pizza Slice.
  • Chicken - Not sure what this is, but I think it said in the instructions that it was chicken, but it looks like a steaming bowl pith a pole on top. I think that when you eat this, Yuki takes top evolution branch like Ice Cream, and blocks out from eating Apple and Black Half Pizza
I am not completely sure bout that though. By blocking out food I mean that when Yuki eats, and evolves, he evolves into the branch 'conditioned' most by the food he ate, andas he becomes that, when you try tomake him eat certain types of food, he will say no. So far I only ate fish first gen, got last evolution branch, and blocked out apple and black half pizza and on second gen (where I am now) I only ate apples, and couldn't eat Fish or Pizza Slice.

When Yuki is two bowls of food down, he will beep. Two platefuls of food fill up one bowl (encourages you to eat a mixed variety of food)


Select it with the left button. When Yuki goes to bed, youmust turn the light settings from ON to OFF. He will beep when he goes to bed, in a down music scale.


Select with the left button. I have never had to use this I don't think. Supposedly when Yuki is cross, you must pat him. When you select that, a hand pats Yuki, and he gets happy. Sometimes Yuki looks down in the dumps, but that never does anything, I always have to play a game, make sure he has the happiest mood, and to snap him out of the bad mood, I need to visit the status to check on it, and then he stops being so cross.


Select this with the left button. Use the Status to check how your penguin is doing, and check he is doing as well as possible, or he may get ill/die/beep.

These are the things you can check on the status:

  • Mood - There are five mood levels, going from very unhappy to very happy ( :( - ^_^ - :eek: - :| - :kusatchi: )
  • Marks - You must make Yuki study a lot to make sure he gets high marks. They range from E+ to A+ ( A+ - B+ - C+ - D+ - E+ )
  • Weight and Age - When you feed Yuki he will gain weight. Not sure what happens if you get overweight, I dont think you can because Yuki won't eat more than he needs. Age shows how old your penguin is. Everyday he gets up, he gets one year older. Yuki dies at the age of 12, at 0:00.
  • Food/Hunger - Represented by four bowls. If any are empty, you must feed your penguin. It'll beep everytime it empties two bowls.
  • Water/Thirst level - Represented by four glasses. If any are empty, you must give Yuki a drink. It'll beep every time it empties two glasses.
  • Temperature - Indicates the temperature of Yuki. The ideal Temperature is of around 15ºC. However, if it is lower or higher, don't turn the air on or off, it won't make any difference till Yuki complains of the heat or the cold, however it can give you an idea of how soon it is going to beep. High temperatures are beeped when the temperature is 20ºC+ and beeps when cold when around 2ºC - 7ºC.
Always remember to check the status often, like every half hour. Yuki penguins are needier the younger they are.


Select with the right button. The game is Stone, Scissors or Paper. The object of the game is to let the Penguin win. First of all, with a beep, a human hand will appear. Choose whether you want to play Paper, Scissors or Stone, by selecting with the left/right buttons. Then a small black flipper will appear (cute feature). If Yuki wins, there is a happy tune, and the mood meter goes up a level. If Yuki equalises or loses, he gets cross, but he doesn't lose a level on the happiness meter.

This is the combo that 80% of the times works for me (the numbers indicate which go it is - in the game you have to play up to 5 times till you ahev to satrtthe game again, the first word is me, the second, waht Yuki brings out):

1. Scissors - Stone (Yuki wins)

2. Stone - Paper (Yuki wins)

Then after that, I select them randomly, and Yuki seems to have picked up some luck, because he often wins most of teh time after that. :D

You can also cancel the game at any time when the human hand is shown by pressing ESC.


Select with the right button. Use this to make your penguin study. Everytime you make him study he goes up a 'studylevel' on the 'study meter'. Use this if for example your penguin has a mark of B+, and you want A+, make him study once.


Select with the right button. Only useable when needed, if not Yuki will refuse. When Yuki needs a bath,, he will beep. When you look at him you will see him flickering between its normal self and a black penguin. He is getting dirty, and you must shower him quickly. :D

Air Conditioning

Select with the right button. Only use this when Yuki beeps. Look at the screen. If Yuki is shivering, turn the air off. If he looks angry, because he is yelling with a # above his head, he is hot - turn the air on. If you turn the air on and off without Yuki asking for it, you may need to turn the air off and on, or on and off for an efect to take place.


Select with the right button. If your Penguin is at the bottom of the screen with an ugly look, he is probably ill. To me it seems that Yuki has to get ill like once a day. You must very quickly cure it and give it an injection. It is a big pain when it does that, because it means the status is reset,and by that I mean that it becomes totally empty:

  • Unhappy :wacko:
  • Low Study Level E+
  • Not sure about weight, but age stays the same
  • Totally Hungry
  • Totally Thirsty
  • Nothing Wrong with Temperature
You must restore Yuki's health as soon as possible by feeding him, palying games with him and making him study.


On the instructions, a growthchart comes. Some of them are marked by a boxed ?, but you can see what characters you can get on a certain 'evolution branch' as I call them. Evolution depends on what you feed Yuki.

Yuki Penguins evolve when they get up. Sometimes it takes two days, and sometimes it takes one. From a baby to toddler to little teen it takes one day, but to go through the rest of the characters, I think it takes one day, till you get to the 'secret character', where there are only two of them. He is not playable, and he dies at 0:00

After that, time to reset it. :D That is all about Yuki penguin.

Specifically made for chocosilver and anyone else interested in Yuki Penguin. Hope it was helpful!!!

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