The 'Tamagotchi Friends' -
Now, I've had my TF for roughly a week now, and my opinions of it have gone up and down, and for many reasons.
I was in my local Tesco some time last week, and I decided then I wanted a new Tamagotchi. I had just found my love for the old toys and thought it a great way to restart my Tama family by buying the newest model. This Tesco didn't sell them, so off I drove to the nearest superstore - Argos.
Flipping through their hefty catalog, eventually I settled on the page of electronic pets, and right in the corner, tucked away, was the TF. Instantly my heart sunk, but only a little. It warmed my heart that a decade later, this store still sold Tamagotchis, but at the same time I was sad at how much room the pictures didn't take up. It was like they were no longer important.
Drilling in its 7 digit number into a small machine, I was relieved to see they had three in stock, probably of various colours. What shocked me the most? It cost £25.00. That's a whole £13.00 more expensive than they were when I was small. Or more, even!
Needless to say my drive to own one of these things was crazy, so I went ahead and bought one. I wasn't given a choice of colours, and got given the purple gem one. I opened the velcro cover and stared at it as I walked slowly back to my car.
It was ugly.
No, seriously. It was massive, thick, with cheap looking colours. Like someone had coloured it in sharpie.
It was like the guys who came up with the design forgot their original ideas. These little things were made for pockets, and this thing would never fit into a 10 year olds trousers, shirt or coat.
I got home, sat on the sofa with my 14 year old sister, who started talking about Tamagotchi's herself, and how she was 7 when she played with them. (She's four years younger than me)
After opening up the garish looking pet, I took the back off, only to discover it no longer took 3v batteries. I suppose it was a good thing, since they were a pain to get hold of in my area. After putting different batteries in (since it didn't come with any) the thing groggily burst to life, and my heart sunk even more.
I've never heard such horrid sounds in my life. It's like it's little sound chip was being thrown into a blender over and over and then being force to bleat out some notes. If you compare the sounds this thing made to the v5, it makes the v5 sounds like 1000 singing angels and the TF sound like a dying cat. Literally. I always know when the TF needs me because all I can here is the out of tune, tinny sounds from the depths of my bag, which is where I find myself leaving it most of the time.
I don't know if it's just mine that has bad sounds, but it's an earache I'll tell you now. I feel that Bandai had so much possibility, especially with the technology we have these days. They could have made it amazing. There could be so many more features...
Now, just because I've slated so much about this device, that it means it's 100% bad, right?
Well, not exactly.. I mean, mine evolved into a rather strapping looking Mametchi, who calls me to him just to let me know he loves me, and it makes my heart ache to think he's stuck on such a poorly made bit of tech.
Looks ★★☆☆☆
Quality ★★☆☆☆
Content ★★★☆☆
Overall ★★★☆☆
Please don't slate my post/topic too much, I just needed to majorly vent my opinions
on the Tamagotchi Friends.
[edit- spelling mistakes]
Now, I've had my TF for roughly a week now, and my opinions of it have gone up and down, and for many reasons.
I was in my local Tesco some time last week, and I decided then I wanted a new Tamagotchi. I had just found my love for the old toys and thought it a great way to restart my Tama family by buying the newest model. This Tesco didn't sell them, so off I drove to the nearest superstore - Argos.
Flipping through their hefty catalog, eventually I settled on the page of electronic pets, and right in the corner, tucked away, was the TF. Instantly my heart sunk, but only a little. It warmed my heart that a decade later, this store still sold Tamagotchis, but at the same time I was sad at how much room the pictures didn't take up. It was like they were no longer important.
Drilling in its 7 digit number into a small machine, I was relieved to see they had three in stock, probably of various colours. What shocked me the most? It cost £25.00. That's a whole £13.00 more expensive than they were when I was small. Or more, even!
Needless to say my drive to own one of these things was crazy, so I went ahead and bought one. I wasn't given a choice of colours, and got given the purple gem one. I opened the velcro cover and stared at it as I walked slowly back to my car.
It was ugly.
No, seriously. It was massive, thick, with cheap looking colours. Like someone had coloured it in sharpie.
It was like the guys who came up with the design forgot their original ideas. These little things were made for pockets, and this thing would never fit into a 10 year olds trousers, shirt or coat.
I got home, sat on the sofa with my 14 year old sister, who started talking about Tamagotchi's herself, and how she was 7 when she played with them. (She's four years younger than me)
After opening up the garish looking pet, I took the back off, only to discover it no longer took 3v batteries. I suppose it was a good thing, since they were a pain to get hold of in my area. After putting different batteries in (since it didn't come with any) the thing groggily burst to life, and my heart sunk even more.
I've never heard such horrid sounds in my life. It's like it's little sound chip was being thrown into a blender over and over and then being force to bleat out some notes. If you compare the sounds this thing made to the v5, it makes the v5 sounds like 1000 singing angels and the TF sound like a dying cat. Literally. I always know when the TF needs me because all I can here is the out of tune, tinny sounds from the depths of my bag, which is where I find myself leaving it most of the time.
I don't know if it's just mine that has bad sounds, but it's an earache I'll tell you now. I feel that Bandai had so much possibility, especially with the technology we have these days. They could have made it amazing. There could be so many more features...
- I'm sure it can take a hit
- Pixel depth
- New characters
- There are some new features
- Revival of original Tamagotchi games (♫ get)
- Can change contrast
- Poor sound quality
- Poor paint quality
- Too big for a normal pocket
- Too much going on to be able to see Tama (contrast change does not help)
- Infra-Red is no more, bump connection instead (AKA no backwards compatibility)
Now, just because I've slated so much about this device, that it means it's 100% bad, right?
Well, not exactly.. I mean, mine evolved into a rather strapping looking Mametchi, who calls me to him just to let me know he loves me, and it makes my heart ache to think he's stuck on such a poorly made bit of tech.
Looks ★★☆☆☆

Quality ★★☆☆☆

Content ★★★☆☆
Overall ★★★☆☆

on the Tamagotchi Friends.

[edit- spelling mistakes]
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