Tamagotchi Icons/Avatars?


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Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone know where to find some Tamagotchi type icons and avatar images? I'd rather have somethin like that instead of a smiley face by my name. :)

If ya want a Tamagotchi Amazon like i have just go on the Tamagotchi Connexion site see a picture that you like and right click ur mouse and click save as. Then it should save in one of your files. Then when you want to another avatar click browse and it will send you to your file with the picture in it. Click that and it will be done when you click OK (or something like that) on this site. You can click sav as and save as many pictures as you like of anything. I have tons of Buffy/Angel pictures. Hope i helped! Marc!

Cool...I'll get to work now. I'll be making pixilated ones similar to Buffy_fan's avatar(maybe even animated), and image ones. I've got to see if I can make a cute little Tamagotchi image myself. XD


(goody goody)

i cant even see my avatar 4 some reason...my sis did sommet 2 my pc and it comes up white with a lil red x in it on everybodys avatars...even on some other sites it does dat! :)

Got an answer for that Tamagod? :D (wouldnt be surprised!)


I bet the reason it does that is because she set your browser settings to where you can only see images from that certain server and no off-server images will be allowed. And since TamaTalk doesn't host the images, it requires them to be hosted and you provide a URL to the image yourself......They would be considerred 'off-server' images. And I can help you get your settings back if it IS that problem, and if you are using Mozilla, or IE. Hope this helps!


(P.S.) Can you see Vince's avatar? Because if you can, then we have our problem solved because his avatar is an 'on-server' image that comes pre-installed with IPB. ^^

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The new Tamagotchi avatars can also be uploaded to the server to avoid this problem for others as well.

That would be great! ^^ By the way, Mr. Admin Sir(lol), did you get my e-mail?

I'm done with 3 of the Avatars. So far they're only basic images.....I'll release the basic images before I do the animated ones......Just so we'll have SOMETHING to put up! Lol.


and the picture ones are well gud ^_^

cant wait for the animations ^_^

Animations will be fun and I've done 5 or more of those....The problem is, I have to get the Tamagotchi and think about making the animations while I have it. Lol.

bah, so how long before theyre done?

just do a prediction :rolleyes:

and how many left do you have to do?

It might be awhile because of the website. I'm working on them one by one, as I get all of the Tamagotchi(AGAIN! ugh!) Lol.

i could fast make some avatars too and they could also be animated not for stealing your work tamagod but ill do like to make some and there will also bee more choises

how do you make avatars
I make my avatars with the paint program on my computer.

1. Click on image and click attributes.

2. Click on the bubble that says pixels

3. Then write 64 in each of the boxes above.

4. Click on the bubble that says colour and click ok.

5. Draw or paste something in the box.

6. When saving, Click save as then in the box that says " Save as type" Click the blue thingy and either click on JPEG or GIF, then click on ok.

*Note* When saving as JPEG or GIF it may loose the colour quality.

7. Go onto Tamatalk and click on my controls.

8. Click on my avatar settings on the side.

9. Then click on Browse.

10. Find your picture and then click ok.

Hope that helped :(

I need to know wher the icons r.Some 1 PLEASE PLEASE tell me wher the icons r. ;) :D :D :D :D :huh: :lol: :) ;) :rolleyes: :hitodetchi:

how do you make avatars, anyway????? to answer me, pm me at tamasav6. thx!!!

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