Tamagotchi Music Star City hack


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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i had that before this topic was here and me and tamakisser and cute dazzlitchi had it as a secret! and now everyone has it! i wish guys would keep secrets PROPERLY! tamakisser is gona be so upset i know it

but i did this with the nazotchi code! but thanks like this? NO!

I am trying not to report you MATT.

Hope you all like the hack.

Please read the instruction link I posted in the first post if you don't know how to use it.

I Believe that you should use the Hack As much as you can because Bandai Might find out And shut it it Down. :marumimitchi: so Use it as much as you can~


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This hack works so well. At first, I was afraid for my tama but I took the chance and my tama went from boring Masktachi :eek: to Dazziltachi (I would have a visual buuutt... there isnt an emoticon for her), all you need to do is do that hack and chose Girl Destiny item. It's fantastic and it absolutely DOESNT spoil your tama life. It actually improves it. Doing all that work is tedious and boring. This is easy and makes tama life way enjoyable, as I said. :3

My tama, Yotsuba loves her Dazziltchi self. Please be reassured that this hack is fantastic!

Okay here is what you do to make it work.

there will be a place that says "Find your Music City account here" Click that and then it will need your Username to your account Account Password once doing so you will see a long list of Numbers and letters then Click Submit Again and you will see Another long list that says your account Info. Then, you will see a Spot on there that says "UID=123456" or something like that Copy the Numbers and go back the Beginning where it says how many points you want and Type in your "UID" For Example "123456" (yours will be Different) and then you will Get 1000 points. Do it however many times you would like ;)

PM me For Further more Questions ;)


Please read the instructions once again if it doesn't work for you!

JC1 has described it clearly!


Varcoda, make sure that you type in 1000 for whatever category you want.

For example, if I want 1000 GP, I would type 1000 in the gotchi points box.


hope it helps!

Actually If half of the people that try it Don't Understand, then that means the Instruction Are not clear! :D

My post Should Help :p

"Okay here is what you do to make it work.

there will be a place that says "Find your Music City account here" Click that and then it will need your Username to your account Account Password once doing so you will see a long list of Numbers and letters then Click Submit Again and you will see Another long list that says your account Info. Then, you will see a Spot on there that says "UID=123456" or something like that Copy the Numbers and go back the Beginning where it says how many points you want and Type in your "UID" For Example "123456" (yours will be Different) and then you will Get 1000 points. Do it however many times you would like

PM me For Further more Questions


I actually prefer to call this a points generator like what the website calls it, because the word "hack" makes it sound really negative.


Oh, and thanks again for posting this! :D

It's really helpful. I've finally been able to get those items I've always wanted. :)

Instructions once AGAIN!


here's a PM memetchi221 sent me about how to do the ''hack'''or like some how to call it ''points generator'' =.=

please read here:

hey about the music city hack how do u get the items im confused on the top and bottom password wat do u put there?
Thanks for PMing me!

Well, the hack is quite simple.

Firstly, go and click on Account ID Finder.

Then type in your MUSIC CITY username and password. Then click submit.

Now, it will pop up with your music city username, the below it will have your music city password in a bundle of letters and numbers. :mellow: Don't worry, that's completely normal.

Now click submit again.

It will now show up as a LONG string of words and numbers. This is your Music city account information.

Now, look from the start where it says ResultCode=OKetc.

Look form there until you find UID=**********etc.

That is your user id code for this website.

Remember it or save it in a word document.

Now, go back to the original website by clicking back button.

If you want items for your Music star, click Item Code Generator.

Now, once you have clicked ion Item Code Generator, type in your tamagotchis username, not the music city one. Now go to your music star tamagotchi and click the door icon the click PC. It should show up with your Login code.

There are two rows on your tamagotchi with numbers and letters.

Type the first/top row into the box that says

Your login code (TOP).

Then type the second/bottom code into the box that says

Your login code (BOTTOM).

Once you've done that, at the top of the same page should be a blue word(s) that says Item List.

Right click on it and click Open link in new tab.

Once the page is open, you can choose which item you want.

You may notice that they are in categories with instruments being 0 etc.

Well (off topic :mellow: once you have chosen what item you want for your tama, write what category its in (eg. I want a keyboard so I would write on a piece of paper category 0, item 1 or in short form 0-1).

Ok, once you have done that, go back to the previous page and in the next box that says Item Categories; instruments = 0, toys = 1, items = 2, food = 3. Enter one of those numbers into the box.

type in the category (eg. because I wanted the keyboard I would type 0 in the box)

Now, in the box that says Item code, get a number from the item list link above

type in the number of the item (eg. because I wanted a keyboard, I would type in 1 in the box).

Now click SUBMIT.

Now it should say ResultCode=Ok etc blah blah blah .

At the very end, well near the end, should say ItemPassword=********.

That is the password for that item.

On your tamagotchi, click the A button, the first one, and a new screen should pop up, saying Item password or something like that.

Well then, now put the password that is in the screen into your tama and press the B button, the middle one.

The item come up on your screen.

Now, go to the original page and click Music City Points Gainer if you want points for you MUSIC CITY account, not the tamagotchi.

Now, it says you can only get a maximum of 1000 points for each. That is true. You cannot put more than 1000 points in the boxes.

It should be automatically done for you, nut if it hasn't type in 1000 in each of the boxes.

Now type in you account ID I told you to save it in a word document or write it down etc in the Your ACCOUNT ID - You can find yours: here box.

click SUBMIT.

It should say a whole heap of junk like ResultCode=OK etc blah blah blah.

So now you have just ''upgraded'' your music city account ID by 1000 points for Gotchi points, CD experience and Producer experience/Level.

Hint: You can keep clicking refresh to keep on getting more points without having the hassle of going back and putting in your information etc. If you do this, something might show up saying we must resend the information. Just click OK or yes etc.

Keep doing this to get more points. To get 1st Gotchi Gold, you must have 300,000 CD experience points.

Don't worry if the change of points doesn't show up on your screen. Just exit tamatown, then go back in and all your points will be there again.

Hope this helps!

PM me if you have any questions!


Actually If half of the people that try it Don't Understand, then that means the Instruction Are not clear! :D
My post Should Help :angry:

"Okay here is what you do to make it work.

there will be a place that says "Find your Music City account here" Click that and then it will need your Username to your account Account Password once doing so you will see a long list of Numbers and letters then Click Submit Again and you will see Another long list that says your account Info. Then, you will see a Spot on there that says "UID=123456" or something like that Copy the Numbers and go back the Beginning where it says how many points you want and Type in your "UID" For Example "123456" (yours will be Different) and then you will Get 1000 points. Do it however many times you would like

PM me For Further more Questions

Thank I'm Doing it now!

Nice to see this has been posted on here. I didn't really get round to doing it.

I did write the instructions in both the item code gen and the points gen, so read that if your having trouble.

I've not been on tamatalk in ages :angry:

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