Tamagotchi 4U+


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I'm not too fussed on a pre-order (especially after getting my electric bill this week ).I know I'll get one in the next few months but I'll be happy to see others youtube reviews, pics etc before I buy.
I think I'll be in the same camp. Plus, I'd like there to be a decent amount of info available for when I can't figure out the Japanese. I never owned the 4U, so it seems prudent.

Lower. The top one is "baby pink". I like the one you picked better!
Ahhh okay. Thanks! Hehe glad I picked rose pink too! Cannot wait now!

By the way, did anyone order it over HLJ too? I saw the order has stopped and it'll be available on or after 31 July. What does this mean? Cause I know this tamagotchi 4U+ is released on 18 July.

Probably just means they can't do more pre-orders because they don't have enough stock coming on the release shipment to fulfill the pre-orders and will be getting another shipment on July 31.

just paid for mine! chose standard international registered shipping... hopes it comes to me safely... not too sure which shipping method was the cheapest with tracking.

anyone facing the same worry as me?

Paid for my blue 4U+ a few hours ago. I'm hyped haha.
Just waiting for it to be shipped now.

4U+ has released!

It's In Stock on HLJ at the moment, including Peach Orange!
Here they are: https://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?ItemGroup=bantama0715

Note, the price has gone up by 600 yen (5,382 yen), preorders stay the same at 4,784 yen.

just paid for mine! chose standard international registered shipping... hopes it comes to me safely... not too sure which shipping method was the cheapest with tracking.

anyone facing the same worry as me?
I've been ordering from HLJ since 2011 and I have never had a problem with SAL or EMS with them. But I guess this depends on your country.

At times I have had SAL packages come in 3 days. I won't worry, its unlikely anything damaging will happen to your package.

Registered SAL (Standard International Registered Shipping) is the cheapest with tracking on HLJ.

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My Visa card isn't working, probably don't have enough money. Oops .3.

IDK what to do now since I can't cancel my order XD

wacagocchi has posted more photos, introducing a new female baby and toddler. Maybe the 4U+ will have new babies and toddlers, I hope so! From this, it looks likely! ;)


The third image says:


This Tamagotchi has been added.

The fifth image says:


I can't really translate this sentence well, but it says this stage or as a toddler, the counter is at hand or near.
My guess is its the number of touch spots or connections to obtain it.

My Visa card isn't working, probably don't have enough money. Oops .3.

IDK what to do now since I can't cancel my order XD
Oh my. If you can't pay for it. I guess you have to cancel it. I think you got about 6 days or more.

If you can't, contact HLJ by request here: https://support.hlj.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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wacagocchi has posted 3 more photos, one contenting the 4 new post adults in the bottom left corner.



Enlarge image.

Devil Himespetchi man.

wacagocchi has posted photos once again, 3, one showing the other female toddler.



Enlarge image.

A post by Miaretchi, explains some of the changes from the 4U to the 4U+.

● Babies have changed, now Gaotchi male and Yuraratchi female.

● Number of random connection events has increased.

● Game Corner has two new games. One being "Treasure Zakuzaku". The result for this game is random, so you can mash through it to get Gotchi Points faster by continually pushing B.

● When going outside, and Auction Ojitchi appears. He say "This house of yours is like Candy Paku Paku" [この家はきゃんでぃぱくぱくが気に入っている] (This is likely just some adding text. I imagine he'll still be an auctioneer)

● Something unidentified outside has been added (This is literally what it says. IDK if the poster missed something by the last second or they saw a UFO *shrugs*. I'm guessing its a UFO.)

● Candy Pakupaku is obtained by 10 random connections. (When the 4U+ is affected by any NFC)

● Lovesolatchi is obtained by 20 random connections. (When the 4U+ is affected by any NFC)

A speical screen will appear when you have unlocked either.

● Remodeling has added some new designs.

● Tama-fashion has all new designs.

● Items have no change, all are still the same.

● Connection Games have no change.

Thanks to *Hayden* for helping me translate these!

The items winners to the contest over at Tamagotch Channel back in March have also been announced.


All items along with Bouquetchi (she can be downloaded via app and more however) can be downloaded by a 4U TOUCH CARD.

Source: https://tamagotch.channel.or.jp/event/camp_spring/kekka.html

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