Tamagotchi ID & +Color


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Try Amazon or Ecrater for Tamas as well, sometimes you find them for decent prices there.

As for differences, the +Color has oldies, which no other color Tama has after that.

And if they become oldies- no worries, oldies on +Colors are able to marry whenever they want with the matchmaker.

It is very easy to get all of the items on +C quickly. At least for me it was. And for new destinations you simply need to buy 3 tickets, so not a lot of effort there either. It is fun at first, ofc!
But after you have everything, it will get ultra boring. Also, there aren't a lot styles of wallpapers for different rooms.
The biggest disadvantage are the characters. There are 6 boys and 6 girls. And they are not very cute imo.
The iD has so little characters as well, but they are ALL so cute. ;3 But that's my opinion, ofc. :)

Also the ID and the +Color can connect to each other if I remember correctly.

+C - connects with +C, iD and iD L
iD - connects with +C, iD and iD L
iD L - connects with +C, iD, iD L and P's
P's - connects with iD L and P's

There's way too many people to quote and directly respond to, but I really appreciate all your guys' info and feedback on this!

heya! did you win the ID? please say you did ahaha ^.^
Unfortunately I got distracted with cooking and other house chores last night and forgot to go even look at the auction @_@;; I'm sorry, ;3; Did someone outbid you?

yeah lol, unfortunately i didnt bid again :( boo lol i was hoping u get it

There's way too many people to quote and directly respond to, but I really appreciate all your guys' info and feedback on this!

Unfortunately I got distracted with cooking and other house chores last night and forgot to go even look at the auction @_@;; I'm sorry, ;3; Did someone outbid you?
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