Tama v9's v3 log


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Right now I had to take the battery from the v5 and put it in the v3. Alex will run until Saturday if my sister doesn't see her tama is not running and get me grounded. so I will log about him now.

Alex- I'm a tamatchi!

Me- Yay!

Alex- I am now 12 lbs. last time I was 27... D:<

Me- Well sorry!

Anyway that is all the time I have. Also can someone please pm me when the v3 can get married? thank you!

On the v5 I just got the kuchipa Family and I'm very Happy!!!! Right now they are Jake and jason like their father and uncle.

Both together- WE HERE YOU.

Me- yea.... their getting ready for May's wedding....

May- Oh no!!!!! My dress ripped!!!!!!!

Me- Too much seriousness!!!!!!

Bye Cha!!!

sorry for short posts..... anyway Amy is an Obotchi!

Amy- :(

Me- Don't be upset.

Amy- I look HORRIBLE!!!!!

Jake- HAH HAH!!!!

Jason- Don't be so mean!!!

Amy- Thanks for standing up to me Jason.

Me- At least your brother is nice.

Jake Sr.- Jake your grounded for being mean to your sister!

Jake- Awwwww.... Come on!

Jason- you deserve it.

Emily(mamapatchi)- Jason, Jake, Amy! Brunch!!!!

All Together- OK!!!!!


Emily- Amy don't be upset just because your Obotchi.

Amy- But I look UGLY!!!! :(

Emily- Amy... I went through the same thing. I'll talk to you later.

Everybody- Bye Cha!!!!!

(P.S. May is married to Mumutchi!)

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Forgot to say Jake and Jason left and now we have Cody the Mamekatchi.

Amy- Nice to meet you cody!

Cody- Nice to meet you to!

Jake- Cody stay away from her!

Cody- Why?

Jake- Because I said. Your Aunt is getting ready for her marriage tomorrow. She needs alone time.

Amy- Jake I don't need alone time. I want to spend my time with my nephew.

Jake- Fine, do what you want to do. At least I'm married and Mature!

Amy- .............. :( *cries*

Cody- Dad, What did you do?!

Jake- Nothing! I was just making a point!

Cody- You know she can't get married until she's SIX!

Jake- I know. I also was saying I'm Mature.

Cody- well you have a bad way of showing it..... *runs off to Amy's house*

Jake- Dang it!

What will happen to Cody? What will Jake do? What will Amy do? Stay tuned into this log and find out soon!

(P.S. If I call her May, its by accident.)

(P.S.S Amy's boyfriend is now Robotchi)

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Flashback! Amy had a child and I named her May. She is now Hikotchi.
Hey everyone! May is asleep right now and is a Hikotchi. I plan to make her a bad care character. bye!

P.S. I would add photos but my camera has no USB at the moment.

Also, Jake came and got Jason and grounded him and Jason is feeling miserable.

I would like Fan-mail from my log Fans! Thank you! :)

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Alright here is what we did today.

May went to my sis's B-Ball game. Sis lost but tried her best. Cody(Jason's smart family son)is Hagtugatchi and is getting married tomorrow and so is May. May went to Dry cleaner's. Not to get washed. -.- cody got ignored by sis and I took care of him. May went to Chinese Restraunt and Cody stayed home and thought he was to smart for that and ended up starving himself. Also, I did notice a different animation for the Smart Family. That all I have to say. Bye! :3

I would like Fan-mail from my log fans!

Tama v9, Cody, and May! Bye!

Quick update.... May won't get married for some reason and I'm worried because the Valentine's Hatch is tomorrow. Please send me when she can get married. She is 6 right now. Cody just got married and I'm sad.

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Alright May left and had her child on Monday, yesterday she left around 4:30 and I named the baby Samou because he's a boy and Kajah gave me the name. Thanks Kajah! Anyway, he is asleep right now with being 35 lbs. wow. I'm aiming for an average care, you know. This is it for now so... BYE!

I still would like Fan-Mail! :)
