You know, I'm usually turned down easily... What I mean is, I'm getting very aware of the bad comments, and the general bad opinions, and make my decisions upon them.
So, when I first saw people saying there were a lot problems with the Tama-friends, I got worried. I'm currently waiting my dad to accept to buy me one, and I'm also waiting in case there is a new wave, or the dream town isn't so much as we expect it to be like...
But I must say, that TF, has the same quality with an idl as for the shell and buttons! As far as I can see in pics, it's just the same with my idl, and half of the shells are also simular to it.
The others, are new designs, but the they differ in the back I think.
So the thing is, when my IDL came, and I realised although it was shipping from America [i think?] Or another country apart from Japan, it was actually kind of a lie... It was in chinese [or japanese? o-o] And I couldn't understand, but later on, I managed to understand what it meaned to say in the menus, by watching videos and stuff, and reading the english subbed instructions. I had no problem, and the buttons although seeming kinda cheap, were no problem for me! I quite enjoy it in fact! ^_^
I was and I am quite happy with it no matter what.
Also, without anyone saying I'm normal, I'm a bit of perfectionist... But I'm certain, I would have no problem or upsetion or anything having a tama, even with the cracks!
You see, on the other hand, I have my tamas v3,v4,v4.5 and they are kinda... a lot in my use...
I mean, my first tama v4, has really smooth used buttons, and the desighns are worn off... But I try to keep the others in the best condition possible... (I was fairly young when I had that one...

But still, about the dust... My tamas -because I was young, and generally I had no idea on keeping them untouched- and let's admit it, time has effects on things... have some slightly dusted layers, and one of my screens has a light scratch... So these things happen even if you always keep an eye on them...
Concluding, it wouldn't be a problem to me, to get one by 24-23 euros? And without it being the most perfect tama ever. I'm not playing my tamas a lot in the dark so...
I only wish some rumors I hear, aren't true...
Does it have a mute selection as older ones? And does it have a pause menu?