In 4th grade, I did that, and some boy named Tony went up to my coat and took both my V2 and my sister's V2; I can't believe I didn't notice. I was actually crying about it. I got mine back, but somehow the teacher didn't find my sister's.

Though my sister isn't interested in Tamagotchis anymore.
Whoops, didn't add the rest.
My teachers have NEVER caught me with it. The only person that caught me was the principal, he only give me a warning and whacked me with a folder with a little smile. (LOL! It was only a little tap, don't protest on him, I think he's nice for a strict guy who's yelling at everyone most of the time).
In 1st period, I don't play with my Tamagotchi really. My teacher doesn't care though. He's pretty strict though; that's why I don't play it in there.
In 2nd period, my teacher doesn't care one bit, even when I'm playing with it. I leave it on the desk so I can watch it when I doing work. She also allows MP3 players, so I guess that's why.
In 3rd period, the teacher takes away ANY toy. Luckily, I sit in the back table where all the students are blocking the table (Yes tables, this is Science class).
In 4th/5th period (Both periods are in the class), I sit in the front of the class (vision problems). The teacher sits right in front of me too. I play with it most of the time in here too. I put my arms in my sweater, and play in my sweater. But I have to lean back a little bit so she won't get as suspicious.
In 6th period, the teacher is in her office most of the time, so I play when she's in there or when we're watching a movie.
In 7th period, I can't take care of it, because it's P.E. What am I gonna do, hold it the whole time? I keep my backpack in the lockers.
I have an after school program (

). Sometimes I play in the classroom. During the enrichment (The fun stuff), I can play with them without the teaching giving a care. Sometimes when we're at the black top, my Tamagotchi buddy and I would play with them. However, he doesn't want to admit he has a Tamagotchi; he says he has a "reputation" to keep. So whenever other people see him with his Tamagotchi, he pretends he has no idea what it is and pretends it's mine.
Some tricks to try:
-Play in your sweater
-Place some fancy charms on the keyring. Your teacher might think it's just some decoration. Don't forget keys!