Tamagotchi in Ponderland


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remeber fred was so unfriendly? --- but now he changed...


hehe! :angry: mum's not at home AND i got married to freddie! i got my first kiss and we had a baby boy! and hes sooo cute!

SAPPHIRE, :angry: are you going on mum's blog by yourself?

yeah, shes alright, she'll be right back from the corner shop, buying some beer.


gaga gooo

your face fred... haha :angry: only jokin!!


HUH :angry: :blink:

aww, come on, don't argue in front of THE KID!


hey, don't call him that! we need to think for a name!


hey gr8 idea maybe you guys could pm us suggestions?


One log that i love is tamagotchi dutchess' blog

K. So this log isnt getin anywere. I.l start a new 1:

:pstartin fresh n new- kinda new anyway :ph34r: .


Name: kamisha

Skill points: 154/139/141

Genre:rock n roll

Points: 5000

Breed: hitodetchi

K: Um well we didnt do much today...

Me: kim? Tell them about the preschool teacher.

K: um. Okay lets see...

Me: (plz gt a move on?)

K: so. I saw this letter comin thro the door and it said go 2 preschool... And-. And um- ummm and- thats bout it.

Me: is that it!? I was a nice long letter and it sent u a present!

K: ok...

Me: tell them more kim.

K: *sulks* thats it!

Me: kim! Comon tell tt mo-

(Faint snoozin)

K: z z z

Me: *sign* this isnt getin ANYWHERE!

Okay... i know i've been logging about kim but i would like to introduce freddie, my cousins tama, she's on holiday for 4 weeks and she gave me her tama for a while. =DD

stats time!


Skill points:787/642/818 :eek:

genre:classical ohhhhhhhhh :p


gen:1 (with a baby) :D


instrument: guitar

band: swift (don't ask) :ichigotchi:

kamisha (kim):

skill points: 903/902/951

genre: r&b ohhh-hoooooho -rap- oh yeaaaaaah! uh HUUUUUUH! ha!

points:2470 (not gt pro debut yet)

gen:1 :lol:

breed: -drumroll------- ......................... Mimitchi! B) :D :D :D

instrument: guitar too!

band: mystical

freddie will speak in blue, and kim in red (me in black - pretty in black - BD)

fred: hehe, look at my little son, eh?

Kim:d'awww, he's adorable

ME: :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi: :D

fred: :D i will grandly name him...... come on let's have a drumroll guys... ZEUS!

kim: hmm that is pretty grand. =K

ME: :huh: !!


um... ok this isn't getting anywhere. i'm having a new log guys, i'll post the address in a minute.

My new blog is here if you wanna read it. i really appreiciat your pms about my log thanks -=D ~"_"~ xxxxxx :ichigotchi:
