I am not sure what Tamagotchis you have already had experiences with, but when you start playing, you will have to unlock locations that your Tama can visit. There are plenty of guides online, they are meant to be unlocked as you play. One location will require a second Tamagotchi, so it's great that you have two coming in. What versions did you get?
You can also use a mobile app to connect with other Tamagotchis and marry them. There is an arcade with not very exciting games (in my opinion) that you can play for rewards and Tamacoins. There is also a monthly (I think monthly) Tamagotchi that comes in that you can have the chance to marry. Right now, it's Pumpkitchi for Halloween!
I hope you enjoy your Tamagotchi and if you have any questions, please ask me! I just shared some basic knowledge you should know for the best experience. I think these versions are pretty awesome and mine is beside me right now with fraternal twins!