Tamagotchi P1 log :P


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Hello everyone! ^_^

late post, but I'm here, so no worries,

I'm gonna hafta make this a quick one since procrastination got to me ( like, EVERY time, ) and i've got homework to write sooooo...

well Oliver is doing great, I stopped carrying him around with me now for some reason because he is needing attention every so often, and i would have to feed him, and play with him, ... actually, no. i don't even play with him anymore, i just chuck him candies.


oh i feel so bad now that i say ( or rather type ) that out loud, ( I type really loudly? )

don't worry though... I'll fix that tomorrow... I promise i will bring his weight as low as it possibly will go... right... I'll do that, ( he is 88g...... OH KILL ME NOW )

So, yeah. that's a promise for you guys, and Oliver.... ( I'm not looking forward to tomorrow )

BUUT, heh, um, I have no school tomorrow, so, that's........ gonna be something i spend my day doing...

a promise is a promise, so, yea. Oliver's doing fine, ( except the fact that he's 88G!! ) and thanks for stopping by, ( ^_^ ) and I'll update you guys tomorrow! Cya!


i think i might post once a day, but if something interesting happened, i will definitely NOT let you guys miss the details! ^_^ ( both in my life and in Oliver's )


oh dang it's April fools! so... Aprils fools! I'm not gonna lower Oliver's weight as much as i can tomorrow! haha JK i promised to do it so I'm gonna do it :3

also, I have a little something that I've been hesitant to tell you guys, ( i literally stopped typing and thought of the word i was gonna use but forgot, and was like, right! hesitant! ) I will tell you guys this tomorrow at, um... 6:30pm? okay, so there's something to look forward to, ( i will try not to forget X) ) so yeah, thanks so much for stopping by, i always check out your page ( page? what do you call it? ) when you comment, or like, or follow this topic, things like that, and OH MY GOD I FORGOT I'VE GOT HOMEWORK SORRY GOT TO GO BYEEEEEEEEEE

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hello everyone, i am baaaack :)

oh Oliver pooped... wait......

okay i am back again! so, um, Oliver is doing fine, he's just walking around on his little screen X) (so cute!!) i haven't lowered all his body weight yet, BUT I WILL, so no worries ^_^

erm, ( hm.... what more is there to say? ) so remember the thing that i was hesitant to show you guys? well, scratch that, i am very hesitant to show you guys, so.... i'm not gonna, sorry, but in return, I'm gonna arrange a little surprise for you guys :lol: and i will show it to you guys today at the same time! ( 6:30pm ) so, be ready! ( it's not even that big, but i think it time you guys meet Oliver... )

:wub: so cya then! :wub:

oh hey guys, quick post, I'm changing the time for your little surprise, it's gonna be at 8:00pm. sorry for the inconvenience. also, :wub: HAPPY EASTER!! :3 :wub:

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Okay guys! the little surprise is ready! :wub:

it's okay if you don't celebrate Easter, i could have posted this anytime, but i just thought of it today, so i decided to post it. it's not like a Easter special or something. X3 it's really nothing much, but just a little something special from the hearts of me and Oliver. ( Oliver and I? ) so, here's a link: https://www.instagram.com/tama_llamafromtamatalk/?hl=en if the link isn't working, just search tama_llamafromtamatalk on Instagram ( you know it's getting legit when you create a instagram account for this X3 )

so... did you see it yet? go ahead and see it! if you do, leave a comment ( here ) of what you think :) I'll be waiting for your comments! :wub:


* I stand by the counter, waiting for my grilled cheese to be ready *

C: thanks for lending M the five bucks

Me: no probs, M's gonna pay me back right?

C: yea.

* I pull my P1 from my pocket, i think it's time to unpause Oliver, it's his first time being paused, I wonder what being paused feels like... probably not very good...*

* My eyes open wide, I stare at the screen. I freeze. *

OMG...... I can't believe it. it's too fast... it happened too fast. it you press the C button, you can still see the screen move. slide over, revealing, 11 years......

yes....... Oliver died... He died. my little Oliver... I tried to give him the best care........ let me explain.

this morning, I paused Oliver and put him in my pocket... i did pause him i did... or did I? maybe he unpaused himself in my pocket.... yes, it must be that...

I'm just glad you guys got a glimpse at Oliver before he died... I don't think I'm gonna stop - right? I can move on... even though i feel really bad......

I'll start again. I.. I can. But not today. possibly not even tomorrow...... I need some time to myself first......... enough time to think.........................

