Tamafan54's Log


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This is Rachel practising her Mega Drum. Sorry for bad quality.


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Rachel got married today! She got married to a Mametchi!

I will name their boy..... Dylan!

Beth is now urayoungmemetchi!

Akita is now Horotchi!


The whole family including Rachel,Mametchi, and little Dylan!

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Lots have happened.

Rachel changed into Dazzelitchi.

Last night, Rachel and Her husband left.

I named their son Dylan, he is now a kuchitamatchi.

I have decided to only log my Music Star and Beth.

I ordered one in the mail that is already shipped!


Here is Dylan as a toddler.

Dylan: What happened to my mommy?

Me: She is in tamatown with her dad and grandma.

Dylan: I want to see them!!!

Me: You can see them when you leave your baby in my care.

Dylan: Ok :( .

Beth: So... tired.

Me: You're getting older beth.

Beth It sucks sooooooooooo much.

Me: I know.

Dylan has evolved into Kikitchi!

Hopefully, he will evolve into Kuromametchi!

He joined a band with a Chamamaetchi named Penny, aand a Hintotchi named Ryo!

Its name is "Emerald".


Here is Dylan practising his Mega Drum!

Dylan: I am kikitchi!

Me: I know, great job!

Beth: I don't want to get married...

Me: Why not?

Beth: Too much work.

Dylan: *Plays with car*

Beth: At least he is enjoying it.

Me: Beth, you really don't want to get married?

Beth: Nope.

Me: Ok fine then.

I am so happy because.... DYLAN IS A KUROMAMETCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!

He failed his pro debut 3 times so I am sad about that.

I also got my music star in the mail today!

I named him Blue cause of his shell design.

He turned into kurobitchi!


Here is Dylan as a Kuromametchi!

Dylan: Oh yeah, I am a kuromametchi!

Me: Nice job Dylan!

Beth: It felt good rejecting matchmakers!

Me: I know Beth.

Dylan: I want my pro debut!

Me: Be patient Dylan.

Dylan: Ok.

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