Tamago's are bad how?


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It isn't necessarily bad, but it isn't good either. I mean, it has a few new features, but nothing too different from other Versions. I also dislike how bulky it is. I also just find them kind if boring, since there isn't Jobs or anything like that. I could list more things I dislike about it, but I'll stop there.

So, it's great for some people, but not all people.

I have gotten sick and tired of my Tama-Go. Good thing I ordered an ID-L!

For one thing, when they become an adult they are boring as crap. They take care of themselves (depending on whether you pottytrained them or not) and you have to feed them every 30-50 minutes. My Kikitchi once went 3 HOURS WITHOUT LOSING ANY HAPPY OR HUNGRY HEARTS.

There are also the other issues listed above, and I can't even put it in my pocket because of how big it is.

That's the one problem I never had with Tamagos. They fit fine in my pockets. I can usually get two in one pocket. Even in that pair of shorts I have that I hate because I can't even fit my hand in the pockets. Maybe it's just the kind of pants I wear.

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I too never had the pocket problem thing because I usually can't even get regular tamagotchis to fit in my pockets (some girls pants are manufactured with really shallow pockets because they assume we're carrying a purse anyway. Super annoying.). Some of my pants don't even have pockets, they're fake pockets.

I don't think I would like the Tamago, although I have never owned one. For features and content, the IDL and Music Star are the ones to go to. I would probably like Music Star more than Tamago. But then again, I really, really love the simplicity of the Tamagotchi Nano. You can only feed the Tamagotchi character and play a game on it, but it's really cute. The display is also really good too (better than Music Star and Familitchi).

Can anyone tell me about what the function of Tamatown.com?because i haven't try to using it when i play my tamago tamatown back to 2011.So many people complain because the website is shutting down.Overwall Tamago is Good,for me the bad thing is only grey color screen.and sometimes we get the same bad character,i mean really bad. i get 4 granny(otokitchi) character on 4 generation.after i evolve into teen and the next day become granny old this happpen on my 4 time generation.i don't know it was glitch or what.but it just happen.i am not kidding. this is why i never play tamago again.

here i give you a picture after i evolve into teen and the next day become Granny,i mean otokitchi


ps:quote my post if you want to reply. so it will be on my notification
Tama-Gos will evolve from the adult stage into "oldies" once you stop taking good care of them. So if you don't take good care of them as a teen or adult, they will turn into oldies. Prevent this by being very careful and taking good care of them.

I actually am very fond of the Tama-Go. The figures are a lot of fun, and the Tama-Go is simple and inexpensive. BanDai could have done better with the functions of the figures, and kept actually releasing them, but the Tama-Go is still great, especially for people like me who don't have a whole lot of time to take care of more complex Tamagotchis.

However, usually the reason people don't like the Tama-Go initially is because it's so low-tech compared to the other Tamagotchis released at the time. Tama-Go is black-and-white, while the iD and iD L series Tamagotchis are color and have a very appealing design.

A possible reason for the Tama-Go's hugeness is that it was made by BanDai with maybe the intention of releasing a Tama-Go 2, which would have new features and the same shell.

Tamastar133, I'm afraid only members of staff have the ability to close topics. In the future, just send a PM to any staff member.

*topic closed*


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