???: hello? afosbvhgidpsfmfowpqnk

???: `1234567890-=][poiuytrewqasdfghjjkl;'\/.,mnbvcxz\idsmcdoppppppdndd djd

what are you doing? get off of there!

???: what? you left this open!

no - i was just - i didn't - UUUGH.

???: oooh what is this? i can put these things here too! :D ^_^ :ichigotchi: :kusatchi: ;) :rolleyes: :lol: :p :eek: :ph34r: :marumimitchi: :newmametchi: :nazotchi: :wub: :( :blink: :unsure: :angry: B) :wacko: <_<


Luna: no! it's cool, and i want to check it out!! :tarakotchi:

you little...!!

*Luna runs away*

ugh... sorry guys, i meant to start later, but now... i guess I'll just start Luna's log now...

well, I have sassy little Luna here, she's a four year old Marutchi, and... i guess i will start logging about her, i won't update you guys on her as much as i would want because of school, but i will try to go for an update a day.

so... yea, brand new start, hope you guys would enjoy, cya!

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???: hello? afosbvhgidpsfmfowpqnk

???: `1234567890-=][poiuytrewqasdfghjjkl;'\/.,mnbvcxz\idsmcdoppppppdndd djd

what are you doing? get off of there!

???: what? you left this open!

no - i was just - i didn't - UUUGH.

???: oooh what is this? i can put these things here too! :D ^_^ :ichigotchi: :kusatchi: ;) :rolleyes: :lol: :p :eek: :ph34r: :marumimitchi: :newmametchi: :nazotchi: :wub: :( :blink: :unsure: :angry: B) :wacko: <_<


Luna: no! it's cool, and i want to check it out!! :tarakotchi:

you little...!!

*Luna runs away*

ugh... sorry guys, i meant to start later, but now... i guess I'll just start Luna's log now...

well, I have sassy little Luna here, she's a four year old Marutchi, and... i guess i will start logging about her, i won't update you guys on her as much as i would want because of school, but i will try to go for an update a day.

so... yea, brand new start, hope you guys would enjoy, cya!
Hehe I look forward to see what Luna and you get up to Llama!

...h-huh..? WOAH!!! :eek:

*Luna continues to stare straight at me, plopped on top of me*

Hey! stop that! that's so creepy! ugh. that's one way to start off the day...

Luna: wake up! wake uuuup! you need to LOG about me! that's what you promised those people on that website! you promised to post once a daaaaay - and how long has it been? come oooooon!

y-yeah. i promise i will log about you, plus, with this happening, there is definitely things to talk about!

Luna: well come on then, don't be lazy!

ugh. okay then - wait... what time it it?

Luna: *beep* *screen slides towards the left* 7:34am

shoot! i need to go! I'm late for school!

Luna: wati! you PROMISED!! come back! but, but what about my LOG????

I'll type it in school - Byeeeee!!!

Luna: ... *whispered* oh you better! don't you DARE not to log about me again...... you.. little... pig...

*me, pops out behind the door* I HEARD that!

Luna: eep!!

so yeah. that is why I'm here in school, typing on my computer in ELA right now... well, here's something for you guys to read, i hope you guys enjoy... and... sorry, I just have this weird feeling that i forgot something..... it's... it's probably nothing... anyway, cya!

...h-huh..? WOAH!!! :eek:

*Luna continues to stare straight at me, plopped on top of me*

Hey! stop that! that's so creepy! ugh. that's one way to start off the day...

Luna: wake up! wake uuuup! you need to LOG about me! that's what you promised those people on that website! you promised to post once a daaaaay - and how long has it been? come oooooon!

y-yeah. i promise i will log about you, plus, with this happening, there is definitely things to talk about!

Luna: well come on then, don't be lazy!

ugh. okay then - wait... what time it it?

Luna: *beep* *screen slides towards the left* 7:34am

shoot! i need to go! I'm late for school!

Luna: wati! you PROMISED!! come back! but, but what about my LOG????

I'll type it in school - Byeeeee!!!

Luna: ... *whispered* oh you better! don't you DARE not to log about me again...... you.. little... pig...

*me, pops out behind the door* I HEARD that!

Luna: eep!!

so yeah. that is why I'm here in school, typing on my computer in ELA right now... well, here's something for you guys to read, i hope you guys enjoy... and... sorry, I just have this weird feeling that i forgot something..... it's... it's probably nothing... anyway, cya!
Hehe sounds like Luna is a trouble maker hehe

*me, surfing the internet*

Luna: *pops out from behind me* hello!

Woah!! you scared me!

Luna: that's not important, I'm going to go to my teen stage today! are you excited?? you better log about me!

yeah, i wonder what you will be... wait, i need to get something...

