Tamagotchi Log -4u


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Colour Tamagotchis are a bit weird to get used to, especially in Japanese! There's a ton of guides on the internet that can help you, ones I've used myself - click on the underlined titles and they'll take you to the website listed:

  • VPets - This 4U guide has every option fully translated and listed out for you! It's super easy to match the Japanese to the ones written, so don't worry if you get lost in the options. :D
  • Fuzzy-n-Chic - This guide has things such as icon translations, growth charts (so you can get Mametchi without accidentally getting a different character!), and even other guides for things you may not understand straight away on the 4U - there's much more to it than meets the eye, even I get confused when coming back to this version!  :eek:

Here's the Tamagotchi Wikia page for the 4U if you want more details on the device itself - it shares a few facts with the other websites listed above, but I always find it helpful if I don't want to read through the more complex guides listed above.

Hope these links help you out!  :marumimitchi:

For every big moment in Ollie's (and future tamagotchi's life), I am going to make a log about it. Ollie is 2 years old, meaning I've had him for 2 days! He currently weighs 7g and I always make sure he is very happy. This is my first log more about him. He is a child and a Pokapokatchi. 


13/9/20 -Update

So quite a lot has happened. Ollie is now an Adult! Not only that but through the personality stage, he has turned into a Mamelabitchi! I am sooooo happy because that's what I wanted to get. When you talk to him his eyes sparkle and look like an anime character. I think that is sooo funny. Along with that, Ollie has completed every skill you can earn in school! I'm not sure how much longer I will keep him, I'm basically just waiting until he can get married. I hope for him to marry Memetchi (who is my fav character), and to have a little girl.  

So Ollie (my last generation) had a child! George was born on the 14/9/20 to Ollie and Memetchi. I named him George because it sounds royal, and I'm trying top get King Spacitchy. He weighs 8 grams and (like his father) has turned into a Pokapokatchi, he is currently wearing a beret. This is my second generation on a tamagotchi 4 u and there will be updated to come on Geroge's life. 

16/9/20 -Update

So I think George is meant to age up today!!! And I am pretty so I fed him curry rice 5 times. Fingers crossed I get Spacitchi. Also I just realised that George is the name of the king in Hamilton, so yay  :D  . George now has all of his skills! When he goes to school he has to earn up to 80% on all skills! This is how you get King Spacitchi. Anyway, I will update again today if he ages up! 

16/9/20 -Update

SO...I'm not even lying, as soon as I pressed the button to post my last entry, he aged up! George is a Spacitchi as of the 16/9/20 at 9:34am!!!!! I'm sooooooo happy. Now the goal is King Spacitchi. 

17/9/20 -Update on George

So George is now a King Spacitchi! He has all school skills and has earned 3 out of 4 clovers. You can only earn the 4th clover after having an adult for 72 hours (or 3 days). Seeing that this is my second day with an adult, I should earn the clover either tomorrow or the next day! Also you don't need to earn all 4 clovers, but I have never done it before so I thought I would try. Also I think that is a good amount of time to have a tamagotchi, because after that, I think I am going to get George married. Also on 4u's you can only get married when your tamagotchi is at least 4 years old. Mine is three. I don't mind who he marries, but I really want him to have a girl! This is only my second generation on the 4u and both generations have been boys. I am desperate to get Memetchi!  

Soooooo a LOT!   Has happened. George got married, and had a baby. As you may know, I was reeaallllyyy hoping for a girl. And........ I got a boy! I was extremely annoyed because I have not yet had a girl character on my 4u. Anyway, I will just hope for next time. Then he (I had not named him yet) turned into the blue toddler ( I don't know its name and couldn't be bothered to look it up, I'm pretty sure it's something like: Fyof...otchi -idk). A day later I lost my tamagitchi! I literally looked everywhere, but couldn't find it! Theeeennnn the next day I found him, he was very sick and had pooped. But he was ok. Me and my sister both have tamagotchi's and love Hamilton, so I named mine Alexander and her's Eliza. Alexander turned into a Kuromemetchi. I'll udate you on the days to come, but this gneration has been DRAMAAAAAAA. 

Soooooo a LOT!   Has happened. George got married, and had a baby. As you may know, I was reeaallllyyy hoping for a girl. And........ I got a boy! I was extremely annoyed because I have not yet had a girl character on my 4u. Anyway, I will just hope for next time. Then he (I had not named him yet) turned into the blue toddler ( I don't know its name and couldn't be bothered to look it up, I'm pretty sure it's something like: Fyof...otchi -idk). A day later I lost my tamagitchi! I literally looked everywhere, but couldn't find it! Theeeennnn the next day I found him, he was very sick and had pooped. But he was ok. Me and my sister both have tamagotchi's and love Hamilton, so I named mine Alexander and her's Eliza. Alexander turned into a Kuromemetchi. I'll udate you on the days to come, but this gneration has been DRAMAAAAAAA. 
What tamagotchi did Eliza turn to?


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