Yeah Himespetchi and Yumemitshi are the only two characters you can only get through connecting, I couldn't care less about Yumemitshi but not having Himespetchi.... whyyyyy.... :'(Aaaaaarrrgh!!! NO!! Himespetchi requires 2 TF?? T_______T
I honestly am starting to doubt too about the connection: it would be too kind for Bandai's usual style! XD I'm a bit upset they completely ignore how much the Japanese TMGC products sell even in Western Countries and I also think that there might be a discrete amount of Japanese fans that collect tamagotchis, maybe even ordering from Internet the West-only ones.
I don't think it would be fair if Bandai japan sould their tamagotchis well, outside japan, because everybody would buy japan's ones instead of US/UK ones lol
I don't know if the friends actually sells in japan, I undertand the Tama-Go got a japanese release and it didn't go too well so I'm not expecting much people to get the TF's
also I've seen the TF's in few japanese sites, and they were selling from quite expensive, it must be hard to get for them xD
AAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, today I went to a toy shop, and gues what I fouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuund

hadn't see them in real life yet so this was quite a suprize for me, even though I don't like this version neither the way they advertised it, I have to say they made a really good job when it comes to the packaging, this one looks better than the previous ones we got, the shape and everything are really original.
Although they seem to be fragile, that's probably why they covered them in a hard plastic box lol
I hope for a future version (with better characters and features, so I would want to buy it) they use a similar packaging.
Also the TFs are really smaller than I expected, everybody was complaining about the size but like, I fon't get what's so wrong about it xD
there's something that killed me though, THAT PRICE, 28€ what's about 36$, I know Tamagotchis are still a lot cheaper than most toys, but the unfair price between places makes me mad, I refuse to buy something they sell this way, even if I don't want this version, I want us to have the american price >:I

I also got an eye in this little guy, I really like the dalmatian and leopard designs, the gem ones are too much like the iD L, and the american ones are way too ugly, this ones are simple and original, so I like them more. Also they don't look that girly at all
Also did you realize in the first pictures? They are not in the girls toys section, I'm glad spanish shops still don't see them as something for girls despite the add and comercials (because the fact that the comercial said amigas (Friends - only for girls) instead of amigos (Friends - for both girls and boys) made me really angry)
it made me a little bit happy to see them in the unisex toys
In conclussion, I still don't like this version and I won't buy it, but I have to say good job to BanDai because the packaging and design overall is really good~~