Tamagotchi P's or IDL?


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2018
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Hello! I want to buy one of these models, and I have a thousand doubts ... I've read a lot about both, I've seen videos, etc. but I can not decide.

- P's: I like that you can put many characters and banners (thanks to the VDP of MrBlinky), that you have daycare and I find it interesting that you can get a job (although I do not know if I will use it a lot). Finally, I do not care that I have patches for the translation because I will keep it in Japanese. A point against is that I do not like it to get dirty under the faceplate.

- IDL: I like that you have the option to plant multiple seeds (and then sell it in the market, I really love the interaction with the garden), the Hensin-Jo transformations, and in general, the characters that I think I like more. It seems to me a nice detail that you can go to eat at the house of one of... your parents? and the bakery.

- In common: I like pets and downloads.

Which one do you prefer and why? ^_^

I think P's is the most versatile, you can run it pretty much forever with the additional downloadable characters. While it's expensive I think the additional content makes it worth the money due to the playability.

I like iD L too and the seeds are my favorite function, not gonna lie! Plus you can download more of them too. I was disappointed when I learned that they removed this in the P's.

That said, I'd go with the P's if you can get it. iD L's go for less and there's not much demand for one, you can always get one when you have some extra cash one day.

I'd say ID L to be honest... xD 1. They're a lot cheaper. 2. ... WELL JUST I'M NOT A PRO BUT I'VE HEARD ABOUT THEM AND I'D SAY ID L

Ps if you have an IRDA compatible phone because it unlocks so much more content. IDL otherwise, the seed function is nice, but the functionality of the Ps really overshadows it.

This question comes up a lot on TamaTalk, I would say to hold off the buying until the meets come out! (November by the way)

Hello again!
Thanks for your answers, I'm still waiting for more opinions (and yes, I have a compatible phone)... I think my heart is with the IDL, but which one has more entertainment? Which one is more demanding?

As for the tamagotchi meets, I am already in love with the twins: I buy it for sure!

P's has definitely more entertainment, in my opinion. Your tama writes a diary, there is a day care, the job function is pretty good if you're busy (it acts as a pause in a way, though they do lose hearts while in there- just waay slower, plus they earn money and exclusive items while there), I'm not sure but I think you can also visit your parents there too? Plus if you run out of characters you can raise, you can download new ones. And if you get a character you've already had, the virtual change pierces give them a whole new look (in iD L, henshin jo is limited, and some transformations even need a download item, which can be a pain)

Plus there's a constant demand for the P's, not so much for the iD L. iD L probably will stay the same price for a while while P's will only get more expensive with time.

I'd say go for a P's if you find one thats affordable. I would get a P's if I had a compatible phone tbh, and plus it sounds like it'd be more fun. I went through this same rabbithole of reserach when thinking of purchasing my first Tamagotchi but I ended up stuck between the P's and 4Us before I realized I would need a compatible phone to make either worth while and went to the M!X instead. It's all up to you, though I'd personally shoot for a P's myself. gl!

It's easier to get a phone for an iD/iD L/P's (they all have IRDA downloads, not just P's) than for 4U. Pretty much every phone with IRDA works, and chances are you might get one for free if you look around, while 4U is a whole different bag of worms.

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