Tama School


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Blaze continues to play with his Iphone, particularly enjoying the games he downloaded onto it.

Cade gets up and goes over to Tamia. "Hi, I'm Cade. Nice to meet you."

Name: Isis

Age: 11

Height: About one and a half metres

Subject for Class: English

Teacher or Student? Student

Hi Cade and Lovelitchi

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Tamaia get out her Iphone and listins to music through headphones

Name: Amber, a Memetchi

Age: 16

Height:5 feet

Subject for Class: good at reading but terrible at math

Teacher or Student? student

Blaze puts his feet on the empty desk in front of him. "So boring.. And who are all these new tamas in our class?" He asked.

Cade rolled his eyes at Blaze's comment and began to read a action novel.

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