Tamagotchi P1/P2 Evolution Guide


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Well-known member
May 17, 2021
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Indianapolis, USA
So, I've found that there's a lot of conflicting and/or vague information out there about how classic Tamagotchi evolve. For the past couple of months (I detailed a bit of the beginning of my journey in a log here!) I've been raising 5 pets and doing only 1 thing different on each to test various theories about how they evolve and have managed to 'solve' how the evolution works. I've started a little guide site here that you can please check out if you'd like, which has all this information and more. (I'm still trying to confirm all the bedtimes and minimum weights as I've found info online for these to be incorrect as well).

So if you don't want to go to my guide site with more details and just want the information here, here's the basics of how evolution works. I'm going to use the P1 characters, but this works for P2 as well. Note that this ONLY applies to the ORIGINAL P1/P2 Tamagotchi, and NOT the 20th anniversary replicas from 2017-2018. Those actually have more complex programming and I have yet to figure them out fully. It seems to be mostly the same but possibly some amount of care mistakes may change evolution???? (today I had a "good" Tonmarutchi with 75% discipline evolve into Zuccitchi, but I did have 1-2 care mistakes on there) and number of snacks fed may count as care mistakes or something, don't know exactly how the snacks are programmed yet but they definitely do something now. I still need to do a lot of testing for those.

Babytchi always evolves to Marutchi. Nothing you do to Babytchi matters at all.

Marutchi will evolve to Tamatchi or Kuchitamatchi depending on care mistakes (0-1 = Tamatchi, 2+ = Kuchitamatchi). The game will "remember" how much discipline it had when evolving. If you had 75% or more discipline, you will evolve into the 'good' version of the teen; if you had 0-50% you will evolve into the 'bad' version of the teen.

Tamatchi will evolve into one of the "good" tier adults with 0-2 care mistakes. It will evolve into one of the "bad" tier adults with 3+ care mistakes. Kuchitamatchi will always evolve into one of the three lower adults regardless of care mistakes.

A "good" teen will evolve into the tier 1 adult (Mametchi or Kuchipatchi) with 100% discipline. This is the only way to get these two.
A "good" teen will evolve into the tier 2 adult (Ginjirotchi or Nyorotchi) with 75% disciplie.
A "good" teen will evolve into the tier 3 adult (Maskutchi or Tarakotchi) with 0-50% discipline.
A "bad" teen will evolve into the tier 2 adult with 100% discipline, otherwise it will evolve into the tier 3 adult.

Other than 3+ care mistakes making Tamatchi drop to the three "bad" tier adults, the only thing that matters upon evolution is discipline. There is no record of "good" or "bad" care. Things such as not cleaning up poop, sleeping in poop, etc. do not make any difference. And you can get 20 care mistakes on your good Kuchitamatchi, leaving the lights on all the time and letting it wallow in poop and be sick for hours on end... it will still evolve into Kuchipatchi as long as the discipline is 100%. It doesn't matter how "bad" your care is. Just discipline!!

As for the hidden figures, you must raise your Tamagotchi to Maskutchi with 0% discipline (so you'll need to get 0-1 care mistakes as Marutchi and 0-2 care mistakes as Tamatchi, with the discipline always being 0%). Once this completely undisciplined Maskutchi has appeared, the only thing you need to do is keep it alive to age 10. You do not need "good" or "perfect" care. Just as long as the thing doesn't die before its evolution time during age 10, you will end up with Bill (English version) or Oyajitchi (Japanese version).

A shame it's so simplistic, but at the same time, it's nice because I was able to solve the mystery of evolution and provide an accurate and detailed guide. I'm sure some people knew some or even all of this before, but I was not able to find all of this information online at all, just some hints scattered about along with tons of misinformation mixed in.

While I work on getting the rest of the weights and bedtimes confirmed, I think I am pretty much done with my P1/P2 guide for now. I will worry about the anniversary rereleases and version differences section at a later time. For my next project, I have ordered two Angels, one with the classic care icons and one with the updated ones including the flying butt. Wanted to get an English one too but didn't have the extra cash to shell out to get one just yet. Tomorrow is my birthday so maybe I'll luck out with some money as presents XD Anyway, my next goal is to figure out exactly how the Angels work. If anyone has any hints to get me started, definitely let me know. The information on the Tama wiki seems a bit helpful but not 100% concrete on how exactly everything works.

