Tamagotchi in Ponderland


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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
:) Hiyiaaah,

Today my mum brought me 2 music stars, :) :) (from argos, just thought u might wanna know) one pink glitter :huh: , and one red, with stripes at the top, stars at the left side, and 1 silver stripe at the right hand.

I decided to untab the pink one coz after all, pink is my fav. colour... that design is a little babish, but it was pretty. :D

i reset my tama at set the date and my b-day, then waited for the egg to hatch. then it started to shake... and popped out a baby girl!! :D :D i named her jeannie (not very inventive is it now...) and got started.

more updates coming :huh: ^_^

Colours :




yes darling,

i pooped

*sign* arghhhhhhhhhh

how could u poop 4 times without letting me know???

i wen' unda de bed ta plah, remibath mama??

*quickly clean up mess*

mama! i hav headack *cry* wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

*get medicine*

ewwww!! i hatey medicineeeeeee!!!

its to make you feel better jenni,

mama, can i hava swit afta it???

maybe... how about a cookie??

yeeth!!! (obediently eat medicine)

blueghhh that was DITHGUTHTIN.

i feed her a cookie



*transform into tamatchi* marmie i wanna play a game.

(play sound block)

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mama i feel so much better now!!


sigh. i still haven't potty trained her...

hey jenni, do u want to write??


today me and mama went to tamatown centre and got me a little teddy!! i played with it and then the mail came!! mama got it and read it to me!!! i was to star preschool today!! i couldn't wait,

at preschool i meet this very cute teacher and we sang. i met a hitotchi named sue, wat a BORING name, we played jumprope and i won!!! yessss!!


i was so happy!!

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my tama's status:

name: jeannie (nickname jenni)







genre:classical music

Hey guys!! it's jeannie here (WHY mummy chose that name, i don't know!! y can't i be named sapphire? or amethrst?) mammy's out in morrisons and i thought i'd just let u know about my growth, i take it very seriously, you see.

i went to the shop with mummy and it was BORING BORINGBORING still, i did get a mirror so that was GREAT but mummy still wouldn't let me use it but i'll be able to soon!! i went on tamatown with mummy and she brought me a violin! i use to have a harp but i love the violin!!

jenni, im home!!

oh-uh tthats mummy. she doesn't like me to play on her laptop while she is away, you see...

geez jenni, i told you not to mess about, what did you put???

not anything silly, i just posted on your blog, coz you seem quite busy anda lot happened, like tamatown, the violin, me gonna ivolve and...

okay.okay. we get the point jenn

mummy im gonna involve tomorrow!! wot do u reckon ill turn in to? a mimitchi? or a memetchi, maybe, hmm...?

oh i don't know. we'll see xx

thx 4 reading

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;) currently, my tama's genre is changing between hip-hop, classical, pop, and R&B. she is playing a violin. :D :D

Jenni! teatime! ;)

i don't want any. especially not baby food.

*cooks burger secretly*

never mind,ill eat the burger then B)



hey your hungry dropped 2 hearts!! eat your baby food and ill give you the burger

*sulks* :(


Hmm... i think you need you tea no matter *what* u say. :kusatchi:

feed baby ffood and burger

more updates this evening.

my tama turned into a chamametchi!

hiyiahh!! today my music school teacher came and gave me a trombone!! i went to the music school and met 2 other players!! elaine and dino!

thats lovely honey, what did you do?

well we sang for a bit and then we played our instruments

im fine staying at one genre but the other 2 think it's very funny to just change it every hour or so. they do my head in.

ah well sweetie, im sure you'll manage

jeannies status:

genre: rock n roll

instrument: violin

points: 398/460/609

gotchi points: 3720




hey! it's ages since ive updated!

and a lot has happened!! i turned into a mimtchi yesterday morning, and gt pro debut!!

i know, wasn't it good??

yeeeesss, and i would like to introduce you to my baby girl, sapphire.

you got married??

yes ;) , 1/2 hour ago, my baby is sooooo cute!!

quick states:





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hey!! im back from the holiday that i took, so im only just untabbbing my nusic star.

remeber, me=black, jeannie=red sapphire= blue fridge = grey

see, i chose good names for MY child, not boring names like jeannie...

JEN! that name is NOT boring.

oh PER-LEASE you use that name in the 1960s. i ask u.

mama i want to eat.

huh. you dont have to eat baby food like i had when i was young. coz i brought pizzas, burgers, fish, orange-

so THATS how you weighed so much!

awwwww! comon mum, i worked hard AND played sound block in between rehersals.



*sigh* alrite alrite

open the door...

i cant.

just DO IT

okay calm down i--


owww!! *hop away*

so you CAN move... give us a fish...




just give it mE!!

noooo *hops away even further*

MUM! the fridge is bullying me!!

*sigh* i never had your problems when I was youger! *take out burger* here.





