Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?


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I have no idea what that pierce is made after but I want! It's so weird looking and I love it. I don't care for most of the pierces, the change ones I don't even want. If it comes with a game I'm down for it as long as it's not extra girly. Yes I am female but girly just isn't my thing, that's why I couldn't get into the Dream Coffret. But this new one...is...awesome looking!

There are non-heart shapes out there already anyway, like for example the fairy change one.
But I thought they used hearts for all cross-over pierces, change or regular?

I have no idea what that pierce is made after but I want! It's so weird looking and I love it. I don't care for most of the pierces, the change ones I don't even want. If it comes with a game I'm down for it as long as it's not extra girly. Yes I am female but girly just isn't my thing, that's why I couldn't get into the Dream Coffret. But this new one...is...awesome looking!
Its based off a really popular character from a smartphone game from Japan called 'Touch Detective', and a spin off (?) called 'Mushroom Garden'.



and here's a page all about 'Funghi' who the pierce is based off.


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I'm not going to get mushroom pierce, it looks ugly and weird.Tamagotchi should be cute (cute but not girly) and these mushrooms are scary, and they have nothing to do with tamas, I even hate the Sanrio one (ironically I love Sanrio) just because Mametchi transforms into Hello Kitty...what about the Ciao one?It's nonsense, because the Tamagotchi manga is on Pucchigumi, not on Ciao

I'm not going to get mushroom pierce, it looks ugly and weird.Tamagotchi should be cute (cute but not girly) and these mushrooms are scary, and they have nothing to do with tamas, I even hate the Sanrio one (ironically I love Sanrio) just because Mametchi transforms into Hello Kitty...what about the Ciao one?It's nonsense, because the Tamagotchi manga is on Pucchigumi, not on Ciao

They get additional money from pairing up, so...

what about the Ciao one?It's nonsense, because the Tamagotchi manga is on Pucchigumi, not on Ciao
Ciao has paired up with Tamagotchi many times to make limited edition shell designs for the Keitai, Entama, Uratama, Mini, Tamagotchi School, etc. It makes perfect sense for them to release a limited edition pierce and I personally think it's super cute!

I wish I could find a Ciáo pierce at a reasonable price... it looks so cute and fun ;3;

I wish I could find a Ciáo pierce at a reasonable price... it looks so cute and fun ;3;
There's one on Ebay at the moment for $29.99 and free shipping, haven't seen them get much better than that!

Personally I see no problems in crossover pierces, both brands get their extra heads up and it's not like pierces are something big like expansions for games- they dont come out once a year and cost 60$.

I like the crossover pierces, and I really really want the Disney & Sanrio pierces uwu.

Is the mushroom people game in English too? I'd like to play it myself ;o. It looks real fun.
Yeah, it's available in English for both iOS and Android. Search "Mushroom Garden" (Without the quotes) in your respective app store. And a fun little game it is. There's three different versions, all of which are free - regular, Deluxe, and Seasons.

After playing this game for a bit, I definitely want the pierce based on it for my Tamagotchi P's now. Kuchipanamekotchi in particular is awesome - enough said. :)

I've played the Mushroom Garden and Touch Detective for a bit and I guess I wouldn't mind owning this pierce either, not sure when I will be able to get it though...

Those mushroom transformations creep me out. The rest of the pierce is okay but unfortunately for me I hate mushrooms. It'd have made more sense to me to dress them in mushroom costumes rather than to warp the shape of the character themselves, like with the Disney and Sanrio pierces.

I need ittt. Gosh, the icon background is so beautiful!

I didn't expect funghi to be a girl that took me by surprise but none the less this pierce is so cool I really want it but I just can't get one now looks like I'll miss my chance maybe one day if I'm lucky haha

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