Also, if you see any wrong information here or on my site, PLEASE let me know. I aim to have the most accurate and thorough information about classic Tamagotchi that there is.
@KuchipatchiPod Did you ever start looking in to evolution requirements for the 20th anniversary releases? I’ve been scouring everywhere for literally any information on it and can’t find anything, was hoping you knew something on it haha
Maybe we need another 20 years to uncover all the secrets...
Hopefully not haha!

I’m gonna post my findings so far here if anyone wants to take a look, just starting out so it’s very unfinished:

P1/P2 Rerelease Guide

Boosted lifespans make things a little trickier, I don’t have the heart to reset them once they’re fully grown! Hopefully I’ll finish it all up eventually, but if anyone wants to contribute that would be awesome!
Does anyone know what the max. age of Zatchi on an original 1997 P2 is? Mine turned 28 today and as much as I love it, the fact that the hearts are empty every 15 minutes is getting super exhausting haha. I don't want to let it die though...
If that's happening then I'm afraid it's close to death...I've heard the max is 28 days, and if the hearts are emptying that fast you might as well consider it a death spiral.
I totally get you, though. I've had a Zatchi on pause for over two weeks because I can't bear to part with the funky dude!
Hang in there!
If that's happening then I'm afraid it's close to death...I've heard the max is 28 days, and if the hearts are emptying that fast you might as well consider it a death spiral.
I totally get you, though. I've had a Zatchi on pause for over two weeks because I can't bear to part with the funky dude!
Hang in there!
It finally decided to leave today at 29 yrs ;-) But I guess it only made it to 29 cause I paused it quite some times during its lifetime
Would like to update everyone on my progress - Everything’s all finished!
I had like at least 6 or 7 rerelease P1s/P2s running at the same time so I can’t wait to see the mental toll that will have on me later down the line
I believe what’s on there is right, but I didn’t double check everything because god no not again.

Link to the chart is here! (same as above)

I am going to go to bed now
Super interesting @Shenanook :love:
But I am surprised to see Takotchi at the same level as Nyorotchi.

I always thought Kusatchi corresponds to Nyorotchi and Takotchi to Tarakotchi. That's how the fandom page also lists them.
Whenever I need help about tamagotchi, I used to just look it up. But now I can just look here! Thanks KutchipatchiPod!
I datamined the P1 ROM that's floating around out there and I've learned a lot. It looks like a lot of what you've gathered matches what I found. For example I also found that there are no care requirements for Bill, as long as you get the Type-Two Tamatchi and get it to Masktchi, you should ALWAYS get Bill. Interestingly there are some differences (e.g. I think it's 3 care mistakes to get Kuchitamatchi and not 2), but the big one is:

I don't actually think it's possible to get Ginjirotchi from Type Two Tamatchi. Discipline mistakes are cumulative and don't reset after evolution. To get type-two Tamatchi, you have to make 3 or more discipline mistakes (but less than 3 care mistakes). However, the requirement for Ginjirotchi from type-two Tamatchi is 2 or fewer care mistakes. So even though the P1 code ALLOWS type-two Tamatchi to transform into Ginjirotchi, it's actually not possible to achieve! Even with perfect care, you will always get Masktchi!

I'll drop my chart under a spoiler because it's a lot of text. Note that I haven't tested this SUPER thoroughly, but I have spot-checked it here and there with MAME and it seems solid.

From Marutchi:
Tamatchi (type 1) - < 3 care mistakes, < 3 discipline mistakes
Tamatchi (type 2) - < 3 care mistakes, >= 3 discipline mistake
Kuchitamatchi (type 1) - >= 3 care mistakes, < 3 discipline mistakes
Kuchitamatchi (type 2) - >= 3 care mistakes, >= 3 discipline mistakes

From Tamatchi (type 1):
Mametchi - < 3 care mistakes, 0 discipline mistakes
Ginjirotchi - < 3 care mistakes, 1 discipline mistake
Masktchi (can’t evolve to Bill) - < 3 care mistakes, 2 or more discipline mistakes
Kuchipatchi - >= 3 care mistakes, < 2 discipline mistakes
Nyorotchi - >= 3 care mistakes, < 4 discipline mistakes
Tarakotchi - >= 3 care mistakes, >= 4 discipline mistakes

