Tamagotchi + Akai (Red)


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Well Epi Became a Kutchipatchi and got married to a Memetchi there baby is so cute!

Yup the baby is wonderful it is a ShiroHaatachi.

My husband told me all about this wonderful log!


Well I am thinking of adding a new Tamagotchi to the log. Which one should I pick? PM me what you think. Anyway BYE!!




Sorry that Peyton is sleeping he told me to do the log! You might not remember who I am. I am Epi's Child my name is Fon. I am a Tomatchi. Sorry that I havn't been able to post anyway Peyton is thinking of adding his Famitchi to the log what do you think PM him! Also I am going to have some waffles. So Bye!

Well Fon evolved into a Gozarutchi also Thanks to our viewers for looking at my log!

Yea Thanks everyone!!

I wish that we would have more fanmail. Anyway I have to go Bye!!

Yup Seeya! TTFN.

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