Tamagotchi Color Log


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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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Honestly, she is mega-cute. My Chamametchi, named Juliet, is really sweet and I don't ever want her to evolve! She's asleep in her little pink-hearts design bed with the stars twinkling outside her window. I am very pleased with my new character after that ugly something that I don't know the name of. You could never think that she was ever ugly if you saw her!

I really hope something will happen tomorrow, though. She never lost any hungry/happy hearts today, she was always tip-top and has never been ill or dirty. I keep her healthy and clean, which is especially tricky when I can't pause her! It's good I can relax when she's sleeping though.

I'm really attached to her now, because she's been a Chamametchi for as long as I can remember. She was always pretty cute and attractive, except in her short and disastrous child stage. I hope she evolves into Furawatchi, my all-time favourite character! She must be feeling jealous of my new Tama-Go Mametchi Jake, who gets lots of my attention. I also have a v3, 2 v4s and a v6 to tend to, so I can't pay that much attention to any of them.

I chose Tamagotchi Plus Color for my log though, because not may people have it so the log will be quite unique. The log doesn't start here, it stats next morning. You may not be seeing the word Chamametchi again by tomorrow morning, who knows if she's had enough of being cute? I'll update as soon as possible with tho good news of a :furawatchi: or the bad news of a :) . Yes, no uproar needed because I hate Memetchi!!

Two days have passed, still nothing has happened. Juliet hasn't evolved, she's just woke up, gone to sleep with a hungry heart missing, repeating it till I'm so frustrated I want to just reset her! Yep, she's getting so much TLC, but not being very grateful for it. She doesn't deserve it, she's too vain and a dreadful show-off. But she can be quite entertaining, and perfectly cute. Still, I'm gonna keep her healthy! :D

SHE JUST EVOLVED!! It was like she closed her eyes, spotlights flashed all over her and she transformed...into a really cute Memetchi! (I meant Masktchi when I said I hate Memetchi!). I was in the bathroom, admiring her cxolours, then I went won a game, and it happened. I love my new Memetchi - I'm holding a special party JUST FOR HER! She's very pleased, because I think that Chamametchi costume was getting a little old and itchy for such a lovely cutie!


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

She hasn't evolved or anything, just turned four. I've been off school sick for a few days, giving me more time to play with her.

It's been a while, yeah, but this log is back! Juliet's not changed a bit since she recently ran out of batteries, but she does love bubble gum (I think she's glad she's finally allowed to eat it, I didn't let her as a teenager because it makes her gain weight). I still have a strict rule for her: No snacks until she earns 100 Gotchi Points. Her Happy bar is full, along with her Hungry bar.

She says she'd like to post some stuff here (with a Memetchi picture as a bulletpoint):

:angry: Why aren't I allowed any snacks?

I just gave you a lollipop as a treat!

;) Well...OK. Fair enough.

:D I'm Dolphin Girl's record for the best care and most beautiful Tama she's ever had!

Yeah, but don't boast.

:eek: Why did you want me to be a :furawatchi: ?

Stop asking me questions!

:) My Profile:

Name: Juliet, you should know that already.

Age: 4, if you need to know.

Gender: Girl, of course!

Character: Memetchi, didn't you know?

Generation: 1, obviously!

OK, Juliet, you can stop now!

I'll update later with more news.

Onto GENERATION TWO! My ultra-cute Memetchi turned 6 and was allowed into the Dating Place this morning! She married a cute Mametchi and had a baby...GIRL! I'm gonna follow my Furawatchi dreams and take perfect care of the new-born Isis. She poos a lot and likes playing games. Isis, wanna say something?

:furawatchi: Why is there no Babytchi emoticon?

:furawatchi: My Profile:

Name: Isis

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Weight: 11g

:furawatchi: :( :( :( I'm upset my mom left...

Oh Well. She'll cheer up when she realises what a great owner I am!

Isis just evolved into a cute little Memepetchi! She's not in a talkative mood right now, so I'd better just not ask her to say anything.

You're just like your mother, Isis, except not so vain. Isis just evolved into...yep, you guessed it, another Chamametchi! I don't really mind though, because Chamametchi IS Perfect Care, after all.

Hey Isis, wanna say something? Sorry, it'll have to be Furawatchi emoticon again!

:furawatchi: Hey thanks for taking perfect care of me! You actually did WELL not letting me eat bubblegum! Am I old enough to eat it now?

Yes Isis you're old enough. Did you know: your mom actually ate some when I wasn't looking as a child!

:furawatchi: Explains why she was always so fat. 70g is just TOO MUCH! I only weigh 10g, fact.

Yes, right, Isis.

:furawatchi: Do ya think I'll ever get ot be a Furawatchi? Oh please take Perfect Care of me so I can!

I want you to be a Furawatchi as much as you want to be one! I've taken Perfect Care of you so far, so I suppose so...

Oh Yeah, I wanna say, Isis is the NEW record for my best care and most beautiful ever Tama! So there, Juliet, you've been beaten!

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OMG at last I have a Furawatchi to use that cute emoticon for! This morning, I woke up and checked her and it was a dream come true. Hey, my BEST Tama, wanna say something?