From Tamatchi (type 2):
Genjirotchi - < 4 care mistakes, < 2 discipline mistakes
Masktchi (can evolve to Bill) - < 4 care mistakes, >= 2 discipline mistakes
Nyorotchi - >= 4 care mistakes, < 8 discipline mistakes
Tarakotchi - >= 4 care mistakes, >= 8 discipline mistakes (so you have never disciplined it ever)

From Kuchitamatchi (type 1): care mistakes no longer matter in this stage
Kuchipatchi - < 2 discipline mistakes
Nyorotchi - 2 discipline mistakes
Tarakotchi - >= 3 discipline mistakes

From Kuchitamatchi (type 2): care mistakes no longer matter in this stage
Nyorotchi - < 6 discipline mistakes
Tarakotchi - >= 6 discipline mistakes

The most interesting thing I found is that although Tarakotchi is the worst-care adult (and is the neediest), Nyorotchi actually dies faster because it gets sick faster (and Tamas die once they've gotten sick 3 times in any single stage). This actually jives with the old P1 official growth chart, because it calls Tarakotchi "selfish and needs lots of care" and says that Nyorotchi "dies young".

I love nerding out about this stuff, haha. Really want to get my hands on some other models to figure out the secrets they hold.
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The most interesting thing I found is that although Tarakotchi is the worst-care adult (and is the neediest), Nyorotchi actually dies faster because it gets sick faster (and Tamas die once they've gotten sick 3 times in any single stage). This actually jives with the old P1 official growth chart, because it calls Tarakotchi "selfish and needs lots of care" and says that Nyorotchi "dies young".
Oh my goodness! That explains why I always thought Nyorotchi was the worst...
I just raised a Nyorotchi that I want to properly be alive from Sunday through Wednesday...so I guess it's paused for the rest of the week until I can keep an eye on it!
While I'm on the "datamined info" topic I'll go ahead and share what I have for the 'base stats' of each character, that are intrinsic to each character.

Wake Time: n/a
Sleep Time: n/a
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 3 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 4 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 45 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 2
Min Weight: 5
Max Weight: 5
Base Time to Evolution: 60 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: n/a
Initial Discipline: 0%
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 4

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 20:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 50 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 60 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 990 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 2
Min Weight: 10
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 1380 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 6 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 0%
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 4

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 21:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 75 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 85 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 1656 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 2
Min Weight: 20
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 2220 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 6 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 0% (50% for type 1 Tamatchi)
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 2

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 21:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 75 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 85 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 660 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 2
Min Weight: 20
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 1380 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 6 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 0% (50% for type 1 Kuchitamatchi)
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 4

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 22:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 81 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 91 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 3900 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 1
Min Weight: 30
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 4095 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: n/a
Initial Discipline: 100%
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 2

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 22:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 81 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 91 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 2808 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 1
Min Weight: 30
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 3120 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 7 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 50%
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 2

Wake Time: 11:00
Sleep Time: 23:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 55 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 65 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 2592 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 1
Min Weight: 30
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 2880 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 7 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 0%
Game Win Probability: 31.25%
Game Input Delay (on win): 3 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 2 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 2

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 22:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 60 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 70 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 1170 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 2
Min Weight: 20
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 1560 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: n/a
Initial Discipline: 100%
Game Win Probability: 68.75%
Game Input Delay (on win): 3 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 4 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 2

Wake Time: 9:00
Sleep Time: 22:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 60 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 70 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 360 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 3
Min Weight: 10
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 780 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 7 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 50%
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 4

Wake Time: 10:00
Sleep Time: 22:00
Base Hungry Heart Loss Rate: 45 minutes
Base Happy Heart Loss Rate: 50 minutes
Base Time to Sickness: 660 minutes
Shots to Get Well: 2
Min Weight: 20
Max Weight: 99
Base Time to Evolution: 1440 minutes
Base Countdown to Discipline: 7 hungry/happy heart decrements
Initial Discipline: 0%
Game Win Probability: 50.0%
Game Input Delay (on win): 1 iterations
Game Input Delay (on loss): 1 iterations
Bites to Eat Food: 2
I was thinking about this topic and was curious if you found anything about maximum lifespans? (I want to know if my Pochitchi kicked it because it was his time or if I was once again a bad owner.)

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