One day a young girl named Anne woke up with a giant pair of eyes staring at hert then she relized it was her TAMA!She looked huge and i wasnt even in her house!Her tama began to say ..'Hi Anne!!!!''Hi Furry(
)'.Wanna go explore Tama World?'Sure i guess'.So they went to the arcade and played games and Anne said'Who new the claw was so fun!''Yeah get used to it every kid in the world and their tama moved here because the King thinks we'll last longer'Anne didnt respond.So they went to visit the king he gave Furry a ring,Royal Costume,and a cape.So they walked home to there house right in front of King's Palace(78 King's Drive).
Wanna hear more about Anne and Furry tune in tomorrow
Wanna hear more about Anne and Furry tune in tomorrow