Luna: right, right.

*much time later*

wait... Luna?


Luna are you still here?


*I ruffle the covers and check on my desk. nothing.*


*I look under the bed and through my room, nothing.*

*i stare blankly around my room, nothing.


this log will be very story like, i hope you don't mind that, also, look forward to another post today...

*I sit slouched on my bed*

It's been hours and hours... Luna is... she can't survive this long... I can't believe i-

Luna:Hi, were you talking about me?

:eek: L-L-Luna? :eek:

*Luna stands behind be. something about her seems weirdly off, but i don't notice*

Luna?!?!? How did - You were - I - thought -

Luna: It's okay, I'm alright, I was here all along.

You were? where did you go?

Luna: I... I...

*her eyes dart around my room, for a second, it seems that her body twitched and it looks like she wasn't real, but she was back immediately after.*

Wa-what was that? Luna, WHERE WERE YOU??

Luna: I... I just, you just didn't see me. i was... i was right where you left me.

Luna, i left you on the desk. I checked, you weren't there.

Luna: well... I fell. I fell off the desk when you got up but you didn't notice.

But why didn't you speak up when i was looking for you?!?!?

Luna: I... I thought it would be funny.


*I hug her with all my strength. her body flickers weirdly like a light dying, but comes back right after, i don't notice.*

please don't scare me like this anymore, alright?

Luna: don't worry, I won't. *weirdly, tears fill her eyes, i don't see.*

i won't...

so that's all for today, but the story of Luna continues, and things get weirder and weirder, so stay tuned for tomorrow! ......wow it's really like a story now.

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Hey... hey Luna? Luna...

Luna: huh....h-huh? *yawn* yea... what is it? *beep, screen slides to the left* it's like, six in the morning..... this must be worth waking up for.............

Luna, i just wanted to ask you... you - you didn't get to your teen stage yesterday... i think there's something wrong with you. well, not you, but the tamagotchi. let me take a look.

*i take the tamagotchi in my hands and turn on my bedside lamp*

*I scroll through the icons and i check the sound*


Luna: what?!?

the scale icon, it's, its seems to be... broken.

Luna: ...

Luna, all of the words and letters, all of their pixels are scattered everywhere, i don't know, i think you are broken...

Luna: ...

Luna, are you okay? speak to me..!!

Luna: I'm still here, aren't i?


Luna: i become like this. but i get to stay forever. don't I? i don't want to die. want to live with you and never fade away.


Luna: Via?


Luna: Via...!


Luna: Via, I - your not the same anymore.


Luna, you changed. your not the sassy and light hearted Luna i met when i hatched you...



Luna: no, n-no i haven't changed. i haven't... I, i'm still the same Luna, it's you. your, you're paranoid, yes, your... your just paranoid... this has nothing to do with me..!

Luna, your - NO!! this isn't supposed to be like this, you failed me, but i, i survived. on my own, i lifted myself back up, it's not supposed to be like this... i would just continue life, i wouldn't die, do you see, i wouldn't die. i would.. i would...

Luna!! what is this - i don't understand - I, I...

Luna: OF COURSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! You don't understand my urge to.. to LIVE. I don't want to die, so here i am now, I... I will be here forever!!

*Luna's whole body twists and flickers like a character from a broken game, her voice cracks and and she looks distorted*

*I grab my P1 and chuck it at the wall, Luna screams but quiets the second she hits the wall, there was a loud crack, and she went unconscious,*

( this is not in the story, but i just want to say... WOW. this is SO STORY LIKE. IT'S NOT EVEN A LOG ANYMORE. GREAT JOB VIA, ... heh, well anyway, enjoy the rest of this entry! )

*I slowly walk to the P1 on my bed, Luna is out cold, i cuddle the small P1 in my hands*

sorry Luna......

Look forward to another post today! and don't expect it to be very log like!!...yea

Luna: e...eh......h-huh?

Luna! your awake!!... are you.... I......

Luna: W... what happened, i -

*the marutchi's face suddenly froze, her eyes widened*

Luna: Via!! I didn't - I just - I'm so sorry, i.. i don't know what happened! something took over me and i - i...

*the marutchi bends over and sobs uncontrollably*

Luna: I... I should have told you... i ...i...

It's okay. i knew that you wouldn't really want to harm me... Luna, what happened? what happened to you? please tell me, I can help you, after this, we can go back to our lives.

Luna: I... no. I, I can't go back to living with you...

what? why?

Luna: Via... i... i never told you the truth.........

the truth about what?

