How did you set your address? It doesn't let you select a country, just 'Overseas'. And seeing from the screenshot I got above, I'll be charged 185 yuan instead of 145. Is yours from a different seller?I only paid $68 CAN each tama... I dunno... but then again, shipping was only 145 yuan... And yes, they accept Mastercard and other creditcards. When you pay for it, it gives you all the AliPay methods, but there are other tabs you can click for various ways to pay... I think you can also pay using Paypal, but don't quote me on that. I used Mastercard to pay
When I first entered in my info, it asked for my address, and the only option for Country, city, etc, was to select overseas. I kept trying to write my full address including my city and province, but it kept denying it. So I just did what was allowed and continued along. Then, when it came to payment, and I entered my Mastercard and everything, it asked again for address, and this time I was able to select Country, city, province... And then it was good.How did you set your address? It doesn't let you select a country, just 'Overseas'. And seeing from the screenshot I got above, I'll be charged 185 yuan instead of 145. Is yours from a different seller?
According to the video uploader, the items in Japanese labels were transferred via IR from a Japanese iD L, hence the Japanese labels.Something odd I noticed in the video....
It seems that everything is in English, but when they go to the Tama Depa and look at the vacuum and things, it's in English.
However, in the inventory, the vacuum and mop are in Japanese.
Could it be possible that it was transferred over via a Japanese iD L and keep it's Japanese name, or could be part of the programming?
Create an account so you'll skip out on it.@superdonut
When you were ordering it and it asked you for your phone number, what did you do? Mine keeps saying I need an extension number and I have no idea what that is. For example I put: 123-456-7890 123 is the area code,and 456-7890 is the 10 digit number.
I used a Taobao Agent to purchase from I probably searched a dozen different middleman services' websites before I finally found one that was both in English and accepted Paypal, and it was also really straightforward and easy. Like others have experienced, there was also a message system so I could talk to the person who was dealing with my order. Local shipping was about 10 Yuan, fees were about 30 Yuan and international shipping from Hong Kong to Australia is $3.50 USD, so it's really not too bad at all. Better still, the site also gives tracking information and order/item status, so you know exactly where your item is and what processes it's going through. At the moment, my middleman service has purchased the iD L and is awaiting it to arrive at their warehouse. It should take about 3-5 days to get there, then I need to pay for international shipping, and they will then send it to me via China Post Airmail, and it should get here in 15-25 days after that. But Australia isn't really that far from Hong Kong in the scheme of things, so it should get here closer to 15, I would think.That's great news! Did you order from the Chinese site?