Tamagotchi Love


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Mimi! Then Mimi was insulting Flora so Flora told her that she had kids. That Jack was a dad. Mimi just yelled "I DON'T CARE!" as Jack came in.

every body was suprised then jack said "you dont say that about her i love her!" and jack dident

mean to say that but he did flora was like........................


"Oh Jack I love you so much too!I missed you so much!Where were you?"

:eek: :D

:p > B)

but then she remeberd conor,but conor said "were breaking up" and flora dident care then conor married mimi and flora got married to jack and they had............................................

lil baby

i never said it was my storie.

lil baby

and yes i think conor was with lacy im not sure no more! lol

conner was with lacy but he ran away after they were married

lacy finally found conner but she was mad because he said they were too young and he was going to marry mimi. then she turned into a makiko and he fell in love with her again and then she was pregnant with triplets!!!

But it wasn't triplets- For the first time, only one single child. The only little baby. She was a little :) named Berry. More beautiful than all the other sisters in her family. Miley, Daisy and Jade went aw, how cute! So Cute! They went all crazy over her, and argued who got to take her for a walk. The boys didn't care about little Berry, but they liked her. Callie and Haly weren't crazy like the three other girls, but loved Berry. But Rose was jealous. The whole family ignored her now- She always came up with cool crafts, and the whole family praised her. Not any longer.

they finally found her,she was married and had 17 children,at age 30,her parents grounded her and took her home,

they were extremly mad! they made her break up with her husband and stay home for THE REST OF HER NATRUL LIFE

but she got to take her kids, only 10 of them,rose still hated berry even after 5 years, then mimi had another child a :furawatchi:

and they named her Layla,she LOVED to take walks,but the only one that did take her on walks was Miley,NO one else thought

she was very cute,but after 10 years she was a :furawatchi: and everybody thought she was cute,then mim had ANOTHER one

it was a :D and they named him Cole,he was cute, and they ALL loved him EXCPECHIALY THE BOYS! one day a man walked up to cole, cole was alone in his yard and the strange man said..................................

lil baby


"Oh really? Look at this one." The man showed him a cool gold chain one. "For only.... 1000 GP!" Real gold. He pulled out a wet paper, and wiped the gold chain. It didn't come off. Cole knew cool athletes wore those types of necklaces. Thus he jingled in his pocket for his money, 5000 GP. He handed the guy 1000 GP, and he got the nice necklace.

then cole left,HE PUT on his neclus and then asked mimi if she liked it she said...................

lil baby

"take that off!!" she said

"why?" he asked

"because the first girl you see not in ur family will fall in love with u!!" she said

meanwhile he wasn't listening. he was looking up into the sky and fell in love with a human girl named tracy! his mother took the necklace off but he really did love her without the spell on the necklace.

The whole family looked for cole and they saw cole

the very next day in a burned down hut cold and hungry.

They took him back to the house and fed him and played with

him. and the whole family was reunited!

But Cole never snapped out of loving Tracy, he just kept his love a secret. Tracy was actually a doll, not a human. Cole asked the Matchmaker if Tracy could be brought in to Tama Town with her powers.

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