Tamagotchi P's Discontinued?


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Oh no! I still haven't bought the P's! And I don't have a job to buy very expensive tamas. o_O

I think we've already got this question answered, if anyone's been actually reading the responses.

Let's make this clear - just because some shops don't sell them anymore does not automatically mean they're discontinued.

As I have mentioned in another thread before, the latest Gotchishumbun issue advertises new items/events for the P's Station... what would be the sense of this if the product is no longer available?

It is as well, clearly mentioned on the Official Tamagotchi P's Website that they are still available (you will see the text that says 好評発売中!!! -- means "currently being sold/available").
Well thats obvious the commercials are still airing in japan 5 times a second while the anime airs so if it was thy wouldn't advertise it lol.
An advise to anyone, before posting a "rumour" please as much as possible indicate a valid and reliable source ("he said-she said" is not considered valid).

I'll have to close this topic before this zombie false rumour wakes up again.


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