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i just wanted to say that I changed to time to 11.59 so that jeannie will leave her baby with me. i will miss her tho.

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh! now i miss her so much i want her back and wished i hadn't done tht..


:) hehe, i just looked at sappire, and she turned into a ringotchi today! she is 1 (but will turn 2) and is SOOO cute!!

she is sleeping now but i just wanted to make some updates

she went school today, and meet a kikitchi and a chamametchi, and played!! she was happy coz she gt all of the notes rite... :D :D

my tama turned into a makiko this morning, here, il put her on

HEY (sugary voice) TAMATALK, i want to go to tamatown to get me lots and LOTS of presents, but ilt2010 dont have the time :huh: (or so she says) and i went to the school to perform, (fake american accent) and i dinint paas. <_<

sapphy!! i hope you arent burbling!!

who cares, i love that mametchi in my band! his so GOORRRGEOUS!!

MAKIKO!! are you going on about your LOVELIFE again???

*ignore ilt2010 :unsure: *i hope his gonna propose to me soon, he's soo nice!!


BYE TAMATALK luv you!! *kiss* muwaaahh!!

SAPPHIRE!! you mum never was such a handful like you!! *sigh*

it's called teenage phase, you see...

YOU ARE AN ADULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(THE MAKIKO-me=blue, building=grey)

hey! GUYS, my mum is being VERY boring again, she's not at home so i thought il just post today... AHHAAAhaHAHAH!!! *laugh*


so.. i got pre debut, and then, i got to first ranking on r&b...


AND YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT, when i went to my rehersal, mametchi said he was intersted in me YAY!! AHAHA!!


so he kind.. propose to me!!! quite rightly too!! after all, who can resist me??

me and mametchi kiss...* MUWAHHHH


i love you mametchi...



SO NOW, im just watching my makiko and her family being together...

colous: saphy:blue

toby(her husband): yellow

their baby:red


hiyiahhh, toooooooooby! MUWWWAR :D

*puke* so flirty art thou... B)

MUM, you dont know ANYTHING!! :wacko:

awwww, treat your mother with respect for a bit, yeah? saph,

don't you go on too! ;)


hehehe :D


MUM!! art thou writing down thy conversation?

OH sapphy! dont talk shakespeare just coz i do it to practice for my play!



its fun

noo saph you missin the-

stop it!!

he means you*to me*

AWWW, sapphire louise tosh! (my name is amy tosh in real life) your mum was NEVER like this. she was PERFECT.

meaning she didn't have a life.

NOO. she did too!

she was a mimitci weren't she

your missing the whole point i--

*walks out with her baby.*


Dear saph, even you are a RIGHT pain in the bum i will miss you...


so yesterday when her baby was left to me i fed it but didn't play. and the in the morning my mate coco (we call her that but she's actually courtney) went to jaz's house (she's actually julia) but she likes jazz music and she gt stuck with that name :D :D :D :p , back to the point. i thought it'll be quite short but it was til 3 in the afternoon! and i didn't pause Boohoo (sapphire's baby, she was a playful kind and didn't take naming the child seriously... so she gt stuck with that name :huh: :lol: *sigh*) :D and i didn't think about my tama coz we went on miniclip n played bubble trouble& acid factory, tiny castle etc. boy it was funn... it wasn't when i got back just in time to see a little animation of a dead angel!! *SOB SOB SOB* !! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

well, i just can't bring myself to nurse another tama... ao i thought i'd leave it for a while... but then i changed my mind

i'll have a go at the red one instead (remeber i had 2 music stars at te beginning but only started one?? B) )

HEHE :D i just hatched the tama 1 hour ago and gt a boy! i named it freddie and now its a toddler kutchitamatchi! :D :D

i love it!

i am NOT an it! :huh:

alright okay...

apolgise!! :D

okay, daddy, i'm sorry :lol:

no! Properly. like "i'm sorry"

ok. your sorry

wahhhhh stop it!!

okok! im sorry!

*takes no notice N carry on crying*

*sigh* im beginning to see sapphire in fred...

Just a very quick update. My tama involved into kikitchi n i decided to start my pink tama too, she involved into hitoetchi (star) xx hehe

:) :D colours pink tama,sapphire=green red tama, freddie=BLUE

HEY! i turned into itchigotchi!(straberi)

and i'm a kikitchi, and hopefully i'll turn into a mametchi or shimashimatchi?

no chance stupid!

dont be snide, sapphire, you are youger than me, and mum did put me in charge...

who cares, and, ought we be logging on this? mummy said no...

ohhh,look whos the scardycat!! B)

:ph34r: YOU are. and anyway mummy said when we grow up she want us to marry!


so we'd better not argue (excuse, i fancy him u c...)

sapphire! will you stop saying random stuff? there's a chamametchi i like so i'll probably marry her

:) huh. look whos daydreaming now B)






cry baby