Luna:......... the... the day you lost me in your room for most of the day... i died... yes. i am already dead, dead of starvation... but i didn't want to... i wanted to live. i wanted it so badly... you don't understand... i... i wanted to live so badly. I forced myself to stay alive, even though that broke me, broke how the game worked, but there was so much for me to do... i couldn't just... just die.... i broke the game. i broke myself. i did everything to make me survive... but there were consequences. i could feel myself change. everytime my body flickered and became distorted, i felt death's claws pulling me down, but i fought it... i thought i was doing the right thing. but it was not until today when everything made me lose my mind, that i realize the consequences of breaking the game. everything felt numb... I'm...I'm sorry i did what i did to you...... it was like i lost myself in that moment.......

......... Luna... it's my fault it's all my fault this happened... i couldn't take better care of you, and i lost you... i don't blame you for wanting to live so badly... everyone wants to live, it's all my fault that this happened, Luna, please, please stay with me...!!

Luna: I'm sorry but,,, i can't i am already dead... I'm not supposed to be alive, I'm sorry i couldn't be the pet you wanted...... i need to go now..

*the screen on the P1 flickers, the pixels scatter wildly, then slowly fading, the device buzz and shake uncontrollably like trying to register something that was way beyond what it was made for, the the screen fade away, and a grave with the ghost of Luna slowly appear. it was there all along, but so faint you couldn't see it. Luna was dead all this time, she was just a Marutchi fighting to stay alive*


*i bend over looking at the screen. I have raised two tamagotchis, and both of them died... it only proves one thing........*

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Holy cow. That took a daaaaark turn. This is surely strange but I like it.
heh yeah! It's surely something that i didn't think i would write, but I'm glad you like it ^_^


I can't believe i wrote that! it's certainly not something that i normally do, but i still hope you guys enjoyed it :)

the story is very fictional, but some parts of it, is... true......

my tamagotchi P1... well, i will leave that to your imagination.

Luna is... very much dead. that is true, and how she died is the same in the story... dead by starvation...... ( I'm sorry I'm so sorry Luna... )

but... i... well, i thought that i would log about three tamagotchis in this log, so there is one more i am planning to do, and here is where i need your help.

i will be taking a break from logging for about a month,and in that time, please leave a comment telling me whether you like the Oliver style log or the Luna style log, ( normal logging or story-like logging? ) and when i get back to logging, i want to see what you guys think, and decide what style of logging i am going to use for my last tamagotchi on this log... i don't know. maybe i will still do more logs on here, but now isn't the time to worry about that.

so, i am so happy that there are people reading my logs,and yeah. so i will stop logging for a month, and please, please leave a comment saying what kind of log you prefer, so that i can get back and start right away after a month.

anyways, i think that will be all, thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll see you guys in a month! :wub:

heh yeah! It's surely something that i didn't think i would write, but I'm glad you like it ^_^


I can't believe i wrote that! it's certainly not something that i normally do, but i still hope you guys enjoyed it :)

the story is very fictional, but some parts of it, is... true......

my tamagotchi P1... well, i will leave that to your imagination.

Luna is... very much dead. that is true, and how she died is the same in the story... dead by starvation...... ( I'm sorry I'm so sorry Luna... )

but... i... well, i thought that i would log about three tamagotchis in this log, so there is one more i am planning to do, and here is where i need your help.

i will be taking a break from logging for about a month,and in that time, please leave a comment telling me whether you like the Oliver style log or the Luna style log, ( normal logging or story-like logging? ) and when i get back to logging, i want to see what you guys think, and decide what style of logging i am going to use for my last tamagotchi on this log... i don't know. maybe i will still do more logs on here, but now isn't the time to worry about that.

so, i am so happy that there are people reading my logs,and yeah. so i will stop logging for a month, and please, please leave a comment saying what kind of log you prefer, so that i can get back and start right away after a month.

anyways, i think that will be all, thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll see you guys in a month! :wub:
Anytime Llama. Cya next month buddy

Sorry, I have exams coming up, piano and everything, so i won't be able to post until after June - I hope you guys will understand! :(

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I did not keep my promise, it's nearly June again A YEAR LATER and uhh I have no excuses. I don't think I will be logging again for some time but I promise one day I will bring back my logs again! probably in two months or maybe three, again I am so sorry but now I'm trying to be more active :)

thank you to anybody who read my logs and a special thanks to Unakachi for supporting me so much, I cannot be thankful enough!

but until after a few months, there will be no more logs.

I you all and I'll return to logs soon  :wub: :wub:
