Tama Suku, V3 and V2 Log!


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Guess what?


Capsi turned into a...............Hinotamatchi and Esalo turned into a.........Hashitamatchi!!!!!

:furawatchi: Not exactly the best characters in the world I know, I was hoping for Capsi to turn into a Young Robotchi but it failed.... :( If anyone has gotten Robotchi before and they know how to get it, please PM me and tell me how, I will be very grateful. :angry:


I heard somewhere that you always let the hungry hearts drop and you get a Robotchi. I've done this a lot but so far I've gotten a Kuchipatchi and Gunjirotchi as results...


Avoca hasn't turned into anything yet...in fact I don't think he's even turned 1 yet!


Tommy, my sister's tama has already turned into a teen...(A Hinotamatchi! :blink: )


More news! :D


Today, Capsi got a ! letter saying that he can now go to school! I let him go and the teacher came. (Don't know what he's called.) I pressed A thinking that it would be the same as pressing B but instead, a different teacher came!


I was really shocked! :p I pressed A again and another teacher came! I pressed A then A over and over and finally decided on the Art teacher! (Hoping that Capsi would turn into an artist? Hope he does!)


I'm going to Clara's house for a BBQ so I'll be able to connect with her tamas and I might also be able to connect my Tama Suku with an Entama!!! :angry:


I better go!


Maybe more updates later!

Sorry, can't read your comment. >.<; but thanks anyway!


I know, I haven't updated in a loooooooooong time! (Sorry, it's mu first week of high school and

I've been getting heaps of homework every day)


Ok...so...ummm...where was I? Oh yeah! Capsi and Esalo both turned into......Gozarutchis!!! AND Avoca turned

into a...........Hatenatchi!!!


The matchmaker came on all of them and...both Capsi and Esalo both got boys. (No.more.BOYS!!! :lol: )

AND luckily, Avoca got a girl!!! My sister's tama, Tommy died though. :angry: She THOUGHT she set the time to 9 PM but

she actually set it to 9 AM when she went to school a few days ago and she found her tama had died after about

3 hours AFTER she got home!


She resetted her tama and got a girl! As an experiment, she left 5 spaces in her name and pressed enter and now, her

baby girl doesn't have a name!!! My sister isn't being very nice to the poor baby, she was really hingry and unhappy and sick after about 5 minutes since her birth and was left all by herself so I started looking after her for a bit and thought up the name Snow for her.


Right now she's a Nikatchi but more about that later!


Capsi, Esalo and Avoca have left and they all left at different days. Capsi left first, then Esalo and Avoca was supposed to leave the day after Esalo had left but I didn't want all the babies so apart so I made Avoca leave the same day as Esalo.




Ok, Capsi's baby:


Name:Celry (short for Celery)

Age:1(turning 2 today I think)


Weight:38 lbs



Training bars:lllll






Celry's teacher is the one that teaches Fashion. :D





Ok...now Esalo's baby:





Weight:21 lbs

Hungry: (....ah now it's full!)llll





Ok...now Avoca's baby!



Age:0 (supposed to turn 1 soon)







Peach is the youngest and I think I started taking care of her at about 5 PM

yesterday so that's why she hasn't evolved yet...I set the time to 8 AM when I started looking after

her so that maybe she wouldn't fall behind but I guess it just didn't work. :(

Oh my gosh, I'm so dumb! I forgot to add what characters they were!!!









(Yes...another Minotchi...I was aiming for a Robotchi but it didn't work.)


Today, Peach and Tomat are supposed to evolve. Can't wait to see what they turn into!


I wanted Tomat to turn into a Mametchi and Peach to turn into a Memetchi but I think Tomat will turn into a Kuchipatchi

or maybe a Ginjirotchi and I don't know about Peach...maybe a Memetchi...


Anna's tama has turned into a Hatenatchi!!! She wasn't very impressed but it was her own fault that she didn't take care of her tama properly!

Tomat turned into a Tarakotchi (No.More.TARAKOTCHIS!!! ;) :p :eek: ) and Peach turned into a Nikatchi!


I mated Tomat with my sister's tamagotchi and they got.................2 boys! (No more boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Tomat and my sister's tama have left and now we're looking after the boys. I named mine Letce (Lettuce) after going through vegetable names and my sister named her boy Gus.


My V4s buttons stopped working so I followed a TT users instruction and took the tama apart and see if anything was jammed in the buttons. I fixed the buttons but then, the pixels wouldn'y show! I thought it was broken and got really upset but the reason it was pixeless was because I didn't screw the screws in tight enough!


I tightened and retightened them a few times and the V4 was fixed!!! So happy! :eek: After all that, I mated Peach and Celry and they got............2...............GIRLS!!! YES!!! FINALLY a GIRL on my V4 after 3 generations of waiting!!!!!!


I don't know what I'll name them yet...I have to check on my list of tama names...


This time, I'm going to mate Letce (V3) with my V2 girl and my V4 girl with Gus! (my sisters V2)

Hopefully it'll be all girls this time because I don't want anymore boys!!!


My Tama Suku had lost a few students but they graudally came back and now I've got 83 again! Apart from that, pratically NOTHING'S happened!

Sorry for not updating for so long!


This is the picture requested! Sorry I'm late! :lol:




I will update later (got a friend over, can't be long...)






Wow! 4th page! :lol: Ok....ummm...I don't know where I was...ummm...oh yeah! Ok...my tamagotchis evolved like this:


(Peach and Celrys girls)


Berri: (V4) Petichi>>Mohitamatchi>>Hinotamatchi (I think)>>Pyonkotchi


Cheri:(V2) Puchitchii>>Hidatchi>>??>>Hatenatchi


Letce: (V3) Teletchi>>Mizutamatchi(??)>>Piroriroritchi>>Gozarutchi (I think...)


I mated Gus with Berri and Cheri with Letce and they all got...........boys!!! (NO MORE BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ :D )


I had so much trouble with names...again and decided on Broco(lli), Cauli(flower) and Aspa(ragus)

Broco is my V4, Cauli is my V2 and Aspa is my V3.


Broco is a Mizutamatchi, Cauli is a Marutchi and Aspa is a Petitchi.


I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow...got heaps of homework. I don't ever get any time to watch even a bit of TV!

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Yesterday, the 3 tamas evolved while I was at school(?) Cauli turned into a.............Mohitamatchi! Aspa turned

into a.............Nikatchi and Broco turned into a...........Gurumetchi! I was excited about the Gurumetchi especially

cos I haven't had one before...hehehhe...

My Tama Suku hasn't done much today...a student (I forgot it's name) came to ask if if you ate Konyaku (a Japanese food that is like jelly...never tasted it before) you get better at ballet. I answered no and she said something like: "Yeah! I thought so! You should practice ballet hard to get better at it!" and she went away.

Yeah...Broco, Cauli and Aspa all have 3 training points...Oh yeah! I forgot to say! Broco got a ! letter to say he was to go to school! This time, I chose the flower teacher to teach my tama!

Broco just beeped! What do you need lil boy?......Oops! Hungry meter dropped....There! All better!

Oh yeah...ummm...I nearly forgot...Berri got work as a TV Reporter! (Last gen) Pretty cool eh? :eek:

Guess what?


Broco turned into a.............Pyonchitchi! Cauli turned into a...........Gozarutchi! AND Aspa turned into



I'm not upset or anything with the results this generation! I think my sister's tama, Corn just evolved! I'll

go check what he turned into!



Oops...got to go! I'll update again soon! :D

My 3 tamas are now 6 but the matchmaker hasn't come yet! This time I want at least 1 girl!


Broco FINALLY got a job today! FINALLY after 3 days of waiting! I think he got a job as a Carnival person...

He collects balloons at the carnival...


Oh yes, my sister's tamagotchi has again turned into a.........Hatenatchi! Well, it is her fault you know...anyway, better go! See you! :furawatchi:

The matchmaker came yesterday for all my tamas!

Aspa got a..............BOY!!!

Cauli got a...................GIRL!!! (YES A GIRL FINALLY!!! :D )

AND Broco got a...........GIRL!!! (YAY!!! 2 GIRLS!!! :) )

My sister's tama died yesterday, poor thing. :huh: I feel sorry for Corn. :) My sister started

again and got a boy, she named him Corn the second!

I think Aspa, Cauli and Broco will go tomorrow, I tried to make them leave today but

it failed so I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow!


Today when I got home from school, I started looking after my tamas!

My V4 was the first one to wake up, I named her Grape. I changed the time on my V2 and V3. First, I named my V2 Pear and my V3 Adrin (The end of Mandarin with the letters swapped around)

After an hour and a half Grape turned into a............Mohitamatchi! Pear into a.......Marutchi and Adrin a......Tamatchi!

Grape hasn't got a ! mail to say she can go to kindegarten yet. :wacko: I'm still waiting....


Grape got the kindergarten teacher! Hmm...wonder what my tamas will turn into tomorrow? I need to check the V4 Growth Chart to see what my tama could turn into. I have one of my own but I have no idea where it's gone...

Ok...today.......after about...an hour and a half.........

Grape turned into a.............Young Dorotchi!!! AND......Adrin turned into a...........Kuchiatamatchi....

AND Pear turned into a..............Oniontchi!!! :)

I need to check what Grape and Adrin can turn into next...

I'm aiming for Grape to be a Pukatchi. She's got more smartness points so I think she might turn into one...

I don't know about Pear and Adrin though...I have a feeling I'll have another Hatenatchi and Tarakotchi...hope I don't! ;)

A ! letter came for Grape yesterday and I chose out the turtle teacher for her. That way there are more chances for her to turn into a Pukatchi!

This generation, I haven't really been raising the training bar for anyone I think...I think I'll go wake them up now so I can raise their training bars a bit! (Over here it's currently 6:53 am! I'm becoming an early bird...how interesting... :) )

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Yesterday, Grape turned into a..................Pyonkotchi!!! :huh:

Today, Adrin turned into a...............bill...(I Hate BILLS!!! NO MORE BILLS!!! :huh: )

Pear turned into a......Masktchi!!! (Well...I've had heaps of those...not sick of them or anything though... :huh: )

Grape got a ! letter today but...she didn't get a job!! It's not fair!!! :ph34r:

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Grape finally got a job as.............a teacher! AND she got the matchmaker straight after I mated Pear and Adrin (They got 2 boys...UUUUHHHHHHHH!!! ^_^ :D :D ) Grape married a Pyonkotchi and they got.............a GIRL!!!! YIPPEEEEE! :eek: Hopefully I'll get 3 girls soon...

Two days ago, I named the baby girl on my V4, Mandi (Mandarin), the boy on my V3 Corn and the boy on my V2 Beans.

An hour and a half after taking care of them, Mandi turned into a Mohitamatchi, Corn turned into a Tamatchi and Beans turned into a Hidatchi! :D

Yesterday, a bit after I got home from school, Mandi turned into a........Ichigotchi!!! (I haven't had one in ages!) Corn turned into a.........Nikatchi! (I had a feeling he would...) and Beans turned into a.............Hinotamatchi!!! (Not too bad.)

I'm aiming for Mandi to turn into a Memetchi maybe and Beans and Corn into anything but a Tarakotchi, Masktchi or Gozarutchi. I'm sick of those characters...I hope I get a Kuchipatchi, Robotchi or a Ginjirotchi or any of that sort...

Yes yes and triple YES!!!

Yesterday Mandi turned into a MEMETCHI!!! :)

Finally, I get a character that I like. I now have a feeling that Corn will turn into

a Bill, Tarakotchi, Masktchi or a Gozarutchi and that Beans will turn into a Nyorotchi......

I'm kind of looking forward to the results but in a way I'm not.

Beans and Corn will be evolving today so...yes...I've been trying to raise their training a bit

more and kind of succeeded, don't think it'll do much though. Corn now has 6 bars of training and

Beans has 4...Hey, Beans only had 2 bars of training this morning, it's better than that!

I haven't been able to look after my tamas that much the past few weeks because I'm in a hard high school

program this year called French Immersion where you learn the language totally. This week was like an exam week

where if we didn't pass, we would get kicked out so I was studying a lot most of the time.

Corn and Beans should be evolving soon...hope they do...in a way...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

I didn't get any bad characters!!!!!!!!! While I was eating Corn and Beans started to evolve!!!

You'll never guess what they turned into.........................................................................Corn...


BILLOTCHI!!! He's so cute!!! I've wanted one for sooo long now!!!!!!!!!!


KABUTCHI!!! I know they arn't very good characters but they are sooooo cute!!! If I had taken care of him

any badder, Beans would of turned into a Kusatchi or Nyorotchi... :kuribotchi:

Oh yes...another good thing happened!!! Mandi got a ! mail and went around looking for a job...and on the second place where she went, she got the job!!! FINALLY one of my tamas gets a job the first time round. ;)

She got a job as a........................Fashion Designer!!! :ichigotchi:

I connected Corn and Mandi 10000 times to make them fall in love and it worked! It's just that now, Corn has to

turn 5 before they can mate and I'll have to wait till about 7 PM (about 11 hours from now....)

I was going to mate the most cutest character with Mandi but they were both soooo cute....

I've got heaps of great things to tell you!



Mandi got a job and on the first round of jobs too!!! She is now, I'm proud to say, a Fashion Designer! :huh:






I was on my way to the city next door and it takes about an hour to get there and hour to come back so I thought I would play games to get Mandi's fashion level up to 350 so she would turn into the special character, Makikotchi!!!


I made Mandi go to work 1000000000000000000 times so that the Fashion points would build up quicker. After I got home, the fashion points were up to about 352 points and Mandi wouldn't evolve!!! I quickly went on the internet and

found that.............you have to have 450 points altogether including Smartness and Kindness points and that 350 of them would have to come from the Fashion Points!!!


Irritated I worked my way up to 450 and finally....Mandi...turned into....a..MAKIKOTCHI!!!


By that time, Corn was the right age to mate so....I connected Mandi and Corn while I had my fingers crossed praying for two girls and................I GOT 2 GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :) ;) :lol: :wub:


The matchmaker hasn't come for Beans yet and I'm hoping she will come soon cos Corn and Mandi are leaving tonight and I don't want Beans's baby to be a totally different age!!!

THE MATCHMAKER STILL HASN'T COME FOR BEANS YET!!!!!!!!!! It's soooo not fair!!!!!!!!!

I've waited for ages....and ages....and ages....and ages...(LOL even though it's only been 2 days...hehe)


I started taking care of my baby girls today straight after I got home from school. I named the V4 girl Melon

and the V3 girl Mango. (I wish I saved the name Mandi till this generation cos then all my tamas could of been the 3 Ms...)


After an hour, Melon turned into a.........Mohitamatchi and Mango a..........Mizutamatchi! (Talk about heaps of Ms...LOL)


This generation, I want 3 good characters. I'm aiming for a Kuchi, Mame and Memetchi.


Oops! Got to go help my mum!


See you maybe tomorrow! :unsure:
