~ Tamagotchi by the Waves ~


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Hey Hey. I managed to come on! Yayzzzz! We packing in a bit.

I got some newssssss~~

Abbie evolved a few minutes ago into an Ichigotchi! :ichigotchi: Yay for fruit characters! She is sososo cute! But she's sill 0 years old... when I paused them both I must have mucked up the evoloution thing. Never mind. Hopefully Kara will evolve soon.

Abbie also got accepted into Music School. The teacher came along and gave her some Maracas. I haven't sent her yet but I'm going to keep the tradition with the band name. B.H. Although I might change it. I dunno. I'll decide when I send her there.

It's awesome. There's been a sale in Kara's shop for 2 days! I've gotten loads of stuff for half price! Yay~

I've sent Kara to Pre-school alot so her skill points are improving but I still need to up them a bit more.

See you later or when I get back home on Sunday/Monday!

..I might update later I dunno.

-Tammie- [1 more day and then I've been on TT for 3 years!!!!!]


OOOHHHH. More news~

Kara has also evolved but is still 0 years old. She is a Young Mimitchi <_< . She also got accepted into school and her teacher is Mr. Turtlepedia. Her Intelligence is up to 46 but I still have to up that. I'm going to aim to get it to 100 before she becomes an Adult and that means alot more work!

Abbie is now 1 Years old which is a relief. Her band is B.H. as I said. Keeping Tradition. Maybe both of the Tamas will become Mimitchis! :mimitchi: I love Mimitchis....

Well, that's all I gotta say. I might be able to update while we're away, I might not. It depends. Byeee.

-Tammie- [Getting excited!!]

Hi! I'm posting from up country! It's lush here. We've just walked the dog, even though it's dark. I have some newssss!

Abbie has evolved again! She is now a Chantotchi, an excellent care character! Her band, which is now a Mametchi called David and a Maidtchi called Lisa, passed their pro debut straight away and are now doing really well and their star rating is 8th.

Kara is doing really well but is still 0 years old! If any of you darling readers know why this is, could you please pm me?Thank you.

Well, I'll update when I can because I'm using my brother's iPod to update and he might not let me use it.

See you when I can.

-Tammie- [i miss Marmalde and scrumpy(if you've looked at my profile you'll know who they are)]

Heya there. I'm back home. I miss being where we were but I am glad to be home. I'm really tired and it's only 7pm! I guess it's the 4 hour car journey that's done it.

I have loooaaaads of news.

Abbieeeeee ~

I'll talk about her band first. Her band has got 2 awards. 1 for Hip Hop and 1 for Rock 'n' Roll. I practiced alot every day because I began wanting Abbie to marry David the Mametchi. I praticed loads but it didn't go to plan. Earlier today, Abbie had a visit from the Band Manager... Guitartchi is it? who brought her a Kuchipatchi who asked her to marry him. She couldn't resist and said yes. There were fireworks and everything which I thought was appropriate as it is Halloween. Then an egg appeared on screen and a few minutes later it hatched into a baby boy. I thought I'd name the Kuchipatchi Charlie. I also need to think of what to call the baby boy... Maybe Thomas.. is that 7 letters? T1 H2 O3 M4 A5 S6. Yeah. 6 letters, that's fine.

Karaaaaaa ~

Kara evolved into a Mimitchi and is now 4 years old so she is ok. She got a job in the school because she missed it so much and now loves her job as a teacher. She'll be 5 tomorrow so maybe she'll get married as well? Aww. I can remember when they were small. Harutchi and Hitodetchi. Aww.

I think they enjoyed our holiday as much as I did. They were often in my pocket and occasionally saw the outside world.

-Tammie- [Neeeeed sleeeeep]


Ouchhhhhh. My arm really hurts from the injection I just had! Grr.


She married a.... oh gosh .... is it a Debatchi? I dunno. The Tamagotchi with the big teeth. Anyway. She had a Baby Boy who I'm going to name... I dunno. NAMES PLEASE!!

Aww. Abbie leaves Baby Thomas tonight. Bless her. I'm really going to miss her!

-Tammie- [PAIN!]

Hey there.

I waited until Kara left her baby(this afternoon..well...I had to set the time so then they were sleeping because of school and when I came back she had left him) until I unpaused Thomas. I just fed and played with Thomas and now I'm just playing with Flame(That's Kara's baby boy) and then I'll post when they evolve. K?

-Tammie-[Ouch. I'm in more pain from sat on the Music Block floor >.<]


We have evoloution! ....and sleep.

Yes, they have evolved ~ !

Thomas is a Kuchitamatchi !! I think that's an excellent care character, I might go check.

Flame is a Harutchi. Same as Kara was. Cute!

They are both fast asleep now. That's good. They go to bed early.

By the way, credit to Tama_dude2010 for thinking of the name Flame.

-Tammie-[Fireworks, boom KABOOMMMMMM. Yeah on Friday of course! Yoooo should remember!]

Hey Heyyyyyyyy.

I forgot to put the Boys to sleep so when I got home they needed major care. They're fine now. Oh! They both go to preschool aswell. :)

I don't know what Teenagers I won't them to evolve into so I guess I'll find out when the time comes. I need to raise their skill points and such.

Flame bought a Trumpet for 3200gp but he can't play it until he is and Adult so I hope he is good at it.

-Tammie-[Concert's a week today!!]