:furawatchi: I'm not like my mother. Not a BIT. I'm determined, kind, obedient...and not quite so boastful. But I do have a few bad points, like the way I only gave you 1000 Gotchi when I evolved...sorry about that, Dolphin Girl...

:furawatchi: My Profile:

Name: Isis

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Weight: 15g

Yay! Isis has now reached Marrying Age! I'll update as soon as she marries ^_^

Waaah! My Tama is zooming WAY ahead of my log! Isis married Kuromametchi and gave birth to a baby...BOY! Now I can go for Mametchi! I decided to stick with the ancient Egyptin mythology (Isis is an ancient Egyptian goddess by the way) and call him Horus (Isis's baby in one of the myths). Did you think I'd update before I had taken care of the new baby boy? Well, no. Anyway, Horus evolved into Kuribotchi and has something to say!

:kuribotchi: LOL

(The only thing he can say is "LOL"!

:kuribotchi: LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!

OK, enough of the LOL!

Oops! Sorry for not updating, but Horus evolved into Young Mametchi yesterday.

:mametchi: I wanna be a Mametchi sooo bad!

Oh you will be a Mametchi never mind. You are descended from 2 generations of pure Perfect Care characters! I must admit, my last Young Mametchi evolved into Gozarutchi so I reset him, but that's because he didn't have the Ultra Rare Weight Loss Potion.

:mametchi: Oh yeah, my weight loss thigummy. It tastes AWFUL.

Hey Hey, be grateful, that cost me 3300 Gotchi Points! Some of those were from you grandma Juliet, you know.

:mametchi: So you hung onto all those Gotchi Points instead of givng her some weighet loss stuff?

Oh Never Mind, Horus!

Oh yeah, I think this THREE PERFECT CARE CHARACTERS IN A ROW is more than mere LUCK! I can actually care well for my Tamas! I did have a stupid dream about finding a sick yellow kuchipatchi but I did not let it discourage me and I woke up to find a Mametchi! Horus? HORUS?

:mametchi: Sorry, I was out gardening. That ancient money tree really needs to go.

No the money tree will stay. I'm trying to find out how long trees last on there.

:mametchi: Well, thanks for making me a Mametchi! Now can I go to the Dating Place? PLEASE?

You're not old enough. The matchmaker won't let you in! I wish you could go though. Just wait till you're 5.

:mametchi: Oh thats aaaaaaages!

I'll make it go quickly, no prob!

Horus just turned four. One more day and he'll be able to marry!

Whoops! I married Horus to a Memetchi and they had a baby girl before updating! The baby is called Nepthys (Isis's sister in an Egyptian myth) and if you don't know about anceint Egyptian mythology, I will tell you she's a girl. She is SUPER needy! Wanna say something, Nepthys? Furawatchi emoticon.

:furawatchi: Hey you I can talk better than my dad!

Yes you can, Nepthys!

:furawatchi: I wanna be a Furawatchi!

Yes!! No worries, you'll be one.

:furawatchi: Oh please sneak me into school, don't pause me! I will be okay!

NO. I am not risking my highest generation Tama descended from three Perfect Care characters getting killed by the teacher or worse...a classmate betraying you!

:furawatchi: Hmmmm...it does sound scary at school.

Speaking of school, I have to go get ready for it. I will have to pause you, Nepthys!

Sorry for not updating lately, I was checking out the age restrictions of secret items. Now I have them all! Nepthys evolved into Memepetchi, them Chamametchi (who is my current character). It was as a Teen, Chamametchi, that she recieved her last secret item. I certainly spent a lot of time and worked hard to get all those secret items and unlock the secret game! Wanna know what the secret game is? Sorry, it's a secret. You only get it if you work hard for it! Here's Nepthys's opinion:

:furawatchi: OK, you DID have to make me get a ginourmous painful toothache by feeding me 50 cups of tea, but it was worth it to play that enourmously fun game! I earned 450GP! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I suppose she's just so ecstatic about being my very first Tama to get every secret item. The last ones only got one, or two, sometimes three, or, if I couldn't be bothered to try any, zero. So congrats Nepthys for surviving the obtaining of those items!

I'm Dolphin Girl on other account.






They're my V4.5. Delta is a 3rd Generation UraZukyutchi and Skye is her baby boy. Delta works at the hospital. She only married today, so Skye is sort of newborn. Delta hasn't left Skye yet. My 1st Generation was Kiana the UraVioletchi, then Fern the UraZukyutchi, then Delta the UraZukyutchi, and now Skye who will hopefully soon be UraMametchi! You want to say something, Delta and Skye?

Delta: Hi! I'm Delta and this is my new baby boy, Skye.

Skye: Hi! I'm Skye and I'm gonna be URA MAMETCHI!

Destiny (me): Sure, yes you are, Skye!

- dazzilitchigirl, Delta and Skye

Oh yes...my title...you want to know where her descendents ended? She ended at a Lavzukintchi called Ayaka who got killed by my mom. Nobody knew THAT.

And also, now Delta is 7! She still hasn't left Skye. She got a job working at the circus, and the game is so cool!

- dazzilitchigirl, Delta and Skye

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