Tamagotchi Mini Log


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Miss Nerdy

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
Reaction score
I have now received my Tamagotchi Mini from holygiblets here on TT! SO HAPPY :lol:

The other detailed log does not seem to be too accurate and ends before you can really gather much... so I decided to make my own!

For the first generation, I would like to see what I get from perfect care. I will end the log either after I figure out what sort of care is needed to get certain characters, if that is a factor, or when school starts. Whichever comes first. :blink:

I will have written this log in a notebook exactly as shown below, unless otherwise stated.

Tamagotchi Mini Version Log


  • NO download function
  • C = status (acts out what is needed)

-G1- (even though it does not breed, I just like to keep count, and this is not in the notebook :p )

Wed. July 6th

4:00 - Egg

4:01 - Marutchi

  • Fed meal
  • Fed snack
4:32 - Beeped for food, fed meal (I checked the status at 4:31 and nothing was wrong. At 4:32, it beeped. Since it couldn't have been fed until a few seconds into 4:01, I believe the internal clock rounds up to the nearest minute, as it should get hungry every 1/2 hour.

5:03 - (Guess it does round up)

  • Fed meal
  • Fed snack! :)

5:34 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal
6:04 - Beeped with unhappiness(?)

  • Fed snack
6:05 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal
7:01 - Pooped

  • Cleaned poop up
7:07 - Beeped with unhappiness

  • Fed snack

Experiment - fed food before beep should have occurred. No beep!

8:00 - Went to sleep

  • Turned lights off

*deletes* Will get revised pictures soon.

Growth chart can be found here

And that concludes today's post! :D

I promise the others to follow won't be as much confusing XD

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As promised!


The lanyard has "OLD NAVY" written all over it and the thing in the left is a handwritten copy of the growth chart for the Mini.

I also got a new clip for the Mini because the original wouldn't fit on the lanyard's clip.

Thu. July 7th

9:00 - Woke up, needs nothing.

9:07 - Hungry and unhappy.

  • Fed meal
  • Fed snack
9:38 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal
10:08 - Beeped with unhappiness

  • Fed snack
10:09 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal
11:01 - Pooped

11:09 - Beeped with unhappiness

    Will stop here for Marutchi because the cycle is already clear.
    4:01 - Mametchi! This calls for a name! Hmm... Sally!
    5:01 - Pooped
    Cleaned poop up

5:02 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal
6:03 - Hungry and unhappy

  • Fed meal
  • Fed snack
7:04 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal
8:01 - Pooped

  • Cleaned poop up
8:04 Beeped with unhappiness

  • Fed snack
8:05 - Beeped for food

  • Fed meal

*skipping all this because it will repeat itself*

10:00 - Went to sleep

  • Turned lights off

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9:00 - Woke up

Will stop logging until it evloves, because it pretty much repeats the cycle.

Recap: Marutchi

Eats every 31 mins.

Snacks every 61 mins.

Poops every 3 hours

Sleeps: 8

Wakes: 9

Evolves after 24 hours


Eats every 61 mins.

Snacks every 121 mins.

Poops every three hours

Sleeps: 10

Wakes: 9

Evolves after __


I now have another battery and started up my Tensaitchi from about a month ago! It violated Violetchi (XD just a bit of black humor there)

and had a girl! I shall raise a :unsure: !!!!

As it turns out, Ginjirotchi requires the exact same amount of care, so will return when it dies. It's obviously not Jap. because it evolved into a Ginjirotchi instead of "Lucky Unchi-kun", so I'll see a planet when it dies.

Hmm... care experimentation next? :blink:

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