Tamagotchi Crafts- Hiding Disguise


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Jun 22, 2012
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York, UK
Do you need a secret place for your tamagotchi? But it's hassle trying to hide it quick enough? I have a solution! -

1. You will need-

*Craft knife

*Wide sello-tape

*Sweet box/ Cough sweet box

*Wooden surface/ box




First take the box and mark out a window on your box, I did not as mine has a square that i will use as guidelines.

Now place the box on your wooden surface and gently push the craft knife into your pen line, once it is in steadily follow your guide lines, if your not confident free hand use the ruler as a guide. Leave one edge of your lines un-cut! This will make it a flap.

Fold over the flap and using the sellotape put it inside the window so the sticky part is facing toward the flap. Then put sellotape on the outside and make sure the sticky part is facing downwards onto the other sticky tape. Next use the craft knife and make a small cut on the bottom of the sello tape so the flap can fold into it.

Now see if the window is big enough by placing the tamagotchi in the box you can press the buttons aswell while its in the box. Now fold the flap over and gently press it into the gap it should stay there easily.

Now you can easily camouflage your Tamagotchis in your room or if your on the go just pretend its an ordinary sweet box and your reading the front!

Heres mine in their hiding place- you can hardly tell!

From left to right- Yellow Tama box, Red closed flap Tama box, Halls cough sweets, Real Ricola Herb Sweets

Hope this helps!

That's smart. Although, I would need to be cautious due to... Like schools. Mine would have taken those because they didn't want us having "medicine" or stuff like that. They would be taken to the office, regardless what it was. The only thing not taken to the office was inhalers... But those were likely to be sitting on the teachers desk....


But I do like the idea. Maybe a small viriety box of cereal pack, those would be cool to see done. Those might bypass adults better. Lol.

This is a great idea! And when I took cough drops to my school, my teacher walked up to me and said, "You know you're not supposed to have those in school, right?" and I replied, "Yeah, I know." and put one of the cough drops in my mouth and smiled at her. So now I can bring them, she acts like she doesn't notice them. I might have to try this!

Well it was more of a "Hide in the open of your room etc" haha but my secondary school are so annoying they ring up your parents to ask if you can take the paracetamol that they gave you even if your parents wrote a note -_- But I dont take mine to school - too much risk! I'm going to try with more types of boxes! I will post them in here aswell :)

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