Tamagotchi Friends - No calls for empty happy bar, bug!?


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black candy

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I'm on 2nd GEN on my TF. First few days (baby/teen) it would beep when it was hungry or for game play, but i noticed that as an adult nothing appears on the screen and no beeps-calls for food or games. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Glitch?
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Maybe you have accidently turned the sound off? Or maybe it are the batteries? Maybe you can try this?

Maybe you have accidently turned the sound off? Or maybe it are the batteries? Maybe you can try this?
Batteries are new. He's still without happy hearts and no call.

Update - Icon attention appears after 1h from full empty hearts...

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There was an attention call, but you left your Tama without filling the hearts so long the attention icon turned off.

That's called a care miss. Eventually the icon will turn back on, calling for attention again, and if you miss THAT call and the icon turns off, let's just say its better not to leave your Tama alone that long.

I actually just tested out the one hour delay in hunger/happy notifications for empty hearts and have experienced the same thing. I normally fill up my tamagotchi friends' hearts without letting them empty, but today I wanted to see what would happen if I just let them go. It took roughly an hour for the "Let's Play" notification and beep to occur. I haven't known this to be the case on any other tamas. Is this how all of the tamagotchi friends are? Any other experiences?

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