Day 1 of Anniversary Hatch
Hello, fellow hatchers! I finally have a chance to relax and catch up on my logging. I’m happy to let you know that I hatched my P2 yesterday morning (November 19) before I headed off to watch another football game on a wonderful Saturday afternoon. If I remember correctly, the care period between the baby and toddler stages is about 60-70 minutes so I made sure to time it so that I would be at home taking as many pictures as I could before going to the game. I don’t take pictures very well in cars.

Anyway, here is a glimpse of what happened after I hatched my P2.
After much debating on whether or not I should hatch both my P2s, I decided to just hatch my transparent yellow P2. This P2 is very special to me because it is an exact replica of the very first Tamagotchi I bought back in 1999. I still have my old P2 but…let’s just say it’s been well-worn. XD All that’s left are some spare parts, as you can see in the picture below. It's been soldered and re-soldered multiples times, pixels have gone out, the sound disabled, you name it.
What's left of my first Tamagotchi.
I was very lucky to find a new one for a fantastic price back in 2007, when I got back into Tamagotchis for good. I love the transparent shell designs.
Onward to the hatch! Brace yourselves; I tend to take loads of pictures.

I might have to make separate posts because each post only takes 10 pictures.
I set the time for 10:10 am. I can’t tell you how awesome it felt to watch this tiny, pulsating egg on a black and white screen again.
This definitely takes me back to that summer day in 1999 when I hatched a Tamagotchi for the very first time. I was so excited to play with it that I wasn’t even out of the mall (where I got my first Tamagotchi) yet when I started playing with it.
Back to the present moment (you’ll find me getting really nostalgic during this hatch XD)! 5 minutes later, a ringing was heard and the egg started shaking! The egg hatched and out came a Shirobabitchi.
Such a cute little blob. I’m not sure what I’m naming my Tamagotchi yet. I think most of the characters on the P2 would be considered males these days but then there’s Mimitchi, whom I consider a female character. I’m going to have to think about that one. I have a tendency to think of my vintage Tamagotchi characters as males though. Maybe I’ll go with the character name right now until I find a name for my Tamagotchi (although I may slip up and call him a “he;” I can pretty much guarantee that).
Shirobabitchi immediately called for attention and so I fed my baby first. There is a choice between the meal (hamburger) and the snack (cake). One meal shades in one hunger heart and increases weight by one pound, and one snack shades in one happiness heart and increases weight by 2 pounds.
What he looks like when he's happy
To